Movies In The Dark, Female Lead Thrillers We Enjoyed, Pixel-Shot-Shutterstock-photo
January 18, 2023,
We have to place a warning on this tale.
A disclaimer.
Fine print.
In readable print.
The films that we are going to tell you about will not be compared to Shakespeare.
Nor Jaws.
Nor the French Connection.
No classics here.
Just thrilling and entertaining and sometimes when you need to relax with some popcorn at home, watching your large screen TV in the dark, these films with female leads, can hit the spot.
We do feel they stand above a number of run of the mill thrillers whose stories are so poorly written and the plot evolution so unbelievable that it is hard to enjoy the movie.
We sense you will enjoy these films. In the moment.

That’s all we ask.
Here goes.
Fresh is a 2022 American horror thriller film directed by Mimi Cave, in her directorial debut, from a screenplay by Lauryn Kahn. The film stars Daisy Edgar-Jones and Sebastian Stan.
Here is the storyline.
Noa, a woman from Portland, is increasingly disillusioned with online dating and the rude men she interacts with.
The myriads of extremely unappealing gents make the seemingly normal guys appear incredibly attractive.
When you can find one.
One day at the supermarket, a man named Steve flirts with her and they exchange numbers.
On their first date, the two quickly hit it off and have sex. After several dates, Steve invites Noa for a weekend break away alone with him. Against the advice of her best friend Mollie, Noa agrees to the trip. Planning to travel early the following day, Noa spends the evening at Steve’s luxury home.
Too good to be true?
Of course it is. It’s a thriller.
How did the evening end?
Steve drugs Noa’s cocktail and she falls unconscious.
Noa wakes up in captivity, chained to the ground.
Hey, what’s going on here?
Noa did not have to say it. We did not have to read her lips. Her face says it all.
Steve calmly explains that he is a butcher of human meat, which he both consumes himself and sells to wealthy clients. They prefer the meat of young women, so he regularly lures and abducts women on dates. He says that he will keep Noa alive as long as possible in order to keep her meat fresh as he surgically removes different pieces of her body.
Well, at least he explained himself.
How many serial killers have you seen on the screen who just kill, without explaining anything?
It’s the little things.
And he seemed so nice at the market.
Hopefully you never see yourself in that story. The crazy thing about it was, it did seem plausible and we felt well done. Best of all, it is not predictable.
Unsane is a 2018 American psychological horror film directed by Steven Soderbergh and written by Jonathan Bernstein and James Greer.
The fact that it is directed by the visionary Steven Soderbergh is credibility enough for us.
The film stars Claire Foy, Joshua Leonard, Jay Pharoah, Matt Damon, Juno Temple, Aimee Mullins, and Amy Irving, and follows a woman confined to a mental institution after she is pursued by a stalker.
Interesting side point, the film was shot entirely on the iPhone 7 Plus.
The movie was a commercial success, grossing over $14 million on a budget of $1.5 million and received generally positive reviews from critics, who mainly praised the performances, direction, cinematography and production values.
Can’t go wrong with that, right?
Ready for the story?
Sawyer Valentini is a woman who moves away from her home in Boston to escape a stalker.
However, she is still traumatized, having a brief reaction while on a date. She talks with a counselor at Highland Creek Behavioral Center, unknowingly signing a consent form for voluntary 24-hour admission to a locked psychiatric hospital.
She calls the police but they do nothing when they see the signed form.
The cops think, her light is on, but nobody’s home.
During the night, stress causes Sawyer to lash out through physical altercations with a patient and a staff member.
As a result, the staff psychiatrist retains her for seven more days.
For future reference, always remember that.
If you are locked in a psych ward, try to exercise self-control and not be violent.
Crazy people get violent.
Non-violent people can hide that they are crazy a little better.
Just saying.
We enjoyed this one. It was believable and our heroine kept making her situation worse which made her attempts at believability more challenging. And interesting. Entertaining too.
One more.
See for Me is a 2021 Canadian thriller film directed by Randall Okita.
It stars Skyler Davenport as Sophie, a visually impaired teenager who is housesitting for a wealthy client.
Actually she is cat sitting and she is practically blind.
Okay, intriguing choice for a cat sitter.
We love to give everyone a chance to baby sit a cat since we would absolutely hate that assignment for ourselves.
Quick question.
Aren’t cats really quiet? So, a visually impaired cat sitter can’t see or hear the cat, but she is going to cat sit?
In a mansion for crying out loud.
An apartment. We get it. But a mansion?
Fine, we’ll get past that.
Cats can generally take care of themselves. Just don’t open any doors so that they get outside and it sounds like a pretty good gig.
Or at least Sophie thought so.
When three criminals break into the house to rob it, Sophie’s only defense is to throw the cat at them.
Just kidding.
She actually uses a smartphone app called See for Me which connects her to Kelly (Jessica Parker Kennedy), a gamer who has to use the app to see Sophie’s surroundings and guide her actions.
Oh, by the way, the gamer loves to kill people.
It’s a stretch but we loved the creativity at how she guides Sophie to defend herself.
Some online reviews didn’t like the film because Sophie was rude to her mother. Seriously folks.
What teenagers, from time to time, are not rude to their mothers?
We also liked that Sophie was not above some shady borderline criminal behavior herself.
The criminals are convincing with a nice plot twist at the end.
The film is somewhat predictable but has just enough, hold your breath scares, that we did enjoy it.
Including the notion that a quiet cat could be baby sat by a blind person who the cat has never met before and can’t recognize her voice.
In a mansion.
A large residence where the blind cat sitter has never been before.
She did find the wine cellar though. Good for her.
So, there you have it.
On a quiet night, maybe raining outside, sit back and enjoy these female driven thrillers.
Cat in your lap is fine. A cat in the hat is traditional. As long as it is quiet during the movie.
SHUT UP CAT! I’m trying to enjoy the movie.
These celluloid thrillers probably won’t win an Oscar, but by kitty, they were fun to watch.
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OPENING PHOTO, Pixel-Shot-Shutterstock-photo