Gents, Upgrade To Ravishing Eligible, -By-kudla-Shutterstock-photo-credit-Editorial-use-
October 27, 2021,
It is a rather exclusive club for men to be in and for those of us in it, we love it.
Women seem to love that we are in that club too. Or, they are at least interested.
On October 2, 2021, FCI male members joined a club.
What club you ask?
The club that produces events at major hotels, like the San Francisco Airport Hyatt.
We know other males that do that as well. They have their own particular events but it is the position, not the event that counts.
Might be a good idea for us to get together and form an ego group. Not a support group. Don’t need that. A meeting where we swap war stories about gorgeous chicks coming on to us. Why?
Because we put on events.
Matt, another event producer relates his story.
It was time to wrap up his event preparations and he was sending out his final emails to some gorgeous models who would participate in a bikini photo shoot.
Matt was racing through them because he needed to hit the freeway by noon.
He was emailing this gorgeous babe in her late twenties with concluding emails but he couldn’t finish up with her. Why?

Because she kept sending him back emails of openings. One question after another. Every time that Matt would try and conclude, she would ask another question.
Finally it dawned upon Matt what was going on. It turned him on.
This chick is coming on to him.
Matt looked at the clock. He still had at least thirty minutes to spare. Okay, he decided to play along. He started sending her back open ended emails as well. He was started to really get turned on. This went on for about thirty minutes and then he wrapped it up.
What happened once the two met at the event?
What happens at the event, stays at the event.
Once Matt got back home, he did the math on the calculator that was adding up the eligible factors in her head.
Matt appeared to be single.
Matt is the type of male that puts on events. Poor males need not apply. This is the type of male who could drop $15,000 on an event and not blink.
Matt is the boss. He is not saying to her, I’ll get back to you after I talk to my supervisor. He is the final decision maker.
Matt has two dynamic websites that speak to different audiences.
Get the point?
Matt checked all of the right boxes to make him more eligible for her.
When it comes to ravishing, beautiful women, there are tons of them out there.

With high standards, great college resumes and even higher expectations.
The challenge for many males today is to build up their resume to place themselves in a position of strength when they meet these beautiful ladies.
These can be challenging times.
In 2013, FCI Women’s Wrestling Magazine wrote one of the most insightful articles that speaks to this subject.
The FCI Writer shared, “The New York Times reported women have represented about 57 percent of enrollments at American colleges since at least 2000, according to a recent report by the American Council on Education. The gender imbalance is also pronounced at some private colleges, such as New York University, and Lewis & Clark in Portland, Oregon, and large public universities in states like California, Florida and Georgia. The College of Charleston, a public liberal arts college in South Carolina, is 66 percent female.
A 2005 USA Today article updated in 2010 cites as women march forward, more boys seem to be falling by the wayside. Not only do national statistics forecast a continued decline in the percentage of males on college campuses, but the drops are seen in all races, income groups and fields of study, says policy analyst Thomas Mortenson, publisher of the influential Postsecondary Education Opportunity newsletter in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Since 1995, he has been tracking and sounding the alarm about the dwindling presence of men in colleges reports The Burlington Free Press.
There are more men than women ages 18-24 in the USA, 15 million vs. 14.2 million, according to a Census Bureau estimate last year. But nationally, the male/female ratio on campus today is 43/57, a reversal from the late 1960s and well beyond the nearly even splits of the mid-1970s.”
That was eight long years ago.
The gender reversal trend is continuing.
On September 14, 2021, The Atlantic shared, “American colleges and universities now enroll roughly six women for every four men. This is the largest female-male gender gap in the history of higher education, and it’s getting wider.”
The article adds that in 2020, USA colleges enrolled 1.5 million fewer students than five years ago, The Wall Street Journal recently reported. Males accounted for more than 70 percent of the decline.
Why is this significant?
It is all about eligibility.
Eligibility for what?
The status for beautiful women to be attracted to you.

Now remember, we didn’t say women who have little choices or options. We’re talking about beautiful college educated women with choices and options.
If a male can build up his resume and keep attaining more credentials, he will place himself in rarified eligibility space. Why?
You just read it
Males are not enrolling in college as much as they used to.
You, with your college degree, supplemental education and accomplishments have now placed yourself above the herd. Then, instead of being at a disadvantage, you are at a great advantage.
Women love confident men. They all seem to want to be romantically involved with the same guy. They love guys that other women are attracted to.
Why was Matt confident with his model prospect?
How many males that you know are producing events at five star hotels?
By the way, before the event? Matt went out and purchased some brand new threads. His time at the gym has paid off as well.
Matt had a ton of fun at his own event, because after all, there were other models there too. He decided not to take it too seriously, have a sense of humor and above all, have a great time.
True story. He ended up alone in a room with two beautiful girls.

We wish our personal story was as good as Matt’s.
Time to upgrade our resume.
What club are you in right now as a male? Do you like it?
If you don’t, you can do something about it. Life always gives us second chances.
Improve your resume. Do that?
There are keys to a superior club waiting for you with the gorgeous female concierge.

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OPENING PHOTO, -By-kudla-Shutterstock-photo-credit-Editorial-use-