Newer Female Grapplers, Running Hills Can Be Your Fitness And Thigh’s Best Friend
February 28, 2022,
Exercising indoors is wonderful. Especially during the winter.
Having said that, whether it is using stair steppers, treadmills or jogging in place, all designed to imitate running, in our opinion, there is nothing like running outdoors and especially if you live in a region like we do in Northern California where there are so many options to run hills.
As a Newer Female Grappler, you will need to build your endurance. Your ability to stay competitive in a match.

That is a given.
How you build that endurance depends upon you but nothing appears to help your cardio and ability to burn body fat more than a carefully thought out running plan.
We certainly have and continue to run. Parks and hills. We love them too. Greatly.
One of our associate writers at Femcompetitor Magazine, who loves women’s wrestling, wrote about running hills in a 2017 symbolic article and expressed, “Symbolically reflecting the beauty of women, hills have shapes, curves and a scenic femininity that often engulf a runner with dreams of all that is possible.
Spiritually, in the early am at sunrise, you feel one with the sun.
Running hills also make for a very beneficial workout routine.
When we interview beautiful young wrestlers like Dylan Fox or Eden Cox what impresses us is that they have exceptional workout routines.
In our conversations with Fem Competitors, many of them run hills as part of their fitness routine.”
Time for some basics.
Running is a very basic start to toning up your body and obtaining some wonderful cardio.
The well-respected team at educate, “Running, or jogging, is one of the best cardio exercises you can do. Running for at least 10 minutes a day can significantly lower your risk of cardiovascular disease. Runners lower their chances of dying from heart disease by half.
It also lowers your resting heart rate, the number of times your heart beats per minute when you’re at rest. This is an important indicator of your overall health and fitness. The lower the rate, the more efficient your heartbeat.”
Very important health benefit. It doesn’t get more basic than that.
Our focus here is running hills, so let’s take your running to the next level.
One of our favorite female submission wrestlers, Roxy of the Czech Republic, is very adventurous and loves mountaineering.
Here is her article: Czech Republic’s Roxy, Great Wrestler, Session Girl, Stealth …
How does running hills benefit your body?
The insiders at share, “Training on hills improves leg-muscle strength, quickens your stride, expands stride length, develops your cardiovascular system, enhances your running economy and can even protect your leg muscles against soreness. In short, hill running will make you a stronger, faster and healthier runner.”
Since we have run hills extensively, we completely agree.
If you are like us, you will feel it in your calves and thighs. As far as visuals, running hills will absolutely help tighten your buns. Run a few hills and perform a few squats, without weights, and it is a wonderful combination.
Running hills is something you might need some guidance on first, before you give it a try. We actually suggest reading up on it first. It will be worth the effort. Here is an example.
Training for the Uphill Athlete: A Manual for Mountain Runners and Ski Mountaineers Paperback – March 12, 2019

By Steve House (Author), Scott Johnston (Author), Kilian Jornet (Author)
Dovetailing on the success of Training for the New Alpinism and Patagonia’s own emphasis on all mountain use, Training for the Uphill Athlete translates theory into methodology to allow you to write your own training plans and coach yourself to endurance goals.
Steve House, one of the best mountaineers, and his coach Scott Johnston, an Olympic-level cross country ski coach, along with Kilian Jornet, hands-down best endurance athlete at this time, present training principles for the multisport mountain athlete who regularly participates in a mix of distance running, ski mountaineering, and other endurance sports that require optimum fitness and customized strength.
This is an authoritative but accessible training manual for athletes and coaches who feel most alive in the mountains or pushing the uphill ascent. Distance running, ski mountaineering, skimo, and skyrunning are becoming increasingly popular all over the world, and are often undertaken by the same person during a single year. This book collects the scientifically backed and athlete-tested wisdom and experience of three of the best uphill athletes and coaches and extrapolates both to educate outdoor athletes of all stripes to perform their best. The book includes the same mix of theory, application, and experiential essays from experts in the field, as well as instructional illustrations as in Training for the New Alpinism. Contributions by Kilian Jornet increase the worldwide appeal.”
Life can be an adventure.
It just depends upon our approach.
Understand what we are trying to say here.
We realize running hills every day may not be realistic or desirable. Variety is the spice of life. Women Wrestlers, if they approach our industry from an athletic and fitness standpoint, designed for fully competitive competition, there are tremendous benefits to being a long-term female grappler.
So while walking, jogging and flat land running may be your staples, we highly recommend that you get out in nature, in safely designated parks, and give hill running a try. It is quite the unique experience. We are confident it will make your day and give you a strong sense of getting from point A to B, accomplishment.
Now a visiting female writer would like to share her personal experience with you.
Cara Zolinsky is an experienced writer and author who provides in-depth research and analysis on health and fitness related topics.
How to Train Safely to Run Hills

When world championship marathoner Brad Huston became a coach of the sport in which he had excelled in competition, he learned an interesting fact-many of the fastest and strongest runners have done some “hill work” as part of their training programs.
Hill work, where athletes train to run hills, has proven to be an effective training tool for all sports where high running speeds are essential. It is a tool that can help to mold championship runners.
Benefits of Hill Running
Many studies have shown that the athletes that train to run hills have a definite advantage over their flat surface counterparts. One such study, published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, proved this point by engaging runners in an intensive, 6-week period of hill running. At the end of the six weeks, these runners showed a significant increase in leg strength and running distance.
Brian Mac, a performance coach with the United Kingdom’s National Governing Body for Track and Field Athletics, has seen similar improvements in his athletes. The reason that hill running is such a great training tool, says Mac, is that the runner is using his or her own body as resistance. This forces runners to use muscles that they do not normally use while running on flat surfaces.
Moreover, the muscles that they do use-calves, glutes, hamstrings, achilles tendons-contract more quickly when running uphill, which strengthens these muscles in a much shorter period of time than they would by running the same distance on a flat surface.
But there are hazards in store for those who train to run hills, hazards that can be minimized with a bit of knowledge and a lot of planning.
Running Hills-Safely
Douglas Lenz, Director of Fitness and Wellness for Chambersburg Health Services (Chambersburg, PA), told Sports Chiropractic & Rehabilitation, “The biggest problem with hill training is insufficient preparation, too much volume, and/or too little recovery time.”
Far too many runners err in one, or all three, of these aspects of hill running, mistakes that can lead to injury, discouragement, and failure.
Preparing to Train to Run Hills
Adequate preparation is a must for successful, injury-free, hill running. Preparing to run hills may be a slow process, but it ensures ultimate success in this endeavor. To prepare to train to run hills, one must:
– Build up to it slowly. Uphill running should never be attempted unless the individual has already achieved a certain amount of physical conditioning (preferably by running on flat surfaces.)
– Stretch before running. This advice applies to both running uphill and on flat surfaces. A period of gentle stretching exercise before a run protects the athlete from injury.
– Stay hydrated. The importance of hydration cannot be underestimated. For those who engage in intensive exercise (such as running uphill) two percent of their body fluids can be lost through perspiration. Consequently, it is essential to frequently replace these fluids.
– Cultivate the right mindset. Many newcomers to hill running make a tiny hill into a mountain-in their minds. This makes hill running much harder than it needs to be. In truth, running uphill is the same as any other run with just a few differences in angle, intensity, and muscle engagement. A little bit of knowledge of these differences, and how to adapt the body to them, can alleviate the fear that one may have when he or she begins to train to run hills.
Appropriate Volume
Many runners make the mistake of trying to maintain the same speed when they run uphill as when they run on flat surfaces. The incline of the hill, however, requires a slower speed. Trying to maintain, or increase, the speed while running uphill will only lead to exhaustion and possible injury. To ensure appropriate speed, a runner must:
– Pace him (or her) self. Because running uphill requires more energy, maintaining a proper pace is essential. When athletes train to run hills, a steady, even stride should be employed. But this stride should be suitable for the amount of effort expended. For a beginner, the stride (and speed) is expected to be slower than those of accomplished hill runners.
– Maintain the same amount of effort. Speed should never be increased while running uphill. This can lead to injury.
Proper Recovery Time
Experts recommend that hill training be implemented no more than twice per week. The muscles need time to repair themselves from the more strenuous effort required of them in running uphill. In addition, after running uphill, one should:
– Cool down. This requires 5 to 10 minutes of light jogging, which will help the muscles to relax from the intensity of hill running.
– Listen to the body. If there is some unusual discomfort, or pain, in the body after physical exertion, one should make proper allowances for it. For those who train to run hills, this could include delaying the next training session or shortening the current one.
Simple Hill Running Tips
To train to run hills-safely-the following tips should be followed:
- Warmup on rolling hills for approximately 15 minutes before starting the training session.
2. Employ proper running form:
– Back straight
– Head up
– Arms at 90-degree angles, rotating at the shoulders as opposed to side to side
– Knee lifts that are slightly higher than those typically used for running on flat surfaces - Lean forward slightly while running uphill.
4. Pump arms
5. Maintain a steady pace
6. Jog slowly on each downhill descent
7. Cool off with a 5 to 10 minute leisurely jog on a flat surface.
Avoid Overtraining
The pressure placed on the legs and the ankles during uphill runs is much greater than on flat surfaces. Therefore, it is highly recommended that a limit be placed on the amount of hill training. Any incline drills are meant to complement the existing running workout; not rival it.
A good rule of thumb is to calculate the number of hills that will likely be encountered during a typical run and adjust the training periods to reflect this percentage.
Although the effort it takes to train to run hills can be time-consuming and exhausting, the increase in strength, speed, and agility will be well worth the energy expenditure. Just ask any championship runner.
For more information about how to train to run hills [] visit [].
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