Newer Fem Wrestlers, Build Strong Abdominals For Bottom Position Escapes, Nomad_Soul-Shutterstock-photo-credit-Editorial-use-.
September 10, 2022,
Mistakes are part of life. We wish that they weren’t. But if we are wise and take responsibility for our actions, we can tremendously learn from them.
On the wrestling mats, mistakes can lead to losses at worst, or put you on the defensive, at best.
One common occurrence we see in competitive female submission wrestling is when a weaker wrestler, while on her knees and engaging in pre-clinch fighting, tries to wrap her hand around her opponent’s neck and pull her forward and downward trying for one of two submissions.
The Guillotine Choke.
The floor to sitting body scissors.
Often the lesser skilled wrestler fails completely from both. Trust us, we watch a ton of female wrestling videos and we see this all of the time. And even if she does succeed in temporarily trapping the higher skilled wrestler in the floor to body scissors, the tougher girl breaks the hold and now is on top.
That is the problem when you attempt both of the above holds and fail.
Your opponent is on top of you.
You made a mistake.
In wrestling it is often called getting off bottom.
What are important muscles to help you kick or churn sideways to get out of that position of weakness?
Your abdominal muscles.
If you haven’t already, you should thinking about exercises to strengthen your stomach muscles.
Abdominal exercises are a type of strength exercise that affect the abdominal muscles, otherwise known known as the stomach muscles or “abs”.
When performing abdominal exercises it is important to understand the effects, functions, the types of exercises, and think about how to perform this exercise safely.
In book form, let’s turn to an expert to learn more about that.
The Complete Book of Abs: Revised and Expanded Edition Paperback – Illustrated, September 1, 1998
By Kurt Brungardt (Author), Brett Brungardt
“Anyone who works out knows that abdominal exercises have progressed light-years beyond the basic sit-up. In fact, a whole new generation of ab exercises and machines have advanced abdominal workouts to new levels of sophistication, designed for maximum efficiency to provide the trim, toned midsection that everyone wants. But how do you put the exercises together into a routine for your specific physique and needs? The Complete Book of Abs shows you how.
¸ The first ab book for everyone–from beginners to fitness professionals
¸ More than one hundred ab exercises–from traditional crunches and sit-ups to such cutting-edge techniques as corkscrews and hanging knee raises–drawn from diverse sources, including gymnastics, yoga, and the martial arts
¸ Includes the “Fifteen Minutes a Day to Ultimate Abs” system, which will take you from an undeveloped stomach to a rippled washboard look in six months
¸ Dozens of favorite and new routines from America’s foremost coaches, trainers, and bodybuilders
¸ How to be your own personal trainer and put together your own routines
¸ The most up-to-date information on diet and nutrition, including a personal
template to maximize diet-exercise efficiency
Already a fitness classic, The Complete Book of Abs, is the definitive guide for abdominal toning and strengthening. No one who’s serious about working out should be without it.”
More than 100 AB exercises. That is impressive.
This aspect of your defensive and escape wrestling is so important, we would like to hear from a visiting female writer with more suggestions.
Abdominal Muscle Exercises – Learn How To Get Rid of Abdominal Fat Today
Abdominal muscles exercises are the most sought exercises inside and outside the gym because everybody is in dire need to get the flattest abdominals that reflects a flat stomach. It is true that our society today is becoming beauty and health conscious. As a result, there has been an increase focus on exercises and fitness programs which pave the way of the demands and fascination from the exercises in abdominal muscles.
Our abdominal muscles are mainly located between the ribs and hip bone and in front of the body. They works to support the upper body, allow movement and contraction and to hold vital organs on a proper place by regulating pressure from the abdomen. Our abdominal muscles have different vital works under the body and cannot be seen by the naked eye. When you are extremely obese, fats can accumulate in the abdomen, and fats can cover the muscles which then can give you an abdominal fat. In this case, even if you have the best and great muscles in the abdomen, it is useless when covered with fats.
