Mid-Level Super Match, Kim Biceps Vs Princess Nikki, 2,000 Words

fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetititor.com grapplingstars.com, jgolby-Shutterstock-
March 6, 2023,
There is royalty in the room.
She is a princess by any measure.
Princess Nikki is a veteran in the female submission wrestling industry and is a gorgeous Session Woman as well.
In April of 2017, here is what an FCI writer posted about Nikki, “Great talent comes with fantastic recommendations from high places. There is a beautiful Hungarian Princess new to our Session World named Princess Nikki.”
Good to know.
What about this recommendation from high places?
Here is what the legendary Orsi B. had to say about Nikki in 2017.
At her Facebook she smiles, “Hello, I’d like to introduce you guys a nice lady, Princess Nikki, who might be familiar to many of you by her famous clips and activity, but now she wants to try something new. She wants to dominate you with her pure strength and power and wrestle you on the mat. She is a good friend of mine and from now she is available for sessions.”
Wonderful news.
Many Session Women come and go but Nikki has stood the test of time.
Today we’re going to find if she can stand the test of Hungary’s Kim Biceps.
Though Kim is fairly new to the competitive female grappling scene she has wrestled at Female Wrestling Zone and here at Antscha’s great events, so she is no rookie. Having said that, while she can defeat newer girls, she does struggle against solid mid-level wrestlers, like Czech Republic’s Julie Silvie, who completely had her way with her.
Against elite wrestlers Kim gets dominated.
Who will win here?
We haven’t seen the match yet but were leaning towards Kim.
Nikki has far more experience but she does ply her trade extensively in the fetish and fantasy world and tends to be playful during some of her matches if not managed.
Nikki is a fun girl who seems to love a good time.
Then there are their names.
Not to get too Freudian here but “Princess” may be an indicator of how someone views their self. Pampered, spoiled and beautiful. Not sure how that relates to wrestling.
Whoever this chick is, she works out in the gym.
Score points to Kim on the name alone. Believe it or not, that is often a factor in how a Fem Competitor sees herself and her approach to her wrestling. She is either a Session Woman first who happens to wrestle or primarily a grappler who can provide sessions as well, but the sessions tend to be more about athletic competition.
More important, we believe that Kim has something to prove here. We don’t sense that Nikki does. Que Sera, Sera. Whatever will be, will be.
Nikki? Prove us wrong.
Match time.

Antscha introduces them. The rules are all body pins or submission smothering.
Very good.
The two beauties begin on their knees and start with hand fighting.
Advantage Kim.
She pulls Nikki’s head down and forward and is directing the action.
Nikki is holding her own and this struggle goes on for some time until Kim breaks the stalemate with a back on the floor to body scissors approach, something we never recommend, and Kim struggles to get out of it.
If she does, she is right on top of Kim.
She does break the hold. Kim keeps her at bay with her left leg but Nikki pushes that aside and is now right on top of Kim.
Experienced, the beautiful blonde quickly goes for the cross body pin on top of Kim.
Antscha begins to count, 1, 2, 3, shoulder up.
Kim continues to struggle underneath. Her lunge out from underneath her sexy black gym briefs with purple lace. Nikki is relentless in staying on top of her. The Princess pushes Kim back up against the wall and remains in control while Kim clasps her in a floor to bending body scissors.
Nikki remains aggressive and pushes so far that she now has Kim trapped against the wall in a folding pin with her hands behind the stealth brunette’s neck, applying the pressure.
Nikki has now lost control. Then she does something we fear.
She begins talking. Mercifully Kim ignores her and stays focused. She now has Nikki trapped in a floor to standing body scissors as Nikki struggles to break free.
Can’t help but notice how Nikki looks completely gorgeous in her orange sherbet sports bra.
Kim has secured a semi-arm bar on Nikki’s right forearm. The problem is that Kim is fighting from the bottom. That is always risky, If Nikki breaks the hold, which she does, Nikki will fall right on top of Kim.
Now, Nikki almost has the feminine brunette in a grapevine as the blonde secures the top position.
Nikki quickly comes in for the kill and begins to smother Kim. The sexy girl loaded with feminine muscle escapes the first pin count, shoulder up at nine, but not the second as Nikki presses for the smother submission. In a mild surprise, Nikki submits the MMA trained Kim.
1-0 for Princess Nikki (3:25).
This is an interesting junction in Kim’s wrestling career.
Nikki is who she is. Most likely, based upon our past research, very little is going to change about her wrestling.
She is a mid-level fighter and appears content to stay there. Wrestling is enjoyable but not a priority as she participates in other enjoyable session and fantasy activities. What you see now, is what you’ll most likely see six months from now.
That’s cool.
Kim on the other hand has something to prove.
We are going to have to review more of Kim’s matches at Female Wrestling Zone but on what we consider the female submission world’s largest event stage, Antscha’s studios, Kim is struggling. She can easily defeat newer girls like Yara, but when she faces the elite like Warrior Amazon, Marina Redstar and even a tough mid-level wrestler like Julie Silvie, she gets demolished.
Just as Julie Sylvie got completely demolished by Kimbra who lost to Jade of England at Wrestling Monica’s Center and lost so badly, she couldn’t even score a submission.
