Italy’s Bianca Vs Hungary’s Dolly, Play To Your Strengths 1600 Words, Artur-Didyk-Shutterstock-photo
March 20, 2023,
Women stretching and warming up before the match in sexy attire.
What could be better?
We are getting off to a good start.
Both wrestlers involved are very good with a string of victories to prove it. When they fully apply themselves. Therein is the rub. Does one of them always apply herself? Answer?
We’re not sure. Ready for the analysis?
We love Bianca from Italy. She is exotically beautiful. As we say in Texas, she is fit as a fiddle. She is tanned and has washboard Abs. Her wrestling, at times, borders on being elite. Other times we scratch our head and wonder what just happened. Bianca was supposed to win this easily.
And she didn’t.
Part of it is her personality which we sense is very jovial with a dry sense of humor. She also appears to really enjoy the erotic aspect of the wrestling.
Then there is Hungary’s Dolly.
If there is ever a female submission wrestler with a personality different than Bianca, it is Dolly. Not necessarily better or worse, but very different.
Dolly doesn’t talk during her matches (thanks for that), gives 100 percent and fights it out from beginning to end.
So here, in a private setting, before previewing the match, who do we think could win?
Notice we didn’t say who “should” win because given her experience and abilities that would easily be Bianca. The challenge is, which Bianca is going to show up today?
We don’t know because we have seen many different versions of Bianca.
Can Dolly win today?
If Bianca doesn’t take this match seriously, yes.
As far as Dolly goes, she is a wrestler on the rise who will easily dominate new girls, struggles side by side with intermediate wrestlers and loses to elite wrestlers.
Having said that, given her muscles and increasing experience and skillful techniques, Dolly is capable of giving anyone big trouble.
Even the elite.
So, here we go. We know which Dolly is going to show up. That’s a given.
It’s with the other beauty that gives us cause to pause.
Are you ready to find out?
Ladies and gentleman it is Hungary’s rising star in Dolly verses Italy’s established star in Bianca.
Slowly pour a glass of wine.

Get your popcorn.
It’s fight time.
As the match opens, we are blessed to watch both Dolly and Bianca warm up. Dolly, as always, looks incredible in her gray sports bra and briefs, laced in light magenta. Bianca looks mouth- watering in her black sports bra and leopard spotted bikini.
Not only will this match be competitive but super sexy as well.
The warmups are done.
Now it is time for arm wrestling.
Given Dolly’s gorgeous feminine muscle, this is a segment she should win. Right hand struggle, Dolly wins. Left hand struggle, Dolly wins.
So, the arm wrestling established something we already suspected.
Dolly is physically stronger than Bianca.
Time to fight.
They engage in the upper torso area and Dolly willingly falls back on to the floor to try and secure a floor to standing body scissors. In our minds, that is a move of desperation. First of all, if you lose that hold from the floor, all Bianca has to do is fall on top of you. Second, given her washboard Abs, it will be hard to submit a veteran Bianca with scissors from the floor.
Strategically speaking, what in the world is Dolly thinking about?
Bianca breaks the hold.
Predictably, Bianca falls on top of Dolly and encases her on Dolly’s left side.
Already, because of that desperate opening move, Dolly is in trouble and with a very good wrestler like Bianca, if she plays it serious today?
She can easily stream roll you.
With Dolly below, Bianca transfers her position into a cross body pin. Then she slides it into a backwards face sit body scissors which transforms into a brutal side head scissors.
Dolly is in trouble.
Bianca uses her strong athletic muscles to squeeze Dolly who is now bent over with her head between Bianca’s legs. Bianca now performs a crocodile roll and the side scissor has transformed into an elongated backwards head scissor.
Dolly continues to try and pry open Bianca’s locked legs. The Hungarian princess makes a potentially lethal mistake by trying to push Bianca’s head away. Bianca immediately seizes the opportunity to grab Dolly’s right arm and slide it into a painful behind the back arm lock.
Back in the day, we would say she is twisting Dolly’s arm.
Dolly painfully struggles. This is in part why we like Dolly so much. A media group should not have favorites but Dolly is one of our favorites from a competitive stand point and that is why we are happy to promote her sessions.
She is a hard worker.
Dolly squirms as Bianca is desperately trying to hold on to that arm lock.