Abdominal exercises or ab workouts are focusing on the abdominal muscles, doing it properly can help you tone and strengthen the abdominal muscles, but when incorrectly done, it may result to unnecessary strain on the back and other muscles of the body.
Spot Reduction? Oh No!
There is no such things as spot reduction for fats, so never believe any equipment that promise to decrease fat around the tummy. Abdominal exercises cannot reduce fat, it will train your abdominal muscles while leaving layers of fat in the abdomen unchanged. Even if you do thousands of crunches and sit-ups, fat will not reduce especially when you have extreme fat accumulation around the tummy, and take note, muscles are lying under the fats, so muscles are evidently seen when fats are gone, and spot reduction is the ways. Diet and combination of exercises are always the best choice.
The Flat-Stomach Myth:
Being obsessed with a flat abdominal area can lead you to frustration, anxiety and even some eating disorders which are not at all healthy. The truth about flat stomach is that it cannot be possible to achieve. In the first place, our abdominal muscles are not designed to be flat. It will always be rounded and not flat and your gender, age and genetics can greatly affect the size and shape of our abdominals.
Again, abdominal muscles exercises are not meant to flatten your tummy, it just strengthen the muscles and building ab muscles little by little. It also allows proper function of the abdominal muscles. Now, when you decide to add exercises for your abdominal muscles in your exercise program, you have to take precaution in choosing such exercises because they can be straining and dangerous to the body.
Tips Before The Exercise…
- A proper warm-up before starting the abdominal muscles exercises for 15 minutes is important to prevent muscle strain.
- Use an exercise mat when exercising to ensure back safety.
- Do the exercises regularly for proper strength training and to build your ab muscles.
- Always bring a towel while exercising to swipe off the sweat.
- If you are a beginner and would want to do abdominal exercises using gym equipment, ask for an assistant by a gym instructor for proper usage.
The Bicycle maneuver or the TWISTING CRUNCH
- Lie flat on the floor with your back pressed against the ground.
- Place your hands behind the head and bring your knees as much as possible in a 45-degree angle and slowly do a bicycle pedal motion.
- As you do the pedaling, twist the upper body and trunk by allowing left elbow to touch your right knee, then right elbow to left knee.
- Perform the exercise in a slow and controlled manner as possible.
Captain’s Chair
This is one of the most effective exercises for muscles but the most difficult as it stabilizes upper body. This exercise is contraindicated to lower back problems or for a beginner.
- Sit upright on a chair while legs dangling from the chair.
- Slowly, lift knees up going towards the chest and hold in that position for a few seconds.
- Lowered the knees and get back to the starting position and repeat.
Crunch on Exercise Ball
In choosing an exercise ball for you, you must be able to sit on it and your knees bent and soles of feet resting on the floor.
- Roll the ball slowly and lie on the ball with your back until your thighs and chest are parallel with each other.
- Placed arms across the chest and chin down to the chest.
- As you contract your abdominal muscles, raise your chest at least 45 degrees angle.
- To make the exercise easier for you, spread you legs and feet wider apart for total support while lying on the ball.
- Repeat many steps as you can.
Among other crunches, these two are known to be the most effective and the safest abdominal muscles exercises that can be done either at home or in the gym.
Vertical Crunch
- Lie flat on the floor with your back pressed against the ground.
- Place your hands behind your head for proper support.
- Slowly raise your crossed legs at the ankles with a slight bend in the knee.
- Now, as you contract your abdominal muscles, lift your upper body toward your knees and then lower down.
- Do as many steps as possible.
Reverse Crunch
- Lie flat on the floor with your lower back pressed against the floor.
- Place hands beside your head or place then flat on your sides (whatever you feel the most comfortable).
- Cross your feet at the ankles and then slowly lift your feet from the floor up to a 90-degree angle.
- Once you are stable and comfortable in this position, press your lower back on the floor and contract your abdominal muscles as you move down the crossed legs few inches from the floor and then up and down again. Make sure feet are not touching on the floor during the exercise.
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NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.