Private Gym Battle, Kim Vs Beatrix Challenge, Great Win Opportunity For Both, Shutterstock-Fotokvadrat-photo-credit-Editorial-use
October 30, 2023,
No one likes being put in a box. Figuratively.
And, especially literally.
Even if they have a nice figure.
Okay, so we’ll call this encounter a category.
Beatrix vs Kim, falls into a category of where we would love to see them wrestle more on a big stage.
Like events.
We have not reviewed or seen much of Beatrix.
We did review Beatrix against the legendary Zsuzsa, a match which she lost, but an argument could be made, that she could have won as well. It was a tough grueling match where Zsuzsa was wise enough, experienced enough and talented enough to maneuver Beatrix to play to her strengths to seal her victory. Beatrix out-weighed her, perhaps was stronger, had Zsuzsa in trouble many times, but Zsuzsa prevailed.
The good news is, though she lost, she made a statement that she can wrestle at the intermediate level.
Kim, we know a lot about. Reviewed a myriad of her matches. She is great looking.
With a nice figure.
But we won’t put her in a box.
Just on the mats. Against Beatrix and we will see how well she performs.
Kim is a tough muscle girl at the intermediate level but can be inconsistent. And beatable.
Beatrix is tough at a similar level.
Time to find out who is tougher.

This contest will take place at a gym on the mats.
As they engage, Kim immediately takes Beatrix down with a floor to sitting body scissor. Nothing substantial. Just trying to gain control and she is having trouble doing so. Beatrix struggles mightily and continues on the defensive. Kim makes a decision to encase Beatrix in a side body scissor with moderate success.
Kim keeps trying to apply them, and finally appears to, but loses the hold.
This is a pattern with Kim in previous matches. She is not a consistent closer.
Beatrix fully escapes and they will start over (3:40).
As they energetically engage, Kim eventually gets the upper hand again, trying to trap Beatrix in a side body scissor.
She comes close.
Appearing to be the stronger of the two, she manages to mount Beatrix in school girl pin fashion, grabs the statuesque blonde’s wrists and rolls her into a side head scissor, that looks painful, but once again Kim loses the hold (5:00).
As they struggle, this time it is Beatrix who gains the advantage by squeezing Kim in a fierce side head scissor while simultaneously trapping the brunette’s right arm in a scissor. Kim is struggling and Beatrix is forcefully trying to close the deal. She soon turns to smother as well.
Can she submit Kim?
Kim breaks the hold (6:30).
The more experienced girl immediately goes after Beatrix and locks her into a side head scissor and squeezes hard. Kim is also trying to push Beatrix into a side body scissor.
She achieves that and lets the headlock go. Kim begins to squeeze hard.
Even harder.
Beatrix is grimacing in pain. She tries to push and pry Kim’s legs apart.
Kim squeezes harder. Enough. In pain, Beatrix taps out.
1-0 for Kim (7:25).
Time to re-engage.
Beatrix is initially the aggressor but with that aggression and no real plan, she walks right into Kim’s floor to sitting body scissor.
The stealth brunette locks Beatrix in and tightens the grip, then, once again, slides her into a side body scissor and wraps her right arm around Beatrix neck. Squeezes.
Beatrix taps out.
2-0 for Kim (8:31).
As they scramble around, Beatrix tries in earnest but gives up her back. Kim immediately encases her in a behind the back body scissor but fortunately for the beautiful blonde, she is able to escape.
Kim’s persistent attacks are starting to take a toll on Beatrix. Even though she did escape the last hold, it drained a lot of energy to do so.
Kim is becoming more confident and aggressive.
She lunges towards Beatrix, pushes her backwards and attempts a face sit, then easily rolls it into a head scissors as Beatrix suffers and tries to escape.
Beatrix uses her left arm to block a full scissor.
Kim responds by sliding the scissor downward towards Beatrix’s waist. Then tries to clench. Credit to Beatrix, she breaks the hold. That is the good news. The bad news is that she appears to have no momentum at all.
They clinch.
Beatrix actually grabs a headlock first but falls to the mats from the bottom position. Kim uses her strength to easily break that tenuous hold, grasps both of Beatrix’s wrists, stretches them forward and out, then, on top and in a superior position, contemplates her next more.
School girl pin?
It appears, none of the above, as Beatrix pushes out but falls right into a potential side body scissor.
They struggle. Especially Beatrix. It pays off. She finally breaks free from the scissor but once again, she is using a lot of effort on the defense with virtually no offense.
They clinch.
Beatrix initially wins this struggle again, secures a headlock but Kim uses her muscle strength to push her way to the top. She now has the potential for a smother again but can’t sustain it. Beatrix breaks that hold, again, tries to escape but gives up her back and Kim immediately captures the gorgeous blonde from behind.
Kim now has the potential for a great choke and scissor combination but inexplicably lets it go again and Beatrix escapes again.
Once more they clinch.
Beatrix gets the upper hand and this time sustains it. She pushes Kim backwards and slides upward and forward, sitting on top of Kim’s chest while clenching Kim’s wrists. This is an ideal launching pad for a submission but can Beatrix do anything with this?
She can’t.
No surprise. Why? Because she appears to have no plan at all. This was the same problem when she wrestled the DWW Alum Zsuzsa. Beatrix was in plenty of positions of strength but failed to do anything with most of them.
As she is doing here.
Kim kicks her off and immediately captures Beatrix from behind.
The clock is running down.
Kim maintains the top position as time runs out.
This was a solid victory for Kim, but not an “A” grade, as she let too many clear submission pathways fritter away.
Still, though we are often a little hard on Kim, because we feel that she can perform much better, a victory is a victory and this was a good one for Kim.
Beatrix is on a learning curve and we hope to see more of the gorgeous blonde.
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IMPORTANT: Kim is a stealth, wonderful Session Woman. Here is her email:
Kim –