Initial Hand Fighting, Learn The Big Three Drills For A Great Female Grappling Foundation, Shutterstock-PradeepGaurs-photo-credit-Editorial-use
August 30, 2023,
Traveled lately?
With every building that you admire and take pictures of, especially skyscrapers, hope that they have a strong foundation.
In terms of foundations, Forbes Magazine educates, “When it comes to homes, not all foundations are created equally. Some of the common concerns include foundation crumbling or sinking, floor cracking, gaps in the foundation, sloping floors, wall cracks, a leaning chimney and doors that stick.”
Being able to tell when you do not have a strong or proper foundation early on may help you turn to experts to fix the problem before it becomes dangerous or costly.
When it comes to female submission wrestlers, especially newer ones, you can tell when her training is not laid with a solid foundation.
Just as foundations are the early part of building construction, laying an important foundation is evident in how a female wrestler begins a match.
There are two signs, among others, when a female submission wrestler has a weak foundation.
During the initial engagement, she raises her two arms in a defensive posture, waiting for her opponent to make a mistake or she immediately tries a high risk, low results, floor to sitting body scissor right from the beginning.
The weakness in those two approaches are fairly obvious.
With the defensive approach, if a skilled female opponent takes you down to the mats, it may be hard for you to ever get up from the floor. We have seen matches where wrestlers begin with the defensive posture and their opponents keep them on the floor of the mats for about 80 percent of the match.
It is virtually impossible to win a match without offense.
If you’ve read our articles, you may ascertain that we are not fans of using the floor to sitting body scissor early on because if you don’t execute it perfectly, your opponent can simply fall forward and is right on top of you and guess what?
Your back is on the floor again.
What are the basics for laying a strong foundation early on?
Hand and eye coordination.
Strong grips for wrist grabbing.
Strong arms for leaping or lunging towards and securing the upper headlock.

Let’s break the three down.
Time to get technical.
Hand–eye coordination is the coordinated motor control of eye movement with hand movement and the processing of visual input to guide reaching and grasping along with the use of proprioception of the hands to guide the eyes, a modality of multisensory integration.
Simply put, get your eyes and hands in sync. On the same page.
Hand–eye coordination has been studied in activities as diverse as the movement of solid objects such as wooden blocks, archery, sporting performance, music reading, computer gaming, copy-typing, and even tea-making.
It is part of the mechanisms of performing everyday tasks; in its absence, most people would not be able to carry out even the simplest of actions such as picking up a book from a table.
We certainly understand that.
Check out this video:
It demonstrates some great drills for beginning hand to eye coordination.
This one is more specific to sports.
That should get you off to a good start.
For wrist grabbling, let’s look at some rock solid hand grips.
We turn to Amazon and here is one brand.
100 Pounds to 350 Pounds New Hand Grips Increase Strength Spring Finger Pinch Expander Hand A Type Gripper Exerciser
About this item
“Material: High quality Steel spring, Aluminum handle
Ergonomic Knurling Design, Solid Aluminum/Sponge Handle For a Non-Slip Grip and Super Comfortable To Hold.
Rust-Proof Coated Spring in 6 Different Resistance Level From 100lbs to 350lbs for All Levels of Users.
Two pieces Non-slip tapes (in random color) send as a gift
Portable body-building grip device”
Sounds like this hand gripper can get you off to a good start.
Let’s look at a video:
We like his clear instruction and we sense what he teaches you will surprise you. How to grip. Where to grip and more.
Here is a book to go along with it.
Mastery of Hand Strength, Revised Edition Paperback – January 15, 2009
By John Brookfield (Author)
“Mastery of Hand Strength is the beloved book on grip strength that just about every grip guy in the last 10 years has read, probably at least twice. And now there’s a reason to read it yet again. John has added a whole raft of new training ideas and approaches, 38 new exercises on crushing grip and dynamic training with hand grippers, pinch grip, dumbbells, fingers and wrists–all newly-minted material that is typical of John’s creativity and cutting-edge thinking.
If strong hands and mighty wrists appeal to you, it’s your starting point for world-class grip and lower-arm strength.”
Perfect. We appreciate that.
Finally, let’s work on your arms. To pull off effective gripping and headlock attacks, you will need very strong arms.
We seek more. Let’s walk over to the bookstore.
Building and Strengthening Arm Muscle for Beginners: Learn how to build sculpted triceps, bulging biceps, and forearm muscles properly and quickly Paperback – January 1, 2021
By D.J. Hicks (Author), Shalamantu Wisdom (Author)
Do you want to have arms so strong and sculpted that everyone can’t help but notice the upgrade?
It is no secret that powerful and toned arms are a confidence and charisma builder. Who wants to walk around with weak and boring arms, right? Strong arms are a natural symbol of vitality and passion for life. We are all impressed by other people that we see how have miraculously developed arms. Toned arms on ladies and massive pipes on men get all of the respect. Build the poise and the courage that you have always wished for. In “Building and Strengthening Arm Muscle For Beginners” I am sharing with you the secrets that many other people have already known about to develop healthy outstanding arms. Here’s what you will discover:
The top exercises that have been used by the pros for massive growth
How to completely avoid injury
How to exercise with minimal costs and no gym, or in a gym, if that is what you prefer
How to prepare your body to get ripped for a long long time
All of the equipment, or lack of, that you will need to get standout arms.”
We are energized.
We can feel our arms getting stronger now.
So, newer female grapplers in particular.
You can get your match off to a great start by training on the Big Three. Hand to eye coordination, hand grip strengthening and building strong arm muscles.
By doing that, you are laying a strong foundation to be an exceptional fully competitive female submission wrestler.
Right from the beginning.
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OPENING PHOTO Shutterstock-PradeepGaurs-photo-credit-Editorial-use
NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.