Pippa UK Wrestling Star

fciwomenswrestling.com article, Pippa Twitter Photo
People who receive more responsibility in their field of choice tend to have certain common traits and skill application. They are traits that often take years of self-reflection, change and improvement.
For the United Kingdom wrestler, Pippa the Ripper, a large weight of responsibility was placed upon her shoulders when industry leader Honey decided to close down the famous London Wrestling Studios at the first of the year.
For Honey to make the decision that Pippa would be worthy of that honor she must have believed that Pippa demonstrated the personality traits suitable for someone to carry on where so much history once took place. Taking on more responsibility can challenge our abilities, skillsets and potentially lead to a promotion.
The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That’s the day we truly grow up.………John C. Maxwell
What are some of the characteristics of people who take on more responsibility?
The well-read personal finance site wallstcheatsheet.com provided us with a nice responsibility template.
- Be interested in your company or sport. You can do this in several ways. Know about your company: know the clients, the workers, and all other important information. One of the first steps to showing your boss that you can handle more responsibility is to show your interest in your job and the place you work.
- Build Your Skills. No matter the reason if you want more responsibility, building your skills will help you. Certain job duties require specific skills, so even if you are responsible, and even if you ask to do a certain project, you won’t be able to do it unless you have the necessary skills.
In Pippa’s case she expanded her skills through martial arts training.
- It’s important to work well with others. This is vital in any career situation, but it is especially important if you want to become a manager or supervisor. Your boss needs to know that you can interact with your coworkers in a pleasant way.
It’s also important that you show leadership qualities; take initiative on projects, but also be open to hearing other people’s ideas and working with them. Even if you don’t want to be in a supervisory role, just showing that you value other people’s opinions shows that you are responsible. Also, help other people when you can. If you consistently help your teammates, your boss will be more open to assigning you more work because you will have already proved that you can handle it and that you are dependable.
- Be assertive. Ask for more responsibility. Start by scheduling a meeting with your boss to discuss your current job duties. Have a plan ahead of time so that you know exactly what you want to say. The point of your meeting should be to clearly explain why you want more responsibility.
- Be a reliable and consistent worker. If your boss does agree to give you more responsibility, make sure that you take even the smallest change in duties seriously. You need to prove that you can handle your original job duties, as well as any changes that your boss suggests.
Find joy in everything you choose to do. Every job, relationship, home… it’s your responsibility to love it, or change it.…….Chuck Palahniuk
In watching the career of Pippa, she certainly evolved and exemplified those qualities well. In speaking to us, Pippa exudes confidence, maturity and experience.
“Welcome to The Submission Room. I am Pippa the Ripper and I have been wrestling since 2006. I owe a lot of my training and experience to the wonderful Honey, from London Wrestling Studio, who passed on her wrestling knowledge to me several years ago. My passion for wrestling resulted in me opening my own wrestling studio – The Submission Room.
We have lots of very talented and beautiful female wrestlers waiting to grapple with you on the mats.”
Pippa has developed a great reputation in the industry among producers and customers alike.
Honey delighted fans with this announcement about Pippa. “Great looks and awesome strength make PIPPA THE RIPPER a real winner – check out those defined muscles in her calves and thighs. Our longest standing wrestler, PIPPA quickly established herself as one of our most consistently popular athletes. Whether it is a session or event, she possesses a real desire to win. Also take note – PIPPA holds the title of LWS School Girl Pin Queen! Her great attitude makes her the perfect choice for all our fans.”
The FVF wrestling industry leader Femwin, a company that has worked with London Wrestling Studios in the past expressed this about our new leader. “One of the most skillful girls at London Wrestling Studios. This young lady is a tough match for any male or female opponent anywhere near her weight. She loves to wrestle, in any style of match, and is very determined to win!”
Here is what a customer shared about her exceptional customer service.
“I met Pippa last year. She is a very skilled wrestler and great fun. She totally humiliated me, with a seemingly endless variety of painful and inescapable holds. The whole experience was exciting and fun, yet somewhat terrifying because she was in such total control.
I’m 6’2″ and 72kg – so tall and slim and although I’m reasonably fit, I didn’t have a chance: she was stronger, faster and more skillful than me. Highly recommended”
The future of women’s wrestling in England still looks bright. Pippa will have a well-balanced venue.
Female Competition International would like to wish Pippa great success in her new role and based upon her dynamic and well respected past, we are certain the best years are yet to come.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.