Newer Fem Wrestlers, CrossFit Makes Your Grappling Package Complete, Leszek-Glasner-Shutterstock-photo-credit-
June 28, 2022,
When you look at an elite CrossFit Female Athlete, you say to yourself, she could excel at so many other sports, especially wrestling.
If you feel that way, you know what?
You are not alone.
The team at express, “One of the useful things about CrossFit for wrestlers is the amount of mental toughness it can develop.”
Physical too.
Good point.
It is the physical aspect that is even more wrestling oriented. Great to have both.

CrossFit is a branded fitness regimen that involves constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity.
The methodology was developed by Greg Glassman, who founded CrossFit with Lauren Jenai in 2000, with CrossFit its registered trademark.
The company forms what has been described as the biggest fitness chain in the world, with around 12,500 affiliated gyms as of 2022, just under half of which are located in the United States.
CrossFit is promoted as both a physical exercise philosophy and a competitive fitness sport, incorporating elements from high-intensity interval training, Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, powerlifting, gymnastics, kettlebell lifting, calisthenics, strongman, and other exercises.
It is practiced by members in CrossFit-affiliated gyms, and by individuals who complete daily workouts (otherwise known as “WODs” or “Workouts of the Day”
Time to visit the company.
At they educate, “CrossFit is a lifestyle characterized by safe, effective exercise and sound nutrition. CrossFit can be used to accomplish any goal, from improved health to weight loss to better performance. The program works for everyone — people who are just starting out and people who have trained for years.”
Very impressive.
CrossFit is a strength, conditioning, and overall fitness program consisting mainly of a mix of aerobic exercise, calisthenics (bodyweight exercises), and Olympic weightlifting.
CrossFit aims to develop fitness in what the company deems to be the 10 components of physical fitness: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, coordination, agility, balance, accuracy.
As a Female Wrestler, perhaps pick out the key components that will help you with your wrestling.
Respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, speed and very important, agility and balance.
Would you like to check out some videos? Time for some fun.
We love this one.–k-UBNJDo
“Female Crossfit Motivation – TOP CROSSFIT ATHLETES”
Love the great music that enhances the workouts.
Here is another that gets the job done.
“EMILY BREEZE – CrossFit Women: CrossFit Weightlifting Workout”
That was educational and fun.
Now, we look to CrossFit learning through book form. A female writer has some great ideas.
Crossfit for Beginners: Your Guide to Better Health Paperback – November 13, 2013

By Cathy Wilson
“CrossFit for Beginners: Your Guide to Better Health” by Cathy Wilson outlines the benefits of finding time to train CrossFit regularly. Improving energy, strengthening your mind and body, and preventing serious disease from taking away your quality of life are just a few highlights in this introductory exercise guide to better health. Better yet, you’ll gain the knowledge and tools you need to take action. Making CrossFit training something you have fun with, look forward to, and gain positively from mentally, physically, and socially. We all know the body was designed to exercise and “CrossFit for Beginners: Your Guide to Better Health” is the perfect fit to give your body what it craves, while gaining optimal health and wellness. Cathy Wilson does a fantastic job of introducing CrossFit. You are reminded that you are important and so is your great health. Information is power. Power is knowledge, and knowledge is only going to make you a better you.”
Yes, you are important.
So is your wrestling.
If you have not done so yet, add a CrossFit program to your wrestling training for the complete package.
Crossfit Workouts For Beginners

Here I’m gonna talk about some Crossfit workouts for beginners. Beginners at Crossfit may find all this talk about the “Workout Of The Day”, sumo deadlifts and kettlebell swings a little confusing if they haven’t heard of them before.
The Crossfit workouts are basically like this: Each day, a workout is prescribed by the trainer, called “Workout of the day”, or WOD. Every person at the Crossfit gym performs this same workout, the goal is usually to finish the workout in as short a time as possible or do as many reps or rounds as possible.
You don’t need to worry if you’re a beginner and think you can’t handle a Crossfit workout, because the workout is scalable to pretty much any fitness level. The trainer can help you find an easier variation of every exercise that is performed.
Most of the exercises are easy to perform, it’s the speed and lack of rest in between sets that is most challenging. If you’ve been in the gym a lot and are able to put up respective numbers, you may still find yourself drained in a matter of minutes of doing a Crossfit workout, that’s how I felt in the beginning.
If you’re still afraid of dipping right into a Crossfit workout, then here are some Crossfit workouts for beginners that you can practice with:
- Squats. Any variation of squats will do. Doing them with no weight in the living room of your house will give you plenty of practice. Just make sure to watch your form. There are also plenty of variations that you will learn at Crossfit.
- Shoulder Presses. If you have a barbell, or dumbbells, then you can practice doing shoulder presses in order to gain a bit of strength before trying Crossfit.
- Crunches. Any form of crunches will do, since they all do pretty much the same thing. Planks are also excellent to strengthen your core.
- Push ups. Regular push ups will do just fine, but if you want to get a bit of preparation for the speed of Crossfit workouts then you may want to try the clapping push ups. They are pretty much the same, except that you push much faster and then clap your hands once in between reps. Warning: you might fall on your face, that’s what happened to me once when I tried clapping my hands two times.
And finally, I would recommend trying to get into good cardiovascular shape, preferably doing high-intensity, anaerobic cardio exercises since these are a major part of Crossfit.
So these are a few Crossfit workouts for beginners that you can practice with, but like I said before I don’t think you need to worry about anything since the exercises are scalable so you can just show up at a Crossfit workout and start.
Kris is a medical student very interested in all things health related. He is dedicated to bringing you the latest, unbiased information on what to do in order to gain optimal health.
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NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.