Walk With European Women’s Wrestling History, Germany Uzi Vs Cobra, London Axel Vs Morgana, Hungary Venere Vs Iron

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August 7, 2024,

In modern times, the most consistent fully competitive women’s wrestling is found in Europe.

Hands down.

And, it has been that way for quite some time.

Wrestling in private matches is entertaining. Wrestling at events takes it to a completely different level.

Today, we are going to take you around Europe to events in Germany, London and Hungary. The wrestling is stellar and the competition intense.

At a higher level.

We are also going to add a little twist in re-introducing you to beautiful female wrestlers who are not at the elite level but still made a statement.

In other countries, that tear down old historic buildings for new condo and apartment complexes, they walk on history.

In Europe, they preserve historical buildings and walk with history.


In terms of great female submission wrestling in Europe?

It is time to walk with history.



The great Femwrestle Events in Troisdorf introduced two beautiful German girls that we will probably never see wrestle again, like Brenda and here the fresh faced blonde Uzi, also known as Beth.

They tend not to do sessions, they wrestle because they are interested in wrestling.

Here, Uzi will face a gorgeous Czech girl in Cobra.

Cobra we know a little about.

Back in 2016, here is what Cobra has to say at her Alpha Cats profile, “I am a little fireball, always super active and trying new things in life. Being given a chance to face the boys in their traditional arena, mat wrestling, I was ecstatic and could not sleep the day before my first tryout. Wrestling proved tough yet great deal of fun. Since I hate losing and I hate giving up, I think I found a new thing to conquer and get better at!”

That should make for an interesting matchup.

We know that Cobra has wrestled extensively at Female Wrestling Zone, so she has a wealth of experience.

With Uzi, we have no history on her and based upon that alone, in terms of who we think will prevail, we’ll have to give the nod to Cobra. The caution is, just because we have not seen her wrestle, doesn’t mean she isn’t very good.

So, here we have a snap shot in time. It won’t last forever. Neither will we. But for the moment, we are blessed with a golden match that could have easily been lost forever.

It’s match time.


The two beautiful girls are standing as they are introduced to a full room at the great Femwrestle event. Given the size of the audience, the two, involved in a stranger fight, are certain to give their best with both of their country women looking on in the corner.

As we researched Cobra’s matches, we would describe her, at this point in her career, as being at the entry way of the intermediate level which means she can easily defeat newer girls but struggles against girls at a solid intermediate level and gets dominated by those at an elite level.

Based upon that, we would peg her to win this match but we say it cautiously since we have never seen Germany’s Beth (Uzi) wrestle.

They begin on their knees with intense arm and hand fighting. Beth is aggressive and captures Cobra in a headlock and takes the gorgeous redhead down to the mats. More important, she falls on top of Cobra and uses her body as leverage.

She tightens the grip as Cobra struggles underneath with a look of anguish. Cobra uses both of her hands to push underneath Beth’s chin as she also encases her with a moderate behind the back scissor.

As they struggle, Beth refuses to give up the top position, applies a hard shoulder and Cobra taps out.

1-0 for Beth (1:33).

As they re-engage, once again the hand fighting starts and soon Beth takes Cobra back down to the mats. A struggle ensues with Cobra trying to encase Beth in a floor to sitting body scissor while Beth once again applies the pressure from above.

Beth adds a forearm to the neck for more pressure.

Cobra counters with a semi-triangle choke and maintains the scissor.

Beth is bending Cobra over, like a pretzel, but is also losing control.

The hold is broken.

Both girls go back to the center.

It is early but Cobra needs to apply a different strategy, especially avoiding getting taken down early with the headlock, which has now happened twice.

Time to start again (4:25).

As the engage, both start trying to grab one another’s wrists.

Strike. Miss. Strike. Miss.

Finally Cobra does something brilliant as she lunges forward and pushes Beth backwards. Stunned, Beth grabs for Cobra’s arm to prevent a full choke or headlock, and that works, as Cobra also tries to encase her with a side body scissor.

They struggle.

Cobra wins the struggle, obtains the upper rear naked choke, pulls Beth backwards and applies a behind the back scissor as well and it is curtains. Beth taps out. Great segment for Cobra.

The score is tied 1-1 (5:48).

Time for another in London.

The best is often saved for last and this stellar matchup promises to be worth the wait as it unfolded during the March 2023 Submission Room’s last match of the event.


The two begin on their knees grabbing one another around the arms and biceps.

Axel quickly tries a floor to sitting body scissors but that is always risky because if your opponent breaks the hold, she is right in top of you. It is a typical move of a newer wrestler who should have the patience to fight it out from the top and try and secure that all-important headlock.

Morgana easily breaks the hold.

She slides Axel into a Guillotine Choke but loses the hold. This speaks to Morgana’s skillsets as she does have a tendency to capture closing submission holds but consistently allows her opponent to escape, as she does here.

Morgana transfers Axel into an arm around the neck, wrap around choke and rolls her like an alligator. Axel struggles but doesn’t give. Their rough and tumble action rolls them off of the mats.

Time to go back to the center.

They re-engage with upper hand and arm fighting around the neck area. As they struggle, Axel makes a mistake by trying that floor to sitting body scissor move, misses and Morgana is right on top of her. The stronger girl grabs Axel’s wrists, as she sits on her stomach and rib area, pondering what to do next.

Axel breaks the hold but Morgana manages to capture her right arm and hold on to a form of an arm bar while Axel is bent over. Morgana loses the arm bar and a ground struggle ensues.

After grappling around, Morgana clasps Axel into a Triangle Choke, encasing her head.

Axel is trapped but struggles to escape.

She finally does.

Morgana continues to try and keep that Triangle Choke engaged.

Axel traps Morgana in a foot lock, which is good, but she is doing it from the bottom. Morgana easily breaks the hold and once again, from the top position, she prevents Axel from mounting any offense.

Morgana keeps her wrapped, up top, and rolls around with Axel until they fall off of the mats (6:00).

They go back to the center.

Unless Axel can mount any sort of offense, this is Morgana’s match to win.

They begin again with upper hand struggle, a struggle that Morgana wins as she takes Axel down to the mats with a headlock and lands on top. As she struggles below, Axel wisely scissors Morgana’s right leg to prevent a full mount. The newer girl continues to put up a fight, actually breaks the hold but Morgana is quickly back on top of her.

With the break, Axel lost control of the scissor and now Morgana moves upwards and from the full mount, begins to apply a smother. She tries a grapevine as well but that falters so she stays with the smother. Axel struggles underneath. She actually thinks about tapping out, as you can see it with her hand movement but she changes her mind and decides to stay in the fight.

Good decision.

Morgana’s smother is starting to open up. We can actually hear Axel breathing.

The shapely muscular girl lets the smother go and sits on top of Axel’s stomach and chest area and focuses in on Axel’s hands and wrists. Very good idea. She surprises Axel, falling sideways and taking Axel’ right arm with her for a firm arm bar.

Very well applied with her strong left leg over Axel’s throat and the beautiful girl taps out.

1-0 for Morgana (8:47).

One more.


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Venere has quite the personality.

She really knows how to put on a show.

In the pre-match introduction she flexes and exudes an air of great confidence.

Did we already say that she is completely gorgeous?

Once the match begins, curiously Iron plays it passive and waits for Venere to move towards her. When Venere does, her plan is revealed as she immediately traps Venere in a headlock. With those powerful muscles, we would expect Iron to close this out quickly with a headlock submission.

She doesn’t.

Surprisingly Venere breaks the hold.

She then encases Iron in a floor to sitting body scissors. Not too complete but Iron is struggling. The Hungarian star tries to apply pressure to Venere’s throat as the brunette grasps her arm.

So far, so good. We are pleasantly surprised.

Iron can’t seem to escape Venere’s scissors. Venere tightly grabs her arm and mildly taunts, “Where do you want to go? Come here.”

Her confidence appears to be growing.

Venere is now fighting from the top position as Iron tries to fend her off.

This is startling.

Venere now begins to elongate Iron and is passionately attempting a smother.

One of the aspects to this fight is that the eroticism level is starting to increase.


This is something that some producers don’t understand when they try and pass off semi-competitive dribble for fully competitive. When the favorite is being surprised and dominated in real action and she is clearly out to sea, lying underneath her opponent, as Iron is here, with her beautiful legs struggling to escape, but can’t, that is extremely erotic.

Part of the eroticism is the element of possible embarrassment.

Here, Aisa still has the clip board in hand, but trust us, she is observing this match very intensely.

Haven’t you witnessed the old school yard fight where the tough girl did all of the talking in class, bullied and challenged the supposedly weaker girl to a fight and once school was over and they were about to fight on the grass (hopefully wearing dresses), to everyone’s surprise, the weaker girl really took it to her and thoroughly whipped her butt, complete with the bully underneath, kicking to escape with gorgeous thick thighs (enough of this, we’re started to get too excited) but becomes very submissive as she is getting dominated in front of a live audience, almost begging the previously bullied girl to stop.

Then, completely humiliated and disheveled, she finally submits and wipes away tears as she is consoled by her (good girls who like the bad boys) girlfriends.

You know what? It feels a little like that here.

It’s still early though.

Iron will eventually break the hold, is in the top position but can’t seem to get a handle on the squirming Venere.

To our complete surprise, we are at the four minute mark with no submissions yet.

We can tell by the look on Iron’s face that she is in a fight. The good news is there is also an audience watching which ups the stakes.

Iron is fighting from the top but Venere kicks her away while she holds on to the muscular girl’s arm. The Italian star looks absolutely gorgeous in a spaghetti strapped magenta one piece that is highlighting her beautiful bottom in struggle.

Now both girls are apart on their knees eyeing one another.

Venere pushes Iron.

Pushes her again.

And again. Hard. Then screams, “Come on”!

Aisa the ref unblinkingly stares in silence.

The two girls start mutually pushing one another.

Not sure if Iron’s defensive approach is going to work here. Venere pushes and lands on top encasing Iron’s head in a headlock that can be cranked. Iron’s head disappears underneath Venere’s torso and the Hungarian girl begins to helplessly kick her stealth legs to escape and finally does.

Venere is still on top, and in our opinion, makes a mistake of letting go of that headlock to sit on Iron’s stomach while she contemplates her next move.

Iron forcefully bumps Venere off with a thud but Venere is determined to grasp Iron’s arm and keep her under duress.

Now the rough housing starts as the intensity level is increasing and they clearly aren’t playing around. There are loud thuds everywhere.

Venere is going all out, throwing the kitchen sink at Iron. The two are intertwined in painful holds. Iron is attempting a leg lock and Venere has now pushed her forearm on Iron’s throat.

Concerned, Aisa comes in for a closer look to make sure Iron is not going to get hurt.

No need.

Iron has had enough and taps out.


Bravo. Now this is why we watch and love fully competitive female submission wrestling. This is why we are crazy about Antscha’s store. This is why you play the games and don’t arm chair quarterback. We are stunned. We have seen Iron wrestle before and she is indeed a tough customer.

Now? She is clearly in tough.

1-0 for Venere.



Female submission wrestling in Europe, with fresh new faces that delighted at events.

A walk with history. Never tear it down. Never. Cherish it.

It doesn’t get much better than this.

~ ~ ~

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