Vintage Women’s Wrestling, 1980’s Marina Rey Vs Maria Candelaria, Irma Gonzales, Sexy Domination, YouTube-upload-Grupo-Minlenio Editorial use
March 5, 2022,
Memories are embedded in our brains for many reasons. Mostly good we hope.
In our female wrestling industry where the lady pros roam and entertain, the memories can be sublime, even if at the beginning of the dawn of man and creation, our memory banks were not designed for that purpose.
But that’s okay. Haven’t some empty large Alhambra water bottles made great penny, nickel and quarter holders? Some of those empty book cases have turned into great slippers and shoe holders. How many times has your large towel served as a bath robe? Speaking of towels, how many times have you stepped out of the tub and onto a towel instead of a bath room rug?
Our brains are meant to be creative.
To improvise.
There’s nothing more memorable and creative than women’s lady pro wrestling.
Sometimes it’s easy to forget that and also forget some of the ladies from the past who made it great.
Especially the jobbers. We’re always going to remember the champions like Moolah but it is so easy for the jobbers to fall through the cracks.
There are many articles on the shelves of Femcompetitor Magazine that have not been published.
This is one of them, written in 2018.
The writer involved took some creative license, but all and all, we liked the humor.
Hopefully you will too.

Do you remember Marina Rey?
She wasn’t a jobber. She was an annihilator. It’s how she made everyone else look like jobbers that caught our eye. Including the legendary Ms. Irma Gonzalez.
While it lasts, watch her completely decimate Maria Candelaria in 1987.
The devastation is so complete it was hard for us to watch…..just once. So we watched it over and over again.
How many times can you lift some gorgeous thick babe into the air and let her land with a thud?
Answer? Apparently in Marina’s mind, not enough. Punches to the throat, body flips, poundings in the ropes, Marina shows the incredibly sexy Maria no mercy.
Neither does she show it to Irma.
To conclude her mastery over Maria, look at the semi-folding pin at the four minute mark.
Our legendary champion Irma opens the video signing autographs and looking very confident to almost cocky.
Our curvy darling is so used to winning and evidently expects to do so here with ease.
Irma looks mouth-watering as she takes her jacket off to show wonderful butter in all of her tight bathing suit. Talk about enabling our brains to think creatively.
There is nothing like watching an everyday good looking mature woman in a bathing suit about to get her over confident butt whipped.
She gets off to a good start over Marina. Our star using floor to neck head scissors to flip Marina more than once. She then flips her around the ring by the arm. Feeling her oats she trips Marina by the leg as well for good measure.
That ought to be a crowd pleaser.
Then Irma makes the mistake of getting into a wrist lock, struggles with the stronger Marina, who begins to realize she can hang in there in this little tussle.
Irma circles her, champion style, ready to engage only to find out that Marina is not your conventional fighter as she catches Irma off guard and kicks her in the butt.
Then she slaps Irma on the chin and Irma raises her arms palms out in surprise looking at the ref as if to say, “What is this?”
This is not wrestling. The ref looks back.
True that.
Sorry Irma. Daddy can’t help yah.
Before he can say look out, Marina punches Irma hard in the stomach then pushes the legendary one against the ropes, grabs her by the hair and slaps her again.
Irma is stunned. Marina is not finished.
She then grabs Irma’s left arm and yanks it as hard as she can over the top rope while Irma howls in pain.
Hey? That’s no way to treat a legend.
My dream sequence begins.
Marina can’t seem to hear me as she stalks Irma all over the ring, grabs that wounded left arm and yanks it over the top rope again and again.
Why doesn’t someone stop this?
As Marina lands close to where I am sitting, I walk over to whisper in her ear. “Look, the guys are putting up some extra dollars and if you end this thing by trapping Irma in a reverse face sit school girl pin while Irma’s big fat butt is up in the air facing us, it’s yours. Okay?
Now even though we are going to boo you out loud for looks, just remember the plan. Ignore our booing. Okay?”
Marina is so determined to whip this mature beauty’s butt it is possible that she ignored me.
I go sit back down in my seat. The lady sitting next to me with her two boys stares at me, puzzled.
I smile, “I just told her not to hurt Irma. I love Irma. She’s a great champion.”
The lady looked away.
Wow, Marina was back at it again with passion.
SLAP!!! Irma’s face turned right.
I stood and booed loudly and screamed, “Hey, that’s no way to treat a champion and grandmother.”
WHAP!!!! Irma’s face turned left.
I yelled at the top of my lungs, “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That’s no way to treat a legend.”
KABAM!!! Irma bent over after Marina punched her in the stomach.
I BOOOOOOOED and hollered, “Show some respect to a future Hall of Famer!”
Marina ignores me, tightly grasps Irma’s left arm and YANKS it over the rope. Irma falls flat to the mat in pain with her beautiful big thighs shaking.
I would boo, but I was too busy gawking.
Well, even if Marina heard me, she is too determined to give Irma a good shellacking. We hope it’s not personal. Hmm, instead of rolling curvy Irma in a folding pin, Marina seizes her in a Full Nelson from behind with her knee in Irma’s back until the erotic mature woman submits.
Boy that was satisfying.
Oops, we mean boy that was terrible.
Well, you know what we mean.
Anyway when jobbers are involved or a strong female wrestler who makes even a champion look like a jobber, it is truly all about creativity.
No matter the passing of time, that’s what helps us to remember them. One jobber at a time.
Even when they just happen to be a champion too.
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OPENING PHOTO, YouTube-upload-Grupo-Minlenio Editorial use