Health Club Personal Trainer, A Fit Decision,,
There’s no place like home.
Except if you need to work out and try and stay in good shape.
Even more so if you are an athlete attempting to build muscle mass.
For those of us who have tried to build a home gym and work out there, it can be challenging.
We know. We’ve tried.
Adhering to a regular exercise schedule isn’t easy. Along with boredom, other scheduling activities getting in the way and a lack of dedication and drive, finding the time to work out at home in terms of consistency can be extremely hard.
Let’s say that you can get by the basic limitations. One of our friends found out that lifting primarily dead weights at home cannot match using machines at the gym. While you can stay in shape, you just can’t build up the same muscle mass as working out at the health and fitness club.
Part of the reason is the concept of increasing the density and mass of the weight work load that tends to reach a leveling point at home.
At the gym, there is no leveling point. You can add more weights and there is no ceiling on how in depth you can make your program especially if a Personal Trainer is available to you with your gym membership.
Have you ever used a Personal Trainer before?

We know by just placing the two words together what a Personal Trainer is, but for clarity and expansion, let’s clarify the definition anyway.
A Personal Trainer is an individual certified to have a varying degree of knowledge of general fitness involved in and instruction.
The operative word here is certified. They are not just flying by the seat of their pants dispensing fitness advice off the cuff.
They motivate clients by setting goals and providing feedback and accountability to clients. Trainers also measure their client’s strengths and weaknesses with fitness assessments.
Fitness Trainers should also educate their clients in many other aspects of wellness besides exercise, including general health and nutrition guidelines.
This is very important.
It is also essential that a trainer takes their time to evaluate a client’s personal life outside of the gym. This way, Personal Trainers can figure out what kind of stress their client may be putting on their mind which affect the body in certain aspects of their everyday lives.
Personal trainer accreditation is a process that provides certification of competency as a personal trainer.
A number of certifications are available in the United States.
Most require a high school diploma, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) certification, and some type of examination.
In terms of choosing a Personal Trainer, like any professional service you choose to use, you should get references and read their online reviews if available.
One such believer in Personal Trainers is our visiting writer, Jana L. Beutler, M.Ed.
She would like to introduce herself to you. “I’m really a small town girl who grew up in Idaho, lived in Tucson AZ for nearly 25 years, and recently settled in Sacramento, CA.
I’ve been a writer since Mrs. Pittard’s first grade class, when I fell in love with stories. I have loved and lived reading and writing ever since. I got a Bachelor’s in Education from the University of Arizona, with Minors in French Lit and Psychology.”
Very impressive resume.
We think you’ll also be impressed with her research and enthusiasm for using Personal Trainers.
Please enjoy.
Benefits of Having a Personal Trainer – The Motivation Factor

If you have never had a personal fitness trainer, it’s probably good to get some idea of what you should expect from personal training – and what to ask any potential trainer, to make sure that you get a qualified trainer who understands your goals. Careful research and asking the right questions will help you avoid having an unpleasant experience that may lead to abandonment of your fitness or weight loss goals.
Finding a good personal fitness trainer takes time and effort on your part. But the research and time you put into finding the right personal trainer could make all the difference in whether or not you get results from your weight loss or fitness program.
A good personal trainer is one who will help you keep your fitness program interesting, so you won’t become bored, only to quit and not stick to your fitness program at all. Your personal trainer should incorporate a variety of different exercise programs and equipment – including the use of dumbbells, barbells, medicine balls, and maybe even kettlebells, ropes or sandbags. And if any of those sound unfamiliar to you, then there’s even more reason to hire a personal trainer to help you and teach you the most effective exercises for losing weight and improving your fitness level.
Once you have decided to hire a personal fitness trainer, he or she should match your requirements. And your expectations should be extremely high. Don’t skimp on the quality of the personal training to save money. Any money is wasted if you don’t get results.
Ask the personal trainers you are considering for a complimentary session or “test drive.” if you are going to invest a lot of money and time into a personal training program, you deserve to know what you are getting before you hand over the money. Any good trainer would be thrilled to introduce you to his/her training style with a free session or two, to familiarize yourself with the facility, his methods, and his qualifications.
Most trainers will offer an hour workout while others just one half hour. Some trainers will offer you work out sessions at your home, or personal training sessions in a professional studio or a gym. Whatever you decide, choose a comfortable environment, where you are confident that you will feel motivated, energized, and are able to be consistent with your fitness program. If it’s a place you don’t like to be, the chances are good that you won’t want to go. And that means that your chance of success is low.
When seeking out personal training, always verify your professional fitness trainer’s credentials. Always. And don’t assume that a certification is enough. A good trainer is more than a smart guy who passed a paper test about anatomy or physiology. He or she is personable, friendly, motivating and encouraging. Many personal trainers have knowledge about fitness but may not be able to teach you what they know or lack communication skills that make it easy for you to not only do what they say, but understand the reasons why.
Most professional personal fitness trainers will have you fill out a medical questionnaire before starting any program of fitness. Be accurate and honest in your answers. Next you may be asked to perform a series of exercises to assess your fitness level. That will determine, for the most part, where your weaknesses and strengths are.
You should have to have your height, weight recorded along with other measurements before you start your program. This is for the personal fitness trainer to keep track of your progress as you begin your fitness training and to make appropriate recommendations as he or she creates your personalized fitness program. The preferred method is bioelectrical impedance, just for the convenience of it, although it only provides an estimate of body fat percentage, and isn’t 100% reliable or accurate. But it’s a good start. If your trainer doesn’t know what bioelectrical impedance is – run for the hills. Calipers is another good way to measure, but will fluctuate based on how / who conducts the caliper test for body fat. Either way – you just need to know where you are when you start so you can measure progress over time.
Some people are wary of getting “before” pictures taken. If you’re uncomfortable having a personal trainer take your photo, then do one at home. Strip down to shorts, or running bra, or even swimsuit for the brave. I highly recommend this. That photo will be of great value to you later. I can’t tell you how many of my personal training clients say the WISH they had listened to me and taken a photo before their amazing transformation. That photo is a LOT less embarrassing months later, when you look great, confident and 20 pounds lighter!
Keeping a record of your diet is essential to a fitness program. We don’t always eat as well as we should. We have Busy lives, eating lots of fast foods can be unhealthy and your personal fitness trainer will let you know, and can suggest better alternatives for your goals of staying fit. Keeping a nutrition journal is crucial. Ask your trainer if they provide clients with a personalized nutrition and exercise journal that they fill out and show to their personal trainer on a regular basis. The act of journaling your food and keeping a diet journal can be a powerful tool for helping your success in getting results from personal training.
Certified personal fitness trainers should be educated in the areas of nutrition, and a proper diet, in addition to exercise, physiology and strength exercise.
They should be willing to create the right diet for you to follow and encourage you to follow your goals.
It’s always important that any personal fitness trainer is certified and carries insurance. But remember that not all certifications are the same. Some personal trainers are ‘certified’ online, or even by their facility. There are no strict regulations in the personal training industry for trainers – so don’t just take a certification as being a qualification. Look for a well-recognized national certification with strict requirements, mandatory continuing education, and proof of actual practical experience.
Another advantage of working with a trainer if you are in a gym or health club, is that working with a personal trainer often means no waiting or taking turns on machines or other fitness equipment.
Having a scheduled appointment for your training encourages you to attend your program regularly, and having a set personal training schedule with your trainer will increase your chances of consistency and success with weight loss.
A personal fitness trainer makes your appointments, sets time aside just for you, and keeps track of your progress by assessing your body fat and weight over time.
He/she will know your progress, and know what your endurance is, in order to prevent injuries from pushing yourself too much. Knowing your progress and having it recorded will give you feedback about how you’re doing, and what you need to change.
Having a personal fitness trainer helps, motivates and encourages you to stay with your fitness program, helping with both physical and mental health. And above all – will help you get faster weight loss and fitness results that you can maintain for the rest of your life.
Jana Beutler Holland, M.Ed. is a Tucson AZ Personal Trainer, Weight Loss Coach and Therapist. She is an expert on personal fitness training, nutrition and fitness for women. She has authored several programs, including The Curvy Woman’s Workout and Paleo Fat Blast Meal Plans and is a well-respected Nationally Published author and speaker on fitness, health and personal training in the Tucson Arizona area.
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