Isabel Lahela, Canadian Olympic Weightlifter, Lady Pro Wrestler, Dazzling

Exceptional beauty has a way of opening up our minds to many new and exciting pathways. Once mesmerized, we are willing to listen to what the source of that illumination has to say or learn from what they are doing.
In the movies the classic case of this is the recent thriller, Miss Sloane.
Miss Sloane is a 2016 political thriller film directed by John Madden and written by Jonathan Perera. The film stars Jessica Chastain.

It received generally positive reviews and Chastain’s performance was acclaimed by critics.
The storyline goes Elizabeth Sloane (Jessica Chastain) is a cutthroat lobbyist who has been called to appear at a congressional hearing led by Senator Ronald Sperling (John Lithgow) to answer questions about possible violations of Senate ethics rules during her tenure at Washington D.C. lobbying firm Cole Kravitz & Waterman.
When you read some of the extreme vitriol online, it clearly was a polarizing film that penetrated the psyche of many.
Any film starring the elegant and classically film noir beautiful Jessica Chastain is worth watching and will get our attention. She has a way of opening up our minds.
Beauty can do that.
We all know that a Lobbyist is a person who takes part in an organized attempt to influence legislators.
Having said that, watching Jessica Chastain effectively portray a Lobbyist helps us to understand that particular employment position in a whole new light.
For those of us who love the fully competitive female grappling game, and we are legion, we’ve heard of beautiful wrestling girls who engage in weight lifting and power lifting but do you know the difference between the two.
Enter Isabel Lahela.

Isabel is stunning.
She has wrestled previously and according to many reports almost signed with the WWE.
Watching this beauty got our attention.
Please enjoy her fitness video on YouTube while it lasts.
It was her bio that helped get into our psyche.
At her dynamic website they share, “Isabel Lahela is a multi-strength sport athlete and personal trainer, aiming to promote positive body image, self-love, and confidence through strength training. Over the course of her life, Isabel dealt with common disordered eating patterns and body shaming.
Being a dancer did not help, as body form is a central and negative part of the dance culture.
After years of this negativity and without being able to address the issues properly due to the taboo nature of eating disorders and body shaming, Isabel decided it was time for a change. She found a way to channel her energy in a positive way to improve her self-image, self-esteem and view on life through strength training, CrossFit, Powerlifting and Olympic Weightlifting.
Now, Isabel has become a symbol of healthy living, self-improvement and self-empowerment. While not a natural-born athlete, Isabel works hard and stays consistent with her training and lifestyle and aims to show others that fitness is truly a way of life and a total body and mind self-remedy for anyone and everyone. She is currently a Canadian National Powerlifting Record Holder as well as Canadian National Olympic Weightlifter.”
That is not only beautiful, it is impressive as well.
Isabel is a Canadian Olympic weightlifter who won the won the 48kq weigh lighting Junior Ontario Championship in 2014.
There’s more.
She is also an in-demand model who has been featured in publications like Maxim.
On her Facebook page, she describes herself as a Canadian National Powerlifting Record Holder
and a Canadian National Olympic Weightlifter.
What is the difference between the two?
At the informative site, they explain, “In the strength sports, there are two primary forms of competition – weightlifting and powerlifting.
Weightlifting includes the snatch and the clean and jerk (performed as one movement) while powerlifting involves the squat, deadlift, and bench press. While the competitive goal in both sports is to lift as much weight as possible, they’re also remarkably different in several key areas.”
Nothing like simplicity. We get it.
Isabel? Thank you for opening up our minds to the industry of Power Lifting. Your beauty is persuasive.
We have scratched the surface but want to learn more.
Let’s turn our attention to a visiting female speaker who will further educate us.
Maria Stuart Jacobs is a daughter, housewife, mother, and friend, sister who love review movie, place, restaurant, and other services. Another best hobby of Maria Stuart Jacobs is writing stories, articles. Maria Stuart Jacobs also run a boutique.
Please enjoy her article.
Handpicked Tips For Successful Power Lifting Training Program

Power training is basically a weight training discipline that focuses primarily on building strength rather than developing muscle mass. If you are contemplating to get yourself enrolled in power lifting training or if you are interested in body-building training, it is important you get aware of the power lifting training program. Frankly speaking, most of the successful power lifters agree to the fact that the only way to have a good muscle is gaining immense strength and power. The article discusses about the 3 basic tips for Power lifting training Program to ensure better performance.
- Learn To Arch Your Lower Back
In small group training, a good, experienced squatter teaches how to arch your lower back effectively. The arched position gives an individual a strong, stable base and lets you lift maximum weight. Mind it; the lower back arch seems very important in all areas of power lifting training. The sturdy arched position can turn out beneficial for you in movements like dead lift, bench press and even accessory movements.
It’s important you practice arching your lower back whenever you squat or dead lift. This helps you achieve greater strength. Also, it’s important you arch your lower back pretty hard while you are going for bench press. This arch cuts your range of motion, makes your body firm on the bench and thus makes you much sturdier and stronger.
- Hit Your Back Muscles Hard
One of the most vital elements of power lifting training is hitting all your back muscles with greater force. Although, these muscles are not seen in the mirror, but the fact is they provide your body almost all the power and strength.
Mind you, one of the essential elements of back work for training on power lifting is working with the upper back. Upper back includes lats, rhomboids, and traps. It is also important you work hard and get stronger at various pull-ups, rows, shrugs, face pulls, and dumbbell rises.
In doing so, you would be able to get fruitful results. Mind it, upper back is the layer on which the bar lies when a person squat. So, when your upper back improves, chances of lift improvements are also noticed simultaneously.
- Give attention on Your Triceps
If you wish to get strong not just at bench pressing but also at other types of pressing movement, it is important you have the biggest triceps. Frankly speaking, although quite