Classic DWW Women’s Wrestling, Reni Vs Zsuzsa, Three Times Is A Charm,,
October 9, 2021,
No matter how captivating the original winning film was, there are an army of fans who would scream, “Don’t make a sequel”.
So if you think they are going to scream if you travel down the pathway of duplication, especially if the motivation is for greater profits, and in Hollywood it often is, imagine how those loyal fans would feel if you did a three-peat?
Not only would they scream, they would howl to the moon.
Okay, now for a few tests.
How did the sequel compare to the original Terminator film?
How about Saturday Night Fever and Staying Alive?
Did you see Staying Alive? Don’t worry if you hadn’t. Most others stayed away as well.
We think you get the point.
In our opinion, the Batman franchise is one of the few projects that produced credible sequels.
Batman Begins is a 2005 superhero film based on the DC Comics character Batman, directed by Christopher Nolan and written by Nolan and David S. Goyer. It stars Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes, Gary Oldman, Cillian Murphy, Tom Wilkinson, Rutger Hauer, Ken Watanabe, and Morgan Freeman.
The film successfully rebooted the Batman film series.
After a series of unsuccessful projects to resurrect Batman on screen following the critical failure of Batman & Robin (1997), Nolan and Goyer began work on the film in early 2003, aiming for a darker, more realistic tone. The goal was to have the audience care for both Batman and Wayne.
It worked to perfection.
The Dark Knight Trilogy is a set of three Christopher Nolan Batman movies. It includes Batman Begins (2005), The Dark Knight (2008), and The Dark Knight Rises (2012). Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Morgan Freeman, and Cillian Murphy appeared in all three movies.
All the three movies became a success with The Dark Knight becoming the number one grossing movie in 2008.
Now that is what we call success.
The key is the original film has to be spectacular to have a three peat.
In the 2017 world of professional football, there was a three-peat.
The 2017 New Orleans Saints season was the franchise’s 51st season in the National Football League.
They battled their divisional rival the Carolina Panthers three times.
On September 24, 2017 the Saints won 34-13 and on December 3, 2017 they were victorious in route to a 31-21 win.
They would eventually meet again in the playoffs. Could they actually win three times? It is very hard to do.
On January 7, 2018 the Saints played the Panthers in the playoffs for the first time in franchise history. They beat Carolina for the third time, 31–26 in the Wild Card, but fell to the Minnesota Vikings 24–29 in the Divisional Round in a nail biting finish.
In terms of a three-peat, in our global competitive female grappling industry it is rare, but they do occur in company fights.
Especially if the grand company is DWW.
One of the original three-peat performances takes us down memory lane by the mighty Danube River during one of our favorite times in women’s submission wrestling history.
The fights are between Reni and Zsuzsa.
When you look back on Reni’s past, she is one impressive fighter very capable of dominating her opponents.
Glorious Reni

During her illustrious wrestling career, though she spends an extensive time in the fantasy world, at times Zsuzsa’s fights can be very competitive but we knew she would be in tough with Reni.
Could Reni actually defeat her three times?
Why don’t we get on a Danube cruise ship capable of time travel and find out.
So often we see Reni in her bathing suits, it makes looking at her in a white T-Shirt styled blouse and black athletic pants somewhat memorable.
Zsuzsa is in a gorgeous bathing suit as usual.
The girls are warming up and talking it up. Girls do have fun on the grappling mats. Zsuzsa exercises her arms performing windmills.
When you do focus on both of the girls full swimsuits you can feel the eroticism in the air.
Reni finally is down to her dark blue bathing suit with light blue trim, which is a good thing. Zsuzsa looks stunning in her primarily black with yellow swim suit as well.
The always gracious Viktoria serves as the referee in a red sports T-Shirt and blue jeans.
As the two girls hand fight for position, Reni strikes first and tightens Zsuzsa head in a vice like head lock.
She tries to take her down to the ground and does but Zsuzsa is determined not to give up. They roll again on the floor in erotic bathing suit struggle with Reni as the Ring Master. Reni is relentless and will not loosen her vice like grip dragging and rolling Zsuzsa at will. Even as Zsuzsa lands on top, Reni still just won’t let go.
Zsuzsa’s patience pays off.
She is now on top and trying to control Reni’s arms.
Reni resists and accidentally gets hit in the face. Soon the beautiful shapely girls will take a quick break.
As they hand struggle for upper control to our surprise Reni grabs Zsuzsa by the neck from behind and slams her against the wall causes Zsuzsa to scream but still manage to stay in the fight.
They struggle and get back up to their feet and actually begin to trade headlocks. We haven’t seen many fights like this where the two combatants literally trap each other in head locks in a real competitive match.
The advantage still goes to Reni. Even when Zsuzsa is on top, Reni is in control.
Watching Reni fight Zsuzsa and their bathing suit attire is like watching one long continuous match where the girls change clothes and in this case announcers. Typically the wrestling ring master in Viktoria but this time its blonde Orsi.
Zsuzsa looks stunning as always, this time in a purple bathing suit. Reni looks sensuous in dark green.
They engage in the usual introductory hand fighting and counter to their previous match description this time Zsuzsa gains the head lock but Reni is the one on top.
Reni quickly begins to pursue a smother but Zsuzsa struggles against it including bellowing primal screams.
If their previous match was one of head locks, this one seems to permeate with attempted smothers with Reni being the aggressor. Like a bucking bronco Zsuzsa tries to free herself of Reni but can’t. At one point Reni is sitting on top of Zsuzsa with an erotic view with Zsuzsa in the fetal position.
Finally at the 3 minute mark Zsuzsa escapes and now she gains control from behind.
Now it’s Reni in the fetal position with Zsuzsa on top. Can she hold it?
Not this time. Reni breaks free again.
Well since the smother didn’t work, once Reni gains control, in the standing position she goes back to the headlock.
Give Zsuzsa credit. She stays in the fight even forcing the action off the mats. Once back on arena floor the two simultaneously clasp each other in tight headlocks.
Who will be the first to splinter the other and gain control?
Reni of course. Still it doesn’t last and approximately the 9 minute mark, Zsuzsa is back in control. This one is turning into an unpredictable affair.
Reni seems to be closing in for the kill with a combination of upper arm control and attempted scissors with Zsuzsa fiercely trying to escape and in the process at approximately the 12 minute mark accidentally pokes Reni in the eye.
The girl’s need to take a break.
Beautiful, Elegant Zsuzsa

When something works, you should probably stay with it. We’re glad that Zsuzsa is back in her purple bathing suit. This time instead of dark green, Reni is sensuously adorned in red.
The warmups are extensive and mesmerizing. There is something about watching two beautiful athletic girls slowly warm up that sends erotic chills up your spine.
Now that the warmups are done, it’s time to engage.
After the usual soft hand fighting, Reni quickly gains control and traps shapely Zsuzsa in the corner.
It soon becomes a long pin count with is tough for Zsuzsa and great for us. Curiously the count goes from one, then a long pause, to five.
Oh well.
Reni is trying to pin her again and the eroticism starts all over and yet the odd pin counting is somewhat intriguing.
It goes 1, 5, 10, 15, 16, 17…….
This becomes a pattern.
Oh well again.
Reni is determined but Zsuzsa even more so as she breaks Reni’s hold and for a time manages to ascend to the top position. Reni fights back and turns Zsuzsa to her side and contemplates a side body scissors and then re-thinks it again.
We’ve rarely seen a girl work so hard for one submission and Reni is steadfast in attempting it here.
The other aspect of this sexy energetic match is that so much of it takes place in one corner of the room.
Before we know it, Zsuzsa is back on top but it is short lived. Reni clasps her hands behind Zsuzsa’s neck and flips her over.
In alternate approach is in order and she subdues Zsuzsa with an extended grapevine.
Here goes the pin count again 1, 5, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20.
Finally it’s a wrap.
The hope in the rare scenarios when two athletes or teams meet each other more than once is that this scheduled arrangement may place the team that initially lost in a position to win the second or third time around, and so often that does happen, except in the 2017 – January 2018 season when the New Orleans Saints swept the Panthers in three time fashion.
Here, though Zsuzsa is very skilled, she can’t seem to solve her puzzle with Reni. The initial observation is the Reni is simply stronger, which she is, but her determination is a massive separator as well.
It seems to be the ideal ingredient in this case for a Reni three-peat.
No screams of displeasure here. Just howls of delight.

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