New Girl Matches, Filled With Wonder, Curiosity, Sex Appeal, Xena Vs Ginger, Beatrice Vs Atra, Mel Fire Vs Maze, Denise Vs Adriena,
September 17, 2024,
There is a sense of great anticipation, curiosity and sex appeal when we are about to see a new girl wrestle. Even if she is going up against an experienced girl and we expect her to lose, it can still be a spectacle.
When you think about it, at one time, even the girls we love the most were once new. We had the gradual joy of watching them gain experience and grapple to maturity.
Nothing like indulging in something that is sexy, entertaining and historic.
We have some excerpts from some new girl matches that we hope you find special.
June 6, 2023,
New and never seen before.
When it comes to fully competitive female submission wrestling, we absolutely love that.
New and improved?
Well, that will take a little time for the beautiful girls Xena from Belgium and Ginger from Ukraine to achieve.
It’s a process.
But we love the thought of these two new girls, who have never met one another before, throwing down on the mats. Because it is in Antscha’s store, at one of her events, we know that we will get the real deal and not some semi-competitive giggly phony baloney.
As far as who is going to win today, it is a complete mystery and that is part of the fun.
We have no history on either one of them.
Time to go ringside.

As the two girls listen to Antscha’s instructions, they look like a work of art. A perfect portrait.
Now down to their knees.
When they engage, Xena immediately goes for the head, grasps a headlock, takes Ginger down and most important, uses her body to fall on top of Ginger’s head.
It is as though Ginger disappears underneath.
The crowd urges Ginger to use her legs to kick out. Easier said than done.
It does work. Ginger breaks the hold.
Xena tries to stand and recapture it but Antscha reminds her not to stand. As the gorgeous brunette sits back down, Ginger immediately captures her in a body scissor. The beautiful Xena looks surprised and confused.
Still, the beauty manages to hang tough.
They struggle and Xena manages to get on top. She aggressively pushes Ginger backwards and re-captures the headlock, takes Ginger down and squeezes.
This time Ginger taps out.
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.
1-0 for Xena (2:18).
June 28, 2024,
This is a rare treat.
We have always found the videos at Italian Female Wrestling to be sexy and intriguing. The girls there tended to wrestle inside of the pond, and except for a few, most did not venture out.
Bianca, Gaia, Samantha, Venere and Michaela, to name the adventurous, did so.
So here, Beatrice and Atra have ventured out into The Zone.
To Female Wrestling Zone, to be exact, and we are happy to see them.
What might we expect?
Research indicates that Beatrice has wrestled extensively at Italian Female Wrestling. We really haven’t found much on Atra.
Is it possible Atra has wrestled extensively elsewhere? Possibly.
Based upon the research we have seen, since Beatrice has wrestled more, we will give her the nod to win here.
Let’s go ringside.

The two gorgeous girls come to the center and flex. Nice muscles on both. Very fit.
The will begin wrestling standing up.
They start with upper body hand and arm Greco styled wrestling which progresses to both trying to take one another down with a leg trip. Atra captures a left armed headlock, does take Beatrice down to the mats but ends up on the bottom. She also makes the mistake of not scissoring one of Beatrice’s legs which allows the more experienced girl to perform a full mount which transfers into an elongated grapevine.
Atra is already in trouble.
Beatrice is performing a full smother and grapevine as Atra struggles underneath. This war of attrition lasts for some time. Does Atra have enough experience to escape a double submission attempt?
She does not.
Face completely covered underneath a pressing smother, Atra uses her left hand to tap out.
1-0 for Beatrice (2:07).
They begin on their knees and Maze quickly head hunts and takes Mel down to the mats. To prevent a full mount, Mel scissors her left leg. Maze returns the favor by capturing Mel with a reverse behind the neck headlock, from the top position. They struggle and Maze’s inexperience shows as she rolls around and allows Mel to take the top position. She scissors Mel’s left thigh to prevent a full mount. Mel is trying to press her advantage around Maze’s head and neck area.
This war of attrition goes on for some time until Mel breaks the stalemate by freeing herself from both Maze’s headlock and leg scissor thus she can move forward for a full mount and smother. Maze tries to fence her off but as Mel slides her left arm around and behind Maze’s neck, the fitness star is now in trouble.
Mel continues to press the advantage as the two squirm around and Maze is starting to breathe more heavily. Her arm fence is broken as well. The struggle continues as Mel tries to smother her out. As Maze circles from the bottom, Mel circles with her. Mel’s body weight on top, for easily three minutes, has to be a factor as well. It most likely is as Maze finally taps out.
1-0 for Mel (6:34).
Keep legends alive.
As fans, it is our duty. Maybe a responsibility. We don’t want time to forget the many great memories that they brought.
Here we have two DWW legends ready to wrestle.
Denise, a dark haired brunette, with model looks, has been a DWW warrior for years, beginning in the late 1990s, with a massive victory total against the older DWW guard and the newer generation as well.
FCI has been a fan of Denise, since forever. Since the moment we saw her. At times, she can be a wild one. We loved that.
Here is what our associate writer at Femcompetitor Magazine ( had to say about Denise, “When it came to her wrestling, it was though Denise could look into the future and project a much brighter one for herself.
She loved women’s wrestling in all forms including matches with extreme aggression. There is nothing like letting off some steam after you’ve been wrestling with child rearing all week. To look at her soft, innocent feminine features, you might be surprised that a tigress lies beneath.
In the early part of her grappling career that began in the late 1990s when the DWW elite like Luzia, Hana, Sandra and Petra ruled with an iron fist, Denise tended to struggle. As time has progressed, so has her victory march with her opponents falling like Danube dominoes.”
One of those opponents is the beautiful girl she will wrestle here, in Adriena.
We expect her to win. Why?
Denise’s resume is vast and varied. Here a list of some of the Fem Competitors that have met her on the Danube and Vienna mats. Renata B, Luna, Mary Ann, Jana, Pamela, Kimbra, Anita, Mel, Eva N, Dani, Tiffany, Jana, Viktoria, Antscha and many more.
Adriena on the other hand had a more limited resume and part of her allure was her curvy form and aggressive spirit. Her 20 count pin match against the formidable powerful star in Petra, is legend.
Time to go ringside.
The battle will take place before a live audience. The year was 2008. The fit Denise sails in at 148 lbs. The exotic and erotic Adriena posts at a gorgeous 154 lbs.
Absolutely delicious.
The feminine Adriena smiles before the match. Denise is all busy and does not.
Time to engage.
Adriena immediately goes up high for a headlock and misses. Denise returns the favor, and makes the headlock stick. She takes Adriena down to the mats with a thud. Adriena rolls on top of her but can’t keep the hold. Denise keeps her headlock and gains control. Adriena struggles and appears to make progress but rolls right in to a side body scissor. The beautiful shapely brunette kicks her legs in frustration because she is not getting out of this one. Denise squeezes harder and Adriena taps out.
1-0 for Denise (1:11).
When we watch a new girl’s match, at least for us, we can remember the time period and the spirit of where we were and what we were doing, as new history unfolded.
We love our new girl matches. We love to watch new girls wrestle.
History best served sexy.
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