Like Artemis Vs Axa Jay, Great Female Grapplers Need Energy Food, article, photo credit
Infusions of energy fortunately do not fall into the category of either you have it or you dont.
It can be obtained by almost anyone if you eat the right foods.
We see so much dynamic energy on display when we venture into the world of competitive female submission wrestling events where pure energy is on display and hopefully sustained if youve been nourishing yourself with the right diet.
One such match that stands out among many that shows dynamic energy on display is a battle that took places several years ago at the great Femwrestle Events in Germany between Axa of the United Kingdom and Artemis of the Czech Republic.
Well sit along ringside and give you a blow by blow, hoping that the energy rubs off.
Among the talented Czech fighters including Siberia, Alkaia, Veneris, Lilith and Lucrecia; Artemis seems to be one of the toughest.
With her stealth body and streamlined look, she is a tactical warrior of great prowess. She is far more powerful than her physical stature lets on.
Here she meets rising star Axa Jay from England.
This match is early in both of their careers.
Axa Jay, UK Wrestler Proves She’s For Real – FEMCOMPETITOR …
Its hard to know what to expect except that both girls are stunning in pink. Axa sports a vibrant bikini while Artemis is adorned in her usual fitness attire, pink top and sexy light blue bottoms.
Artemis, Czech Alpha Wrestler, Fighting Fitness Warrior
This is a friendly match that goes back and forth with both exacting submissions.
As the two warriors initially vie for position its Artemis that controls the early part of the match.
Even though Axa starts out on top, Artemis still controls her with her strong legs and soon positions Axa on her side for a crunching body scissors.
Undaunted, when the next round starts, Axa fires back by attaining the top position and this time keeping it. She smothers Artemis out.
If Axas method of choice is the smother, Artemis has a force of nature in her legs using them as tactical weapons to change positions of weakness into ones of strength as she does Axa in round three.
Axa is in control of the round having Artemis underneath her for quite some time but makes the mistake of keeping her body upright which lends itself to a quick strike for entrapment in a head scissors which Artemis exacts very effectively.
Trapped with nowhere to go, Axa soon taps out.
Artemis is now exuding with confidence and begins the next stanza by maneuvering Axa into another brutal size body scissors.
In an odd way, given the eventual outcome of the match, its proof that both Axa Jay and Artemis are some of our industrys best.
Plenty of leg cranks and body scissors in close contact. One sexy match.

As important, one very energetic match, which brings us back to another great source of energy.
Dining on Salmon.
The informative site educates, Salmon’s nutritional benefits have been much touted for good reason. Fresh or canned, salmon delivers two powerful healing nutrients: protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Protein does more than rebuild muscle after a grueling run; it also repairs bones, ligaments, and tendons.
Salmon, with two grams of essential fatty acids per four-ounce serving, is doubly valuable.
Most of the girls in our grappling industry supplement their fitness program with running and no doubt for sustained energy, salmon would be a wonderful addition too.
Another informative global source adds, Salmon is high in essential omega-3 fatty acids that are needed for energy production, brain activity, and circulation as well as maintaining heart health.
Fantastic. Can we get a quorum?
Yes. At they supplement, With so much focus on the amazing omega-3 benefits of salmon, other unique health benefits from salmon may have been inadvertently overlooked. One fascinating new area of health benefits involves the protein and amino acid content of salmon. Several recent studies have found that salmon contains small bioactive protein molecules (called bioactive peptides) that may provide special support for joint cartilage, insulin effectiveness, and control of inflammation in the digestive tract.
Nice to get a second opinion.
We are convinced.
Now we could go out to super markets and even better, fish markets to purchase our Salmon but what if you could have absolutely fresh Salmon delivered to your doorstep?
Yes, its all about fresh seafood delivered overnight.
There are many cities where you can have that done and one such company that stood out to us is the Wild Salmon Seafood Market in Seattle.
We need an infusion of energy. Time for a meet and great. They have some explaining to do.
At their energetic site they share, Wild Salmon Seafood Market is Seattle’s premier fresh seafood market. For over twenty years, our company has been a leader in delivering top-quality fish and shellfish to Seattle area residents and restaurants as well as to your door.
Family owned and operated, we are Seattle’s finest seafood purveyor. Don’t confuse us with a mail-order or e-business. We are an actual seafood market located in Fishermen’s Terminal in Seattle, Washington.
Whether it comes from the Puget Sound, the Pacific Ocean or halfway around the world, our expert staff, refrigeration system and our state-of-the-art FedEx shipping system ensures your seafood arrives in excellent condition. Choose from our daily selection of fresh wild salmon, halibut, codfish, crab and other seafood by clicking here, or on our seafood specials or browse through our information pages.
Should you have any questions about our seafood, how much to order, or fresh seafood as a gift, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can be reached by telephone seven days a week from 8:30AM-6:00PM (Pacific Standard Time). Our toll free number is 1-888-222-FISH. Or email us at Our friendly, knowledgeable is here to assist you in all your seafood needs.
Sounds divine. If you didnt know that you can have Salmon at your door, well now you do.
So many of our submission wrestling girls live in big cities and can have this delivered to their door.
What a healthy delicacy.
The female grappling industry is filled with beautiful girls who need an infusion of long-term energy.
Eating Salmon is the right course to translate that energy to the grappling mats.
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