Female Wrestlers, Stronger Shoulders, Secure Headlocks, Think Dumbbells
July 13, 2022, Put your shoulder into it. Exert hard. That is an expression that speaks to the virtue of...
July 13, 2022, Put your shoulder into it. Exert hard. That is an expression that speaks to the virtue of...
July 12, 2022, Physical form in competitive female grappling often does not tell the story. Many a smaller experienced female...
July 11, 2022, Boost your confidence substantially by learning various MMA Takedown methods. Yes, mostly in the fully competitive female...
July 7, 2022, Many say she is a Hot Mess. That’s a compliment. Most of the time. We like to...
July 6, 2022, It is not an optical illusion nor a cheap parlor trick. It is not due to the...
July 5, 2022, In terms of strengthening and building up arm muscles, levers to be used in your clinches, pull...
July 4, 2022, Show time. This Czech Republic Babe is tall, thick with long flowing dark feminine hair and every...
July 3, 2022, This is what we thought before the fight, Kayla Harrison Vs Kaitlin Young. PRE-FIGHT MUSINGS The wind...
July 2, 2022, The Long And Winding Road is a beautiful and spiritual song, masterfully sung by the legendary Beatles....
July 1-2, 2022, Quality fully competitive women’s wrestling events are always something to mark your calendar for and London’s Monica’s...
June 30, 2022, She’s the girl somebody warned you about. Probably not your mother or father, because they most likely...
June 29, 2022, How serious are you about women’s wrestling? You’re reading this website, so it is a fair question...
June 28, 2022, When you look at an elite CrossFit Female Athlete, you say to yourself, she could excel at...
June 27, 2022, Conceptualize. That’s how it begins. If you can conceive it, you can make it happen. You have...
June 26, 2022, It is not a pairing that we would expect. Different countries. Different body styles. Very different personalities....