Do Men Prefer Curvy Or Slender Female Wrestlers?

Fully equipped with a pat answer to a commonly asked but fairly ridiculous question can save a lot of time. Smile, be polite and diplomatic.
Do men like curvy or skinny women?

Okay. Do fish like water or food better? Do monkeys like bananas over climbing trees? You realize monkeys climb trees all of the time where no bananas are present, right? Do men like women with their clothes on or off?
You already know the pat answer.
It depends.
Yes, even to the last question.
So why do people keep asking the question?
We in the global female submission wrestling industry answered that question way back in the 1990s.
Please say in unison, it depends.
When Helen wrestled at Festelle, a well coifed blonde with every hair in place who was very sexy and curvy, from that moment on, we really loved watching curvy women wrestle. At the same event however, if slender and gorgeous Luna of Italy wrestled, we certainly loved slender women as well.

For today, since slender women get so much ink, all of the time, we are going to focus on our continual love affair with curvy women wrestling and if someone screams the question at us about whether we like curvy or skinny women were going to go and eat a bowl of ice cream that contains both sugary and sugarless ice cream.
Then we’ll drink an extremely cold glass of water with ice and another super chilled one without ice.
Afterwards we’ll have a regular coke and a diet coke.
Then we’ll look at women with their clothes on and with more clothes on so that they all look curvy.
Like Helen.

Remember Helen of Festelle?

The producers at Festelle share, “Many of you will remember Maggie Jennings who appeared in several earlier Festelle tapes, including a particularly gritty private encounter with Helen (FV57), who appears in the next match. Lesser known was Helen’s opponent’s Paddy who is Maggie’s sister and who only appeared in one other match. So there’s a lot of background to this fight and it is certainly justified by the action, which is hard and determined.
Any DVD featuring Festelle superstar Maggie Jennings is automatically worth the asking price. Maggie, in her day, was one of the best female wrestlers Britain has produced – toned and fit, very skilled and quick and delightfully determined, she was an absolute joy to watch. Here she takes on Helen in a repeat of their grueling encounter in FV57 English Grudge. It’s Maggie’s skill and athleticism against Helen’s sheer size and power. There’s no love lost between these two women, and as their battle shifts back and forth, there are moans of pain and gasps of exhaustion as well as almost every wrestling hold in the book. You’ll be entranced by this aggressive struggle to the bitter end.”
We are entranced and we’ve always loved Festelle.
Intrigued we are by a website named They are fun and into what we are into. They smile, “We produce high quality wrestling videos for fans of BBWs or curvy girls. Watch as they take on smaller girls, guys, and even other BBWs or curvy girls.”
You might want to check it out.
In terms of variety at the popular entertainment group they smile, “Body diversity is finally being celebrated in the modeling industry, and we’re all for it. Designers are giving people what they want by including more curve models in their shows and campaigns. It truly seems like 2018 is the year we see a change in the fashion world. One such model is Australian model and body-positive activist Kate Wasley who has not caught everyone’s attention with her empowering Any Body Instagram account, but she’s also managed to get a spot in the sought-after Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Issue this year.”
So you see? So many people love curvy women in various industries as much as we do in the female submission wrestling and Session Girl industry.
As far as that commonly asked question, we have no problem with that because we always have a diplomatic pat answer for it.
Having said that, here it goes again. Please enjoy this visiting writer.
Do Men Prefer Curvy Or Skinny?

If a man has a choice, does he prefer curvy or skinny women? Is there more appeal for a man in a woman who has the perfect figure of Miss America? Or is he more turned on by the skinny, sculpted look of a runway model? The argument between men continues to rage as they discuss their preference for curvy or skinny women.
But when it comes right down to it, it really is a matter of personal preference as to which body type men prefer. The good news is that a man who is attracted to you will likely favor your body type. And that’s good because you are who you are, for the most part.
The media plays a big role in influencing our idea of the perfect body shape. Curvy women have been known to strive for the perfect 36 – 24 – 36, that looks spectacular in a swim suit or evening gown.
But few women can achieve this naturally. Look at the before and after picture of certain celebrities, and you can see that there are breast implants and sculpted butts contributing to the spectacular appearance.
Even though men love to look, they much prefer more of the natural curves and less of the made in Hollywood ones. They know how unrealistic it is to expect a normal woman to look like that.
And if truth be told, it takes a really confident and drop dead handsome guy to want to be with a spectacular looking woman. There’s that nagging fear that he might not measure up
Then there is the sleek athletic look of the skinny woman. They can be appealing to those men who are into women who lead a carefree active lifestyle because, unless taken to dangerous extremes, these women look healthy. The perception by men is that dating a woman like that will probably be more relaxed and fun.
But some women like this don’t have an inch of fat anywhere. For them, this look comes at great cost. To get that starved skinny appearance, they have to border on anorexia. They’re fooling themselves if they think that men find that look to be appealing.
Although some men may have a strong preference for either curvy or skinny women, most men are really just looking for a woman who is more middle-of-the-road in appearance. Being average in weight and measurements is not a bad thing. It lets you focus on other things that are more important than how you look, like your personality.
Any woman who takes her appearance to extremes one way or the other is often seen as being high maintenance and attention seeking because she is placing such a huge emphasis on her appearance.
If the truth be told, women who take care of themselves by being fit and maintaining a normal healthy weight are far more appealing to men than the curvy or skinny women that you see in magazines or on TV.
To read more about how to make a man love you, click Signs He Wants You. You’ll learn all the secrets to make a man Fall in Love with you.
Evangeline Harris is a dating and relationship expert. Her passion is to write informative articles for women who want to improve their love lives. Visit her site for more information.
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