Newer Female Wrestlers, Study, Perform Groin Injury Prevention Exercises,
June 19, 2022,
You never have to guess if you have a groin injury.
They are so painful, you will absolutely know it.
True story.
A friend in our circle wanted to strengthen his quadriceps so, different from his usual routine, he decided to try the leg press machine.
He set it to a light weight resistance and it was so easy to push that he did a substantial number of them. He figured that since he was using a very light weight load, he would not get injured.
Later that night, while asleep, he felt a severe groin strain and since it wasn’t there before, he concluded those excessive leg presses were the culprit.
Always remember, when you have a groin injury, they are so painful, you will know it.
In human anatomy, the groin is the junctional area between the abdomen and the thigh on either side of the pubic bone.

This is also known as the medial compartment of the thigh that consists of the adductor muscles of the hip or the groin muscles.
A pulled groin muscle usually refers to a painful injury sustained by straining the hip adductor muscles.
One of the mistakes our associate made was that he didn’t stretch ahead of time. He assumed that since he had already been working out, his body was already warmed up.
Yes, that was true.
The upper body, not the lower one.
Always gently stretch and warm up the lower region of your body, even if you have been working out upstairs.
To help prevent groin injuries and to help heal them, especially if you already have one, let’s walk over to the bookstore for some suggestions.

The SAGES Manual of Groin Pain 1st ed. 2016 Edition
by Brian P. Jacob (Editor), David C. Chen (Editor), Bruce Ramshaw (Editor), Shirin Towfigh (Editor)
“This manual captures and summarizes the key elements in management of groin pain, including relevant anatomy, etiologies, diagnostic evaluation tools, imaging, detailed pharmacologic options, interventional modalities and options for operative remediation.
The manual separately addresses the management of intrinsic groin pain due to primary disease processes and secondary groin pain due to a prior operation.
Current practices, trends in the field, treatment approaches and controversies are addressed. While the primary audience of this book will be general surgeons performing hernia operations and pain management specialists to whom they refer, the SAGES Manual of Groin Pain will serve as a stand alone state-of-the-art resource for all providers who deal with this diagnosis, including primary care providers, sports medicine specialists, gynecologists, urologists, orthopedists, neurologists, physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists, radiologists, physical therapists, industry personnel and importantly, patients who suffer from groin pain who have copious access to health information, but without the filtering, expertise and context provided by the contributors to this manual.
This volume also uniquely provides its audience with narrative first-person accounts of some of the most common and challenging causes of pain, so that others can learn from their presentation, pitfalls, successes and failures. The expertise compiled in this manual will give the readership a pragmatic foundation to optimize the diagnosis and management of our patients with this challenging problem.”
Great job.
Here is a review of the book. It is good to listen to what others have to say.
Editorial Review
“This addition to the SAGES Manual series covers in exhaustive detail the evaluation, differential diagnosis, and management of groin pain. … The audience includes a wide variety of practitioners: surgeons and physicians in other specialties including sports medicine and physical medicine and rehabilitation. … This is a much-needed resource. … No other book brings the full spectrum of diagnostic possibilities and therapeutic options together so well. … This book deserves to become a classic in the field.” (Carol Scott-Conner, Doody’s Book Reviews, April, 2016)”
Hopefully, after that description, if you purchased the book, it would give you helpful viewpoints from both a professional and every day athlete’s perspective.
We always love to seek additional support and we believe we have a visiting writer who can provide us with that.
A Complete Treatment and Management Plan for Groin Strain

By Brad Walker
The following is a very thorough and detailed management plan for the full recovery and rehabilitation of a groin strain.
Considering this management plan was written over ten years ago, my only addition would be the reduction of ice therapy and the addition of massage and heat therapy during the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th phase. Regardless of my suggestions, the following will be extremely useful for anyone who is, or has suffered from a groin strain.
Injury Situation:
A women varsity basketball player had a history of tightness in her groin. During a game she suddenly rotated her trunk while also stretching to the right side. There was a sudden sharp pain and a sense of “giving way” in the left side of the groin that caused the athlete to immediately stop play and limp to the sidelines.
Symptoms & Signs:
As the athlete described it to the athletic trainer, there was severe pain when rotating her trunk to the right and flexing her left hip. Inspection revealed the following:
- There was major point tenderness in the groin, especially in the region of the adductor magnus muscle.
- There was no pain during passive movement of the hip, but severe pain did occur during both active and resistive motion.
- When the groin and hip were tested for injury, the hip joint, illiopsoas, and rectus femoris muscles were ruled out as having been injured; however, when the athlete adducted the hip from a stretch position, it caused here extreme discomfort.
Management Plan:
This detailed management plan comes from one of my old university text books, called Modern Principles of Athletic Training by Daniel D. Arnheim. It’s one of those 900 page door-stoppers, but it’s the book I refer to most for information on sports injury prevention and rehabilitation. It’s extremely detailed and a valuable resource for anyone who works in the health and fitness industry. So…
Based on the athletic trainer’s inspection, with findings confirmed by the physician, it was determined that the athlete had sustained a second-degree strain of the groin, particularly to the adductor magnus muscle.
Phase 1
Management Phase: Goals: To control haemorrhage, pain and spasms. Estimated Length of Time (ELT): 2 to 3 days.
Therapy: Immediate Care: ICE-R (20 min) intermittently, six to eight times daily. The athlete wears a 6-inch elastic hip spica.
Exercise Rehabilitation: No Exercise – as complete rest as possible.
Phase 2
Management Phase: Goals: To reduce pain, spasm and restore full ability to contract without stretching the muscle. ELT: 4 to 6 days.
Therapy: Follow up care: Ice massage (1 min) three to four times daily. Bipolar muscle stimulation above and below pain site (7 min).
Exercise Rehabilitation: PNF for hip rehabilitation three to four times daily (beginning approx. 6 days after injury)
Optional: Jogging in chest level water (10 to 20 min) one or two times daily. Must be done within pain free limits. General body maintenance exercises are conducted three times a week as long as they do not aggravate the injury.
Phase 3
Management Phase: Goals: To reduce inflammation and return strength and flexibility.
Therapy: Muscle stimulation using the surge current at 7 or 8, depending on athlete’s tolerance, together with ultrasound once daily and cold therapy in the form of ice massage or ice packs (7 min) followed by light exercise, two to three times daily.
Exercise Rehabilitation: PNF hip patterns two to three times daily following cold applications, progressing to progressive-resistance exercise using pulley, isokinetic, or free weight (10 reps, 3 sets) once daily.
Optional: Flutter kick swimming once daily.
General body maintenance exercises are conducted three times a week as long as they do not aggravate the injury.
Phase 4
Management Phase: Goals: To restore full power, endurance, speed and extensibility.
Therapy: If symptom free, precede exercise with ice massage (7 min) or ice pack.
Exercise Rehabilitation: Added to phase 3 program, jogging on flat course slowly progressing to a 3-mile run once daily and then progressing to figure-8s, starting with obstacles 10 feet apart and gradually shortening distance to 5 feet, at full speed.
Phase 5
Management Phase: Goals: To return to sport competition.
Exercise Rehabilitation: Athlete gradually returns to pre-competition exercise and a gradual return to competition while wearing a figure-8 elastic hip spica bandage for protection.
Criteria for Returning to Competitive Basketball:
- As measured by an isokinetic dynamometer, the athlete’s injured hip and groin should have equal strength to that of the uninjured hip.
- Hip and groin has full range of motion.
- The athlete is able to run figure-8s around obstacles set 5 feet apart at full speed.
Article by Brad Walker. Brad is an internationally recognized stretching and sports injury consultant with 20 years of practical experience in the health and fitness industry. Brad is a Health Science graduate of the University of New England and has postgraduate accreditations in athletics, swimming and triathlon coaching. He has worked with elite level and world champion athletes and lectures for Sports Medicine Australia on injury prevention. Brad is also the author of The Stretching Handbook, The Anatomy of Stretching and The Anatomy of Sports Injuries.
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NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.