Dolly continues to struggle as Bianca continues to try and close the deal.
Shockingly Dolly breaks the hold.
That is the good news.
The bad news, as we’ve said over and over again, don’t willingly start your engagement from the floor position because even if you break the hold, you are still on the bottom. As Dolly is here. (4:25).
The Italian star leaps forward while she straddles Dolly at the stomach region. Dolly responds to the upper body attack by clenching her arms to block a smother. Undaunted, Bianca slides her arm behind Dolly’s neck and begins to smother.
Dolly wards her off.
Bianca is relentless and this time pries Dolly’s wrists apart and reasserts her smother putting intense pressure upon Dolly.
Bianca now slides Dolly into a painful side body scissors and Dolly endures that as well.
The gorgeous veteran is now opening up her large playbook and transfers Dolly into a triangle choke as she sits on top of her. Dolly’s beautiful muscular feminine legs kick in desperation.
Bianca maintains the triangle and moves Dolly around the corner of the ring.
Dolly begins to make a move, though still trapped, she finally gets to her knees.
Think about the gravity of that.
This match is now at the 7:50 mark and, due to that incredibly bad opening decision, Dolly has spent the entire match on her back. It is hard to win while you are trapped on your back.
Inch by inch, Dolly is making progress.
Bianca keeps the triangle lock but now she is doing that from the bottom while Dolly is bent over, but at least she is standing. In an MMA cage, Dolly would now have permission to lift Bianca off of the mat and slam her back down to the ground.
Fortunately for Bianca this is not an MMA cage.
Dolly does break the hold.
Only seconds of redemption as the athletic Bianca quickly forces Dolly to give up her back forcing Dolly into the turtle position as she mounts her from behind.
This now places Bianca in an ideal position to apply a brutal rear naked choke.
Which she does and pulls Dolly backwards into her clasp.
Bianca has many wrestling personality traits. Being passive is not one of them. We are now well over nine minutes into this match and she has been all over Dolly, barring the Hungarian princess from mounting any kind of offense.
With that rear naked choke in place, its game over. Dolly taps out.
1-0 for Bianca (9:34).
They begin with upper hand fighting, an absolutely better strategy for Dolly. She won the arm wrestling contest so that alone should have registered with her that she is stronger than Bianca. With that in mind, against an even or superior opponent, you always play to your strengths, not theirs. Bianca has Abs of steel. It is going to be very hard to submit her with a body scissor while you are lying flat on your back.
Memo to Dolly?
Win, lose or draw, you’re stronger. Fight it out from the shoulder blades and up.
Time to clench.
The two begin fighting up top as Bianca grabs Dolly’s wrists and Dolly counters by pulling her downward. Not a bad move if you have a plan. Dolly seems to as they now fight it out with headlock attempts.
Dolly wins.
Sort of.
She clasps Bianca in a headlock but she is doing it from the bottom. Better hold on to it because if Bianca breaks the hold, she is instantly on top of Dolly and what will most likely happen is that Bianca will never let Dolly off of that mat until she submits her.
For some time, a struggle ensues. Bianca is pressing down on Dolly’s neck and throat area, Dolly, from the bottom, is holding on for dear life to that headlock.
Bianca breaks the stalemate and is now on top and in control.
As she should, the Italian star moves forward into the smother position as Dolly clasps her arms together and fences her off. We are now in another war of attrition as Bianca tries different penetration approaches to finish Dolly off.
The struggle continues.
Bianca finally breaks Dolly’s arms apart and is trying to suppress the stealth beauty in some form of a triangle lock. Bianca is patient because after all, she is the one on top.
Bianca allows Dolly to get off of her back but forces the Hungarian star to give up her back from her knees. We think we know what is coming.
The dreaded rear naked choke.
Dolly blocks it.
Time is called, the match is over.
Bianca wins because she kept Dolly on her back, literally, for 95% of the match. After her dominant victory, Bianca praises Dolly for being resilient.
We appreciatively agree.
Large female submission wrestling life lesson.
When you are close in skill to your opponent and you both have your strengths, force your opponent to play to your strengths.
Don’t play to hers.
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OPENING PHOTO Artur-Didyk-Shutterstock-photo,
NOTE: Both Bianca and Dolly are wonderful Session Women. Her are their emails.
Bianca –
Dolly –