Jade is a wonderful sexy woman and our research indicates a loving mother but she is not an elite wrestler as she mostly plied her trade in the fantasy world.
Kimbra also got demolished by Yana of Russia, in a closer match, Sativa of England and Warrior Amazon of Germany. Kimbra, a DWW Alum, is very good but we wouldn’t say elite.
No criticisms here, just perspective.
In our minds, Kim is not supposed to be losing this match but thus far she is.
Since she does appear to take her wrestling very seriously, and props to her for doing so, and taking on some very tough customers, in terms of her symbolic rankings, she still has a lot to prove.
We’ll see if she turns this one around but she is not supposed to lose to Nikki.
Worse, if she does lose, it’s not like the loss will be at a private gym. This match is globally viewed, in front of Antscha’s audience and a media source like ourselves.
Time to fight.
Kim immediately lunges at Nikki’s neck and takes her down with a thud. She tightens the headlock and is going in for the kill early. Nikki is struggling and disappears underneath Kim’s feminine muscle body. The smart move by Kim is that she captured the headlock from the top, not the side or bottom.
Nikki is in trouble.
She kicks her smooth sexy tanned legs, desperately trying to escape. Great respect to Nikki as Kim is really tightening the head grip and Nikki is refusing to tap out. As she loudly groans, Nikki appears determined to break that hold.
In this war of attrition, who will win out?
Nikki does.
She breaks the hold. The audience applauds.
Back to square one for Kim. She just let a great submission opportunity slip away. Can she rebound?
The two begin on their knees.
They start hand fighting and Kim pulls Nikki into a brutal Guillotine Choke.
Nikki is trapped.
From her knees, Kim begins to lean backwards to apply the pressure.
More pressure.
Nikki refuses to submit.
More pressure from Kim as she leans back even further and squeezes harder. The audience encourages Nikki to hang in there. She appears to be their favorite.
Kim squeezes harder.
Nikki finally taps out.
Bravo. The audience applauds.
1-1 at the 5:40 mark.
Time to engage.
The two Euro Princesses engage in hand fighting. Kim appears to have a plan and Nikki doesn’t. Kim immediately lunges at Nikki and traps her in another Guillotine Choke.
If it worked before, it might work again.
Why re-invent the wheel.
Nikki is bent over and in trouble again. Kim is squeezing with all of her might while Nikki tries to pry Kim’s left arm loose.
Kim continues to squeeze hard. The sweat is glistening on Nikki’s back.
More struggle. Another war of attrition.
Nikki wins this one and breaks the hold. Another strong submission opportunity for Kim slips away.
The bad news for Kim is that she kept pulling back on the choke and went all the way down to the floor. Once Nikki broke the hold, now she is instantly on top.
If Kim didn’t re-invent the wheel with those chokes, Nikki doesn’t either with her smothers. Kim is very aware that she is now in a severe position of weakness and, fantasy girl though she may be, Nikki has tons of wrestling experience and now is coming in for the kill.
After a struggle, in a very sexy moment, she mounts Kim.
The brunette begins to kick her legs in desperation as the sultry sweaty Nikki is embracing her in bear hug fashion to submit her. Part of eroticism, just like a girl fight on the school yard, is embarrassment.
Kim is losing.
She’s not supposed to be.
Twice she has not closed the deal on two potential submissions that she should have and she finds herself in a submitting position under Nikki. The gorgeous muscle girl fights to keep her shoulder up as Antscha begins to count her out. Nikki is determined to pin her. Kim tries valiantly and erotically to escape, thrusting her smooth legs out in futility and Nikki finally closes the deal as Antscha counts out Kim to ten.
2-1 for the Princess (8:15).
The two babes are breathing heavily. After catching their breath, it is time to wrestle.
They begin with hand fighting and once again Kim lulls Nikki to sleep and lunges for that headlock which transitions into a choke. Once again she has Nikki in a submitting position.
Once again Nikki breaks the hold.
“Very tough match”, Antscha praises.
Yes indeed.
The two girls come back to their knees and begin to hand fight.
Then Kim surprises Nikki with a lunge and traps her in another Guillotine Choke. We have seen this movie before. Kim is squeezing hard but Nikki refuses to concede. Kim is hanging on for dear life.
After almost a minute, Nikki breaks the hold.
In desperation, Kim immediately leaps on top of Nikki’s back. Time is running out and if she doesn’t figure out something, the muscle girl with the strong biceps and MMA training is going to lose to a fairytale princess, in real competition.
Kim is fighting to get a rear naked choke from the top and with her vast experience, Nikki is playing possum in the turtle position with her armor out. Nikki is not going to do something foolish to lose this match.
Kim has to win it.
Nikki is wise enough to grasp on to Kim’s right arm to block that choke.
The clock is ticking.
Kim has Nikki in another potential choke submission. Can she close the deal?
Time is called.
In a match that Kim had plenty of opportunities to win, Princess Nikki made the most of her opportunities, holds on to her lead and like a veteran of the mat wars, flexes her princess muscles in victory.
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NOTE: Both Princess Nikki and Kim are Session Women. If you desire a fantastic experience, here are their emails.
Nikki: orsi.sessions@gmail.com
Kim: kimbiceps@gmail.com