Women Dressing Sexy, Yes Watch, With Discretion

August 28, 2020,
Origins of wisdom begin with listening to wise men. And women.
Then you have to apply it consistently.
Sometimes not so easy.
A wise man once said that discretion is the better part of valor. You’ve heard that one before, right?
What does it mean?
It is better to avoid a potentially dangerous situation than confront it. That’s called self-control.
Caution is preferable to rash bravery, as stated by Falstaff in King Henry the Fourth, Part One, by William Shakespeare.
He was a pretty wise guy too? True?
We thought of this after watching all of these sexy women parade around in outfits that we know they want us to watch, but they prefer that we do it with discretion.
That is part of the cat and mouse fun.
So discretion is the order of the day. Given how sexy so many women attire themselves, seemingly on purpose, there is a lot of discretion that needs to go around.
A person in our circle was in Japan in the 1980s. Talk about a society filled with discretion.
The erotic rage then was watching these super cute Japanese college girls in their school uniforms which consisted of very short plaid skirts and very high knee socks.
Our friend was like a kid in a candy store, especially when he saw a feminine girl with shapely thick thighs and calves.
Stare at her and smile?
Of course not.
In those crowded Tokyo subway train stations he figured out something fairly quickly. Whenever he saw a circle of girls dressed like that, talking and giggling, he would wait for them to board the escalator. Extended stairs would work fine too.
Be patient.
Just a little longer. Good.
Then he would board himself about 5-6 stairs below them. The up skirt views were incredible. Over and over. Course, if they ever turned around he would look at his watch or have a notebook convenient.
They knew what he was doing but in all fairness, he knew what they were doing too. Did they really leave home and believe that no one would be able to see their white panties under those very short skirts with the slightest Nippon breeze?
Confirmation is that one time a girl caught him peeking and they both made eye contact. She looked expressionless and instead of making an attempt to pull her skirt down, she just simply turned around, bent over a little to raise her socks and gave him a full view.
She then exited stage left at the top of the escalator and he never saw her again.
But he never forgot her.
Oh the memories of Tokyo. A land where erotic discretion is highly advised.
Then just enjoy yourself.
“Discretion is the perfection of reason, and a guide to us in all the duties of life.”… Walter Scott
Discretion when applied properly is so sexy. So classy. So elegant. So Tokyo.
Kevin Kline’s character found that out.

Consenting Adults is a 1992 American mystery crime–thriller film directed by Alan J. Pakula, and stars Kevin Kline, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Kevin Spacey and Rebecca Miller.
What should a person be discreet about?
The film’s tagline is: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife.”
Look. There is that warning. Again. Don’t look at your neighbor’s wife sunning herself in a bikini in her backyard by the swimming pool.
Very good advice wouldn’t you say? No doubt from a wise man.
Here is the storyline to the movie.
Composer Richard Parker and his wife Priscilla live an ordinary suburban life until they meet their new neighbors Eddy and Kay Otis. The two couples became friends. Kay’s talent for blues singing gets Richard’s attention, and Eddy is attracted to Priscilla.
It becomes clear that Eddy is a scam artist who fakes a neck injury after an auto accident for the insurance proceeds, the majority of which he offers to the Parkers as a gift.
Easy money.
Eddy later chastises Richard for not living dangerously, and suggests they swap mates for an evening.
The plot takes a nasty turn when Richard does sleep with Kay. Very erotci. A very intriguing film.
What spurred our analysis is that Richard clearly lusted after Eddy’s wife and instead of being discreet, he was too obvious about it and he provided Eddy with the opening he was looking for.
Richard was then easy prey.
The need to be discreet when beautiful women are all around us, tempting us, is paramount.
You know the scenarios.

The girl with the big shapely behind at the gym is wearing skin tight yoga pants. She works out while she is peering into the large gym mirror. Do you really believe that at least once she doesn’t look over at you to see if you are watching?
Now if she catches you glaring, that is a complete turn off. But if she senses you are watching but behaving discreetly, that often is a turn on.
You are walking down a crowed city street and a gorgeous woman is wearing white pants and dark panties. Do you really believe that she matched that outfit up by accident?
Glare at her and it is a turn off. Quietly walk behind her and keep discretion, she is very aware of what you are doing and likes it. Might even be offended if you weren’t looking.
The list of places where women dress so sexy, and it is impossible not to look, is endless.
“I don’t know what’s hipper: to Facebook or to Twitter. I just know for me, personally, discretion never went out of style.”… John Ridley
Ever been to a women’s water polo match? A swim meet? A tennis tournament? A Volleyball event? Relax on a Brazilian beach?
Here might be the exception to the rule.
At least if you ever show up to a fashion gala where models stroll the catwalk, sometimes in the skimpiest of attire, at least there you have complete permission to look. It is expected.
Good for you. So much fun.
But just remember, in virtually all other scenarios where a woman is dressing super sexy, she wants men to desire her and expects them to look.
It is part of the cat and mouse dance we’ve been playing for centuries and you know what?
When applied with discretion, it is incredibly fun.
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OPENING PHOTO grapplingstars.com-femcompetitor.com-fciwomenswrestling.com photo-via-Pinterest.