Laila vs Akela Classic article, Fight Pulse photo credit
First time impressions last a lifetime and can ignite dormant passions.
Thats how we felt when we first saw the gorgeous Laila in her first match at Fight Pulse wrestle the sensuous Xena. article, Fight Pulse photo credit
Fight Pulse obviously fell in love with her too when you read their match description. Lailas debut at Fight Pulse, in which she faces Xena, ends up being one of the most intense and aggressive matches we have ever filmed. It also is easily the sexiest.
We agree.
It reminds us of the lyrics from the elegant and smooth soulful singer Roberta Flacks classic, The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. article, photo
Please bath yourself in the first stanza.
The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave
To the dark and the endless skies my love
To the dark and the endless skies
Beautiful. Wouldnt you agree? So is Laila.
The song was popularized in 1972 in a version that became a breakout hit for Roberta.
The song first appeared on her 1969 album First Take.
Robertas slower and more sensual version was used by Clint Eastwood in his 1971 directorial film debut, Play Misty for Me, during a lovemaking scene. With the new exposure, Atlantic Records cut the song down to four minutes and released it to radio.
It became a very successful single in the United States where it reached No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 and easy listening charts in April 1972 for six week runs on each list.
Having said all of that you can imagine how we are excited to watch Laila compete against Akela in a very unique format that we are certain that you will like.
Here is the producers description.
HH-05: Akela vs Laila article, Fight Pulse photo credit
In our fifth installment of H2H format Akela faces Laila. This is the first time the two Fight Pulse wrestlers met on the mats. Laila expects to dominate this contest based on her size and strength, but she has yet to find out why Akela, although lighter, is a formidable H2H competitor. This is a very close and grueling battle between two strong and dedicated female warriors. Look out for one of the scissor challenges where a competitor briefly loses consciousness and almost passes out.
H2H is a concept we introduced last year, which has since grown increasingly popular with our subscribers. It consists of a series of challenges that test two competitors against each other. As usual, for easy reference, below we present the outline and guidelines of H2H contests.
H2H contest consists of the following 11 challenges:
#1 Fingerlock wrestling opponents lock their hands in a test of strength and try to get each other to either submit or get down on at least one knee
#2 Arm-wrestling laying down on the mats; once with each arm (possibility of a tie)
#3 Lifting the contestant who lifts their opponent and keeps them from touching the mats for the longest period of time wins this challenge; each chooses their lift type
#4 Push-ups the contestants do push-ups on referees count, and the one who stops sooner loses the challenge
#5 Leg wrestling once with each leg (possibility of a tie)
#6 Schoolgirl pin challenge this challenge follows the basic outline of our schoolgirl pin challenge videos (FW-12, FW-16 & FW-23); in order to get a point the contestant has to pin their opponents shoulders down to the count of ten within a one-minute period; each can choose their favorite type of sgpin
#7 Bodyscissors the contestant who withstands her / his opponents bodyscissors for the longest wins the point
#8 Front headscissors the contestant who withstands her / his opponents front headscissors for the longest wins the point
#9 Reverse headscissors similar rules to above
#10 Figure-four headscissors similar rules to above
#11 Reverse figure-four headscissors similar rules to above
The winner of most of these challenges is declared to be the winner of the contest. The maximum possible score is 11-0. The minimum possible difference is 0, since the challenge can easily end up being a tie. This could happen if 1, 3 (quite possible) or more (improbable, but not impossible) of the above challenges end up being a tie. The three challenges that can easily end up with a tie, as noted above, are arm-wrestling, leg-wrestling and sgpin challenges, when each contestant wins one of the rounds. As to other challenges, they could theoretically end up with a tie as well, if the times extremely close.
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Sources:, Wikipedia,, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.