FCI Women’s Wrestling 2021 Event, Fiesty Feminista Holds Off Pittsburg’s Chloe

femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com fciwomenswrestling.com, FCI Women's wrestling photo credit
October 5, 2021,
They were the mothers that we worshipped, even if they didn’t ask for it.
The passing of time has made many of us grow in appreciation for the beauty and dignity that the wonderful television mothers June Cleaver, Donna Reed and Maureen Robinson displayed through their respective television series, brilliant and sometimes emotional runs.
We can’t bring them back but there are sure some gorgeous classy women who remind us of them.
When we first saw Chloe of Pittsburg wrestling, we couldn’t take our eyes off of her.
She looked like a gorgeous blonde right out of the 1950s with her fresh face and girl next door looks.
Recently at the FCI Women’s Wrestling October 2, 2021 event, an associate sat down with beautiful Chloe and told her so.
Over and over.
In all fairness, she did say that she wanted to be an actress. What a dazzling 1950s trophy wife she would look like. Too bad Mad Men went off the air. They missed out on a gem.
Which raises a question.
Can a beautiful feminine woman who looks like a sitcom girl next door mom really wrestle?
Actually, in Chloe’s case, there is a more direct question since we have purchased her matches against VeVe Lane, Allie Parker and at Mixed Wrestling and yes, she can wrestle. Very well actually.
Wrestling against the average fetish model of average size and weight is one thing. Wrestling against the powerful rising star Fiesty Feminista from Brooklyn is another.
This Feminista loves to dominate. Thrives on it. Smiles about it.
We wondered if sweet Chloe even stood a chance against her.

As we readied the two women on the expansive regal Hyatt Regency hotel floor, there was a festive mood in the air.
We can understand why.
In association with Female Competition International’s spectacular October 2, 2021 event which included a model shoot, vibrant colorful Brazilian Samba dancers, a mesmerizing Opera Singer, energetic competitive cheer from a well-respected charitable organization and a hypnotic Japanese dance production, there was theatrical star dust everywhere.
It would be a day to remember.
Chloe vs Fiesty? This would be a sensuous and fierce match to remember.
We expected Fiesty to dominate Chloe but to our surprise, Chloe has greatly improved.
Our sexy curvy blonde got off to a tremendous start, locking up Fiesty in a tough headlock that took Fiesty some time to escape but ever the clever and powerful one, Fiesty did.
She would often have Chloe in an excruciating submission hold but Chloe refused to tap out. One time she even screamed in paid before she did.
Chloe is a Session Girl you should session with. Our associate who spent a substantial amount of time speaking, dining and interviewing with her was very impressed.
At her personal profile she excites, “I have been a session girl and fetish model for over 3 years now. Not only do I love it but I am also extremely passionate about what I do!!! My reviews can attest to the fact that, when we are together, I sincerely am enjoying myself as much as you are.
Variety is preferred but if I had to pick only one favorite session type, it would be anything that involves role-play.
Having gone to college for theater (a budding actress), I am very believable when playing a role,. Whether it be in sessions, custom videos, or when shooting for producers. Also, don’t let my girl next door looks and kindness here fool you… I play both sides very well. I can be as nice OR mean as you like. In sessions, I prefer to be dominant but have a natural submissiveness that I enjoy as well.”
For orders, inquiries, and booking please email her at ?chloecummingswrestler@yahoo.com
Okay fans, there you have it.

Now if you travel to the historic city of Pittsburg for a session with our star, at some point, you will want lunch or dinner. Or both.
What is a tasty food that you can have for either lunch or dinner? Easy answer.
Delicious pizza.

We looked at the online best pizza lists for Pittsburgh and there are plenty of choices but one establishment that stood out, especially viewing one of their mouth-watering combination pizzas is Giovannis.
We’re going to get on a trolley and saunter over there.
At their aroma filled home eatgiovannis.com they smile, “When we create our pizza from sauce, cheese and crust; layers of flavor are emerged as are evoked from the hands of a magician.”
Okay, that explains it.
We are ready to eat. It is nice to know that we are in good hands.
Time for a closer focus.
They add, “Flavors slowly come into focus as the palate, with its five flavor zones, aided by the chewing process and the release of salvic enzymes encounters it first in the sweet zone, eliciting an “ahh, this is nice..” reaction. Then the salty zone kicks in, an “ohhh” followed by another level of either spiciness or sourness along the sides of the tongue, calling forth a “hmmm, whoaa..” finally, just at the swallowing point, the mouth floods in the umami, or the rich zone in the back central region with a nutlike flavor that perfumes its way into the sinuses, where it lingers for as long as fifteen to thirty minutes, recreating with every inhalation on the inimitable finish of a proper world class pizza,—the inevitable “yesss”.”
Wow, that is quite a description. We could not have said it better ourselves. We’re convinced.
Time to eat.
Wait. Someone is tapping us on the shoulder. They would like to give a review.
“Food was amazing and so were the people. I go here for all types of things, must try. Amazing. I have never been disappointed here.”
Another person is running over. Big smile on their face.
They share, “Best pizza in Pittsburgh!!! Pasta is exceptional as well. The food is comparable to a high end Italian restaurant in Little Italy. Salads are fresh and menu creative. The owner is a Prince of a guy as well.”
Please calm down. You’re preaching to the choir. We get it. We agree.
We also agree that the amazing city of Pittsburgh combined with having a session with the gorgeous blonde Chloe will make the memory of a lifetime.
Chloe certainly created some glorious memories at the FCI Women’s Wrestling event in the grand ballroom at the majestic San Francisco Hyatt hotel by the airport.
She may look like a fresh faced sensuous mom from a 1950’s sitcom, but as Fiesty found out, wrestling wise, this is the new, improved and much tougher Chloe.
It’s not acting. She’s for real.
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OPENING PHOTO femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com fciwomenswrestling.com, FCI Women’s wrestling photo credit