Newer Female Wrestlers, Learn The Triangle Choke, Secure The Submission, G-Force-Vision-Shutterstock-photo-credit-
June 22, 2022,
We all want to win.
Most of us are willing to do what it takes to win.
It is the skillsets that take us to the next level to ensure that victory.
One of the skillsets that will take your wrestling to the next level is learning the Triangle Choke.
A Triangle Choke in judo, is a type of figure-four chokehold that encircles the opponent’s neck and one arm with the legs in a configuration similar to the shape of a triangle.
Applying pressure using both legs and the opponent’s own shoulder, the technique is a type of lateral vascular restraint that constricts the blood flow from the carotid arteries to the brain, potentially resulting in loss of consciousness in seconds when applied correctly.
Recent studies have shown that the triangle choke takes an average of 9.5 seconds to render an opponent unconscious from the moment it is properly applied.
When reviewing a match between England’s Axa Jay and the Czech Republic’s Lucrecia, we saw Axa apply this hold to perfection.
Strategically speaking, the triangle choke is a very effective attack employed from the bottom position, generally applied from the guard, or open guard.
The choke can also be applied in the mount, side mount and back mount positions by more advanced grappling practitioners.
The need for isolation of one arm could be a rationale for the frequency with which it is attempted in mixed martial arts and combat sports due to the brief vulnerability of one arm while executing hand strikes against an opponent in one of the aforementioned positions.
If you can effectively learn this method, wanting to win, your will to win, while learning this very valuable attack skillset, should increase your odds of victory substantially.
Let’s get additional ideas through book form.
Mastering Triangle Chokes Paperback – November 19, 2013

By Neil Melanson (Author), Marshal D. Carper (Author), Lance Freimuth(Author)
“In Mastering Triangle Chokes, Neil Melanson takes you deep into the grappling rabbit hole and teaches you how to apply the devastating triangle choke submission in virtually any scenario from your guard. Unlike other grappling instructional manuals, Mastering Triangle Chokes is not a random compilation of techniques.
It is a detailed system that teaches you how to capitalize on your opponent’s body position and direction of movement. It gives you a chess-like strategy for anticipating your opponent’s counters, allowing you to remain two steps ahead and shut down all possible escape routes. With more than 2,000 color photos and descriptive narrative, Mastering Triangle Chokes is the most complete tome ever written on the art of the triangle choke.”
Sounds very comprehensive and beneficial.
If you can master the Triangle Choke, it will take your wrestling game to a whole new level.
Let’s keep going.
We have a visiting writer with some additional suggestions.
Three Judo Mistakes I Make: Sankaku-Jime (Triangle Choke)
By Paul Herzog
One of the most common judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu submissions is the triangle choke, originally known in judo as sankaku-jime. It can be incredibly effective by players of all shapes and sizes, against many different opponents. The triangle choke is available from a wide variety of positions, and can be applied with blinding speed.
In the classic form, sankaku-jime is applied from the bottom guard position, when one of your opponent’s arms is inside your legs, the other outside. If their right arm is trapped inside, you’ll put your right leg up. Your knee will be resting on their shoulder, leg bent so that your calf is behind their head. To complete the triangle, bring your left leg up and hook the back of your left knee over your right leg, which should be close to your opponent’s right shoulder. Squeeze the space of the triangle smaller to finish the blood choke, with your right leg applying pressure from one side, the inside of their right shoulder from the other.
When I try sankaku-jime and fail, it’s usually because of one of these three mistakes:
1) I don’t control my opponent’s posture
Before I even start with the triangle, I have to break down their posture. If my opponent is sitting back on their heels, I’ll never be able to complete the hold, and when I put my right leg behind their head, all I’m doing is giving them a fairly easy guard pass. Once I have the weight of my leg behind their head, I can keep them in range…but I need to get them in range first.
Having strong control of their right arm and bringing it across their body is a good way to help break down their posture. If I combine that step with using my legs and hips to draw them closer, I’ll be able to continue the triangle attempt with a far greater chance of success.
2) I don’t get my calf far enough behind their head
When I slide my right leg behind their head, the farther it goes the better. I want the crook of my knee to be behind their neck, or very close to it. That way, I have plenty of space on the top of my ankle (or even better, my shin) for my left leg to go. If the only place I can hook my left leg is on the top of my foot, the best thing that’ll happen is I won’t be able to hold on for very long. Worst case, I will do damage to my right foot when the left leg bends it down, in an unnatural direction.
There are two tips to help me through getting sankaku-jime hooked in well at this point. One, I grab my right shin with my left hand before bringing my left leg over. This allows me to keep my opponent’s posture broken down, and make some positional adjustments. Two, I try not to panic. Look, my opponent is in a pretty lousy position, especially if I’ve kept control of his right arm across his body. He’s not going to tap before I sink the hold in…but he’s not happy about what’s going on. There’s no reason for me to rush through the hold and lose all the good things I have going on.
3) I don’t make the triangle small enough
So I get my opponent broken down, my leg firmly behind their head, and my left leg is hooked securely across the top of my ankle. I will never get them to submit (or pass out) if I don’t reduce the size of the opening that their head-and-torso are jammed into. The typical way this gets done is by pulling their head down, either by gripping the back of their head with my hands, or pulling my right leg down.
The problem with this is that my opponent is fighting me in that very direction…and is probably pretty sweaty. If they’re wearing a gi, it’s OK, because I’ll grab the collar behind their head. If not…I’ll be slip-sliding around as they try to regain their posture.
A way around this problem is to change the direction in which I collapse the triangle. Rather than a vertical squeeze, I can try to bring my knees together to shrink the space horizontally. This is easy to do if I bring my torso around to my right, away from my opponent’s arm stuck in the triangle. I don’t want to shrimp…I just want to rotate my upper body from in-line with my opponent to perpendicular. That motion will naturally push your right knee further into them and reduce the space, as well as driving them way off-balance (a good bonus side effect). If they can’t get back to their knees and regain posture, they’ll quickly tap, if not from the choke…just out of sheer frustration.
I love sankaku-jime…and I’m not alone. If you took a survey of favorite judo and BJJ finishes, the triangle choke would be right at the top of the list. But you’ll love it a lot more, and have far greater success, if you avoid the mistakes I make.
Paul Herzog and his son Christopher have been taking judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu instruction at Petushin Martial Arts since the new Rosemount, Minnesota facility opened in 2010. In addition to receiving some of the best grappling instruction in the Midwest, Paul has lost over 35 pounds, and Chris has gained strength and self-confidence. If either of those sounds appealing, please contact the academy at 612-991-9116 or go to [] to arrange your first visit!
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NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.