Newer Female Wrestlers, Prevent Injuries, Learn Stretching, Lunge Exercises,
June 23, 2022,
Having attended a number of women’s freestyle wrestling events, what can be most intriguing and educational is how they do their warmups.
It can easily go unnoticed.
As an example, before competitive female submission wrestling matches, we seldom see the women warm up extensively. Many times there are injuries. At FCI’s October 2021 Event in San Francisco, one of the wrestlers suffered a minor neck injury.
So today, let’s see what we can learn from the freestyle girls in terms of stretching and warmups.
Let’s focus on the Walking Lunge.

A lunge can refer to any position of the human body where one leg is positioned forward with knee bent and foot flat on the ground while the other leg is positioned behind.
It is used by athletes in cross-training for sports, by weight-trainers as a fitness exercise, and by practitioners of yoga as part of an asana regimen along with female freestyle wrestlers in warmups.
Lunges are a good exercise for strengthening, sculpting and building several muscles/muscle groups, including the quadriceps (or thighs), the gluteus maximus (or buttocks) as well as the hamstrings.
A long lunge emphasizes the use of the glutes whereas a short lunge emphasizes the quadriceps.

The lunge is a basic movement that is fairly simple to do for beginning Female Submission Wrestlers.
A lunge can be performed using bodyweight alone.
However, weight trainers may seek to increase the difficulty using either dumbbells or kettlebells held in each hand, or a barbell held atop the neck and shoulders. Grip strength may be an issue with the dumbbell lunge so practitioners may prefer the barbell lunge.
As a variation, plyometric lunges, also known as split squat jumps, can be performed by jumping explosively between lunge positions.
Now that you have the basics, let’s watch two videos.
“How to Do a Walking Lunge | Female Bodybuilding”
In the above video, we get lessons from Erin, a former United States Junior Olympic Swim Coach and Personal Trainer who has an easy and effective way of explaining things.
Here is another.
“4 Types of Walking Lunges for Women (Glute & Leg Builders)”
In this next video, Amanda, who has the perfect strong legs and curvy wrestler look, is exceptional at showing how women can perform lunges.
On our other three G-rated, female oriented websites, we can’t say this, but here, we will take a risk.
Amanda is blonde, curvy and incredibly good looking.
(In a whisper), pretend we didn’t say that.
Shall we lunge over to the book store?
The Lunge: The Most Important Mechanics Regarding the Lunge Broken down in Layman’s Terms. Kindle Edition
By Taco Fleur (Author)
“A must read for any personal trainer, crossfitter and fitness enthusiast. Covering just the important points and leaving all the fluff out.
Avoid knee pain. The answer to why and when to choose the reverse lunge over the forward lunge. Understand how to create hundreds of lunge variations yourself. Learn how to fix and pick up on common issues with the lunge.
A book about one exercise, the lunge, kept basic but covering the most important points, including muscles, form, technique, cues, issues and solutions.”
The list of what will be explained to you in the book is extensive.
We are certain that if you apply what you learn, not only will it help you with injury prevention for your wrestling but it will also build up your core muscles.
We will now turn our attention to a visiting writer with extensive Tai Chi training. The title emphasizes one region, but after reading the article, you will see it speaks to a variety of ways that lunging can help strengthen your body.
Most Effective Butt Exercise – Lunges Technique
By Yip See Kit
According to the research done by American Council on Exercise (ACE), one of the most effective exercises in working the Butt or the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and the hamstring is the lunges. The Lunge is also a very effective exercise for the legs as well. It involves functional stability, balance and overall body coordination and proper posture alignment, which is very useful for muscle development and conditioning.
The lunge is also very effective for specific sports conditioning and strength development training. Taking Taichi for instance, it helps to build and further reinforce on the proper posture alignment, which improve the stability and effectiveness of the Bow Stance.
This exercise can be done almost anywhere without much space needed or any equipment. We can simply use our body weight to act as the resistance for beginner. There are many versions of lunges available which you would definitely find one of them suitable for you.
Although the lunge exercise looks simple, it is not easy to do a proper and good lunge. As a team of professional sports trainer and Taichi coach, we do not compromise quality of the exercise execution over the quantity. We always focus on the proper technique during execution of the exercise rather than the amount of resistance or the number of repeats. Once the correct technique has been enforced, individual can adjust and vary their resistance and number of sets and repeats according to their own physical capabilities.
Our aim is to improve the physical through exercise, and with every exercise performed correctly, we are one step nearer to being healthier and physically fitter. Vice versa, when doing an exercise using the wrong techniques, we are adding more stress and pressure to our joints, which is undesirable. “Practice does not make perfect, only correct practice does”. With this in mind, we shall now look at the key points on the proper execution of the lunges exercises.
- Both feet together, toe pointing forward.
- Left leg step forward, shoulder feet apart, with heel landing on the ground.
- Shift center of gravity to the mid point of the body, back leg heel raise with ball of foot in contact with the ground.
- Lower body by flexing both knees until both knees is at right angle or 90º. Front knee should not go beyond the front toe. Imagine the back knee dropping a line vertically downward.
- Return to original standing position by pushing back the front leg.
- Repeat steps 2 – 5 for alternate leg.
Common Mistakes & Correction
- Toes not pointing straight forward, which will add unnecessary pressure and stress onto the knee. Always ensure correct alignment before lowering of the body.
- Body leaning forward, causing center of gravity to shift forward, adding unnecessary pressure and stress onto the knee. Maintain body erect and spine neutral and look far.
- Keeping both your legs in a straight line, will reduce the base area and the centre of gravity to fall outside of the base area which will cause instability and off balance. Keep both feet at least shoulder width apart, which will increases your base of support and makes your body more stable during exercise execution.
- Front knee bend beyond the front toe, adding unnecessary pressure and stress onto the knee. Increase the width of between the front and back leg and adjust until both knees are at right angle using mirror or feedback from personal trainers.
Coach Yip has written various articles relating to Taichi and Sports Science. He has also previously conducted Taichi & Sports Science seminars. Coach Yip took up Taekwondo since young and attained his black belt before he started learning Taichi. He had participated and achieved many medals in various National Wushu Competitions.
Coach Yip is currently NROC registered with the Singapore Sports Council under Wushu/Taichi with a NCAP III certificate. Coach Yip approaches Taichi in a very scientific research based and systematically training system.
Besides giving personal and small group coaching, he also specializes in Wushu/Taichi coaching for Kids in schools and has previously conducted Mass Wushu Workout for Kids, ranging from primary to junior college level. To date, more than a thousand students had benefited from his Sports Scientific Wushu & Taichi coaching. For more info, visit
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NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.