Serious About Women’s Wrestling, Turn Your Hobby Into Paid Work, photo credit
June 29, 2022,
How serious are you about women’s wrestling?
You’re reading this website, so it is a fair question isn’t it?
Do you love women’s wrestling?
Many would say yes, but to this date, after ten years of publishing, in our experience, we can count on one hand, people who actually do.
Yes, people constantly email us, as though they do, but the evidence shows that they don’t.
If you see our contact page, it is becoming more like a firewall to keep out hobbyists who engage us with questions they should ask in a chat room.
Where other hobbyists are.
They’ll want us to answer questions about Session Women who have profiles already up on session sites and at times ask for referrals.
Do we refer them?
FCI has been publishing since 2012 and yes, in our early years we engaged in hobbyist conversations.
Now we don’t. Why not?
Because they are not serious, that’s why.
Define serious.

You are serious about women’s wrestling when you make the sacrifices and invest the time and money to build a website where you pay women to wrestle so that our beautiful Session Women and competitive female wrestlers, do not leave the industry.
So, in our minds, if you don’t have a website, you’re not remotely serious.
So, what the hobbyist wants is often completely self-centered.
Is he going to pay us for a referral? Of course not. He wants everything for free.
If we refer him to a Session Woman who charges, say $500-$600, is he going to pay that?
No, he is going to try and under cut her rate and embarrass us for referring a fan her way who just wants to flirt.
So maybe we can make a point by comparison.
Jack says he loves rock music.
As a hobbyist, which means he listens to it, purchases music and goes to concerts.
Is he serious about rock music?
Define serious.
Playing at a Karaoke bar is not serious.
Forming your band, writing your own music, having a video channel on YouTube, blasting on Instagram, burning out a CD, building a website and trying to get gigs, is serious.
If you’re not doing that, you are not serious.
As far as Female Submission Wrestlers go, if they wrestle in real fully competitive matches and travel out of their company fight pond or country to do so, we view them as serious and most likely will promote their sessions.

In our years of experience, serious fully competitive female wrestlers tend to be more ethical.
What point are we trying to make here? Do we dislike hobbyists?
Of course not. The hobbyist is the life blood of our readership. What we don’t care for is when a hobbyist keeps crossing lines by emailing us, wanting to hang out with the serious, pretending to be serious, wanting to get into a debate, and making demands on our time.
For free.
That’s why we are building a stronger hobbyist firewall contact page.
If you are a hobbyist, that’s great. Enjoy the website.
Aren’t we doing our part?
We are pounding out tons of articles for your benefit. We want to show you that we are serious. We sincerely mean that and we like you as a reader and hobbyist.
Having said that, we are not a chat room or referral service.
Who should contact us?

The serious.
Define serious.
You already have built a website. You already have invested in a wrestling shoot, have video and want to sell them.
Do that and we will give you suggestions based upon our experience so you don’t go through the school of hard knocks.
You can email us about improving your women’s wrestling business.
We would love to help you in the ways that we can.
Maybe even collaborate on a shoot.
We always love to work with ethical and honest people who are serious about women’s wrestling.
That is our commitment to the serious.
Hobbyists also tend to hide in the dark. They enjoy women’s wrestling but they don’t want come out in the open about it, which is fine, but that thinking and behavior places you on the not serious list.
Hobbyists don’t invest in women’s wrestling. That’s why they undercut Session Women’s rates. They invest their money in what is actually important to them. In their real life.
Not women’s wrestling.
Which is a hobby.
So, when you get serious, and now you know how we define serious, then please bust through the firewall and email us.
Serious people, like us, who once worked 9-5 jobs, will turn their passion into paying work. One of our members turned down a nice paying job to do this fulltime. One website?
We have four.
And a store.
We always like to get differing point of views.
In terms of turning your passion, like women’s wrestling, into work, we have a visiting writer with a nice philosophy.
It is career oriented but we liked his thoughts on passion.
Strategies to Discover Your Passionate Work

By Scott M.
The most important ingredients for success and happiness is to pursue something you are passionate about. A lot of times we get caught up in endeavors that we aren’t excited about, especially when it comes to our careers. We have bills to pay and mouths to feed, and most often we put aside our own interests to meet the financial obligations of our family.
There is certainly nothing wrong with this, but what if you could do both? What if you could pursue your passion and make money doing it? There’s a way, and I will show you how it works.
3 Vital Reasons Why You Must Follow Your Passion
- To Maximize Your Potential
When you enjoy your work, you do a better job. It’s funny how that works. So why not do something which you enjoy?
When you are passionate about your work, you fully commit to the task at hand. You don’t hesitate to go ‘all in’. You go the extra mile to learn all that you can so you can become really good at what you are doing.
You also have more energy. Ideas come your way night and day because you constantly think about your next step and how to get better at what you are doing. You’re alive with energy 24/7 when pursuing your passion.
You’re more creative. You spend additional time on your work because you have an enormous degree of pride in what you are doing. The extra time that you invest allows you to imagine ideas beyond what anybody else is thinking.
The extra time, energy, and creativity that you invest into your passion enables you to maximize your full potential.
- Happiness
The second reason why you must follow your passion is because you will be happier. When you do something which you enjoy and that you are good at, naturally you’re happier.
Work isn’t “work” anymore. The days of dragging yourself out of bed to do something you don’t like are gone for good. You JUMP out of bed on Monday mornings to begin the week. You spend some of your free time on nights and weekends working on your passion. The fire inside you burns so hot that you have to make sure to keep a balance in your life.
Additionally you enjoy a sense of freedom when following your passion. After all, the world is paying you to do something that you enjoy. As Warren Buffett says – pick a job you love and “tap dance to work”.
- The World Needs You
The third reason why you must follow your passion is because the world needs you to. That’s right, look around. Your family, friends, co-workers, as well as people you don’t know- need you to do something that you love, something that burns inside you, something that will inspire.
Let me say that again – The world needs you to do something that you love, something that burns inside you, something that will inspire.
People surround themselves with people who bring out the best in them and who make them feel better. Once you begin to do something that you are passionate about, the world will surround you, one by one to listen, ask questions, gain knowledge, and watch you perform. They need you.
How Will I Get Paid?
So now you may be asking yourself, this is all great, however I have bills to pay, I’ve got a mortgage, I can’t just go gallivanting off into the sunset in search of my passion, how will I get paid? How do I make this my career?
Ralph Waldo Emerson says it best in his essay on Compensation. He says that for every action, there is a reaction. For everything that you give, you get the same in return. You are compensated for as little or as much as you give.
I don’t offer this brilliant work justice in a one paragraph summary. I highly recommend that you read it for yourself to gain your own insight. I actually printed it out and I take it with me in my work bag to read at lunch or during the day when I have time.
Keep this in mind – To be compensated monetarily, your business must be set up in a way to accept payment. Regardless of how much value you give to others, you will not get paid if there is no way to pay you.
Also, you might need to keep your day job and invest a few hours at night or on weekends in the beginning stages of following your passion. Eventually you will build it up to a point where you can pursue it on a full-time basis.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
So – How do you know what career is right for you? Look at your position and ask yourself these questions:
1) Are you maximizing your potential?
2) Are you happy?
3) Do your customers and co-workers need you?
Your answers will give you a good indication as to whether you are passionate about your work and whether a particular career is a good fit for you.
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