Traditional Mat Classic, England’s Axa Jay Vs Czech Republic’s Curvy Lucrecia, Mike-Orlov-Shutterstock-Editorial-use-
June 26, 2022,
It is not a pairing that we would expect.
Different countries. Different body styles. Very different personalities. But you know what?
It’s a great matchup.
We sense we know who is going to win but since this was earlier in England’s super star Axa Jay’s career and rising star, Czech Republic’s Lucrecia as well, it is shrouded in mystery.
The question becomes, how soundly will Axa defeat Lucrecia?
Caution. Upsets do occur.
We know both of these legends very well, especially Axa, but let’s revisit what FCI Writers had to say about Lucrecia.
This was written about Lucrecia by Femcompetitor Magazine back in June of 2017.
“In our global female grappling industry, you can spot the risk takers as opposed to the company fighters who tend to play it safe by the number of places outside of their comfort zone that they have traveled to wrestle competitively.
One of the young women who is traveling the globe in search of her wrestling adventure is Lucrecia from the Czech Republic.
When we first saw her early in her career, we couldn’t take our eyes of her shapely form and had to write about her.”
Hey? Talk dirty to me.
They continue, “With a risk taker like Lucrecia, she creates opportunities for herself and along the way, additional adventures.”
True that.
Lucrecia has taken us on many adventures from the Czech Republic to Germany, England and the United States.
Axa is adventurous as well.
We loved her battles at the great Femwrestle Events in Troisdorf, Germany. That is where she went from a novice and began her journey to become one this industry’s best.
Femcompetitor Magazine spoke about that as well.
Okay, with that back drop, its match time.

As the introductions are being made, even we are stunned at Axa Jay’s 50-4 won lost record at APL. First of all, the sheer number of matches is incredible. The number of victories, amazing.
Lucrecia is 3-1.
Look at the bright side. At least it is a winning record.
The two warriors begin with the upper shoulder struggle which Axa eventually wins.
She takes Lucrecia down to the mats and is concentrating on a headlock move, which Axa slowly grinds into an Arm lock Triangle Choke. Lucrecia’s right arm is trapped inside of the hold limiting her defensive escape options.
Out of options, the curvy Czech beauty taps out.
1-0 Axa (2:00).
As round two begins, it becomes apparent that Axa is not only more skilled but much quicker as well. After a small bit of struggle, she captures Lucrecia in a head lock and takes her down. This appeared to be a quick submission but Lucrecia energetically breaks the hold and now is on top of Axa Jay who temporarily gave up her back to fall into a position of weakness.
She can’t keep the hold.
Axa now manages to get on top of the curvy Lucrecia and ride her back. The match becomes erotically charged as the curvy Lucrecia, adorned in fishnet stockings, is submissive underneath.
The English star rolls Lucrecia into a rear naked choke position but curiously goes for a body scissors on a larger woman instead.
Very puzzling.
Lucrecia breaks the hold.
For some time neither gains a foothold until Axa does.
Once again she rides the curvy Lucrecia’s back but this time she learns from her previous missed opportunity and applies the rear naked choke. Good girl.
Lucrecia taps out.
2-0 for Axa (4:49).
As they immediately engage, Axa once again does something that, strategically speaking, appears questionable. She pulls Lucrecia forward and while Axa is flat on her back tries for a floor to sitting body scissors.
Why is that a mistake?
That move is always risky because, unless you close the deal, you literally have placed your opponent in a position of strength by having her lie on top of you as you try and squeeze her out with a scissor hold.
Especially with a larger girl like Lucrecia.
A few times it works, most times it doesn’t.
The Czech Maiden falls on top of Axa and easily breaks the hold and slowly begins to control the action. Give Lucrecia credit. Instead of trying to match Axa skillset to skill, she captures Axa in an arm bar and expertly uses her legs to keep Axa’s body away from that trapped arm.
Axa is determined not to submit and continues to squirm around, move away and thrust against.
To no avail.
Lucrecia is determined to put pressure on Axa’s weak arm. She sits on the upper torso of the British beauty and its curtains.
Axa taps.
Brilliant strategy. Can Lucrecia come up with another surprise move because Axa is sure to upgrade her computer chip to counter the arm bar?
2-1 for Axa (6:26).
The female gladiators stand for the next round. Very sexy.
Lucrecia engages first and oddly enough does the same unwise, pull her down and forward technique, and all that does is place Axa on top, who immediately takes advantage of Lucrecia’s ill-advised strategy and Axa rests on top of Lucrecia who is now in the bent over turtle position, walled off to block the rear naked choke.
Axa maneuvers and tries for the arm lock triangle choke but can’t hold it.
Still, thanks to Lucrecia, she is in the top position.
Lucrecia fights her off and now she is in the top position. Axa immediately blocks any arm bar attempts. They erotically roll around as Lucrecia uses her curves to tire Axa out.
She goes for a cross body pin and let’s Axa know, she has her pinned.
Axa responds, no pins allowed.
Shocking. So this must be a custom submissions match because why in the world would Lucrecia agree not to allow pins with her size and strength advantage.
This new information drops the match value down a notch.
The lesser skilled opponent can’t use a pathway that is clearly to her advantage? Too bad.
No submissions. Oh well. This clearly swings the match Axa’s way. With her weight on top of Axa, the Czech star was ready for a cross body pin but lets it go.
Lucrecia lunges forward and tries for a smother. Hopefully that is allowed. Axa is fighting mightily and erotically from the bottom, kicking and struggling in her black thong. The British girlies has beautiful smooth legs. Desperate, she tries for a floor to sitting body scissors.
Not going to work.
Lucrecia breaks out and now the two do a scramble drill until the more experienced Axa captures the curvy Czech princess from behind and simultaneously applies a rear naked choke and body scissors.
Like captured prey, Lucrecia lies there. Very valiant but futile. Axa is like a slow moving python. No rush. She has this girl locked up.
Lucrecia taps out.
3-1 Axa (11:30).
The two beauties stand and get ready to engage. Back down on their knees they attack with upper neck and shoulder force. Lucrecia wins that battle and takes Axa down with a headlock. On the way down, Axa does something brilliant that we’ve rarely seen. She leg locks Lucrecia then reaches behind the brunette’s back, grabs her left arm, like school yard arm twisting and locks Lucrecia’s wrist in a joint lock.
That has to hurt.
There is not much Lucrecia can do, except tap out.
4-1 for the British beauty (12:47).
Back at it.
Lucrecia employs the lie down on your back, pull her forward into a scissor strategy which we always think is unwise unless you can guarantee that scissor will work, which most don’t and it doesn’t work here either. Now, once again, all your opponent has to do is fall forward on top of you, which is exactly what Axa does.
Looks like we are ready for a quick frontal smother type submission but to our surprise, Lucrecia escapes.
And takes control.
She is now on top of Axa. Lucrecia?
Do something with it. Make it count.
She does. She rolls Axa into a brutal side body scissors, crunches with those sensuous thick thighs and Axa submits.
Impressive. 4-2 Axa (14:14).
As they wrestle once more, this is Axa’s round all the way as she mounts Lucrecia, using the Czech girl’s curvy big bottom for leverage. What is amazing about Axa’s wrestling is the variety of unusual slow moving arm locks and head scissor captures she can enforce.
She slowly moves Lucrecia’s head into a scissor with Lucrecia’s arm locked out from above so she can’t break the lock from below. To sweeten the deal, she has Lucrecia’s other arm trapped in another unescapable lock.

The gorgeous curvy Czech girl has now choice but to give.
5-2 for Axa (16:03).
Victory in hand, Axa grapples around and controls Lucrecia until she traps her in a Guillotine Choke for the icing on the cake.
6-2 for Axa. 50 victories becomes 51.
As Lucrecia lays there motionless, the victorious Briton stands over her in the victory pose.
Muscle chick flex.
Struggle filled.
This match is a quiet, under the radar, mat classic.
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Caution – APL Videos is an adult site.
OPENING PHOTO, Mike-Orlov-Shutterstock-Editorial-use-
As of this June 2022 writing, it appears that the legendary Axa Jay no longer participates in sessions. The gorgeous curvy Lucrecia does.

If you would like a session with this good natured Czech beauty, her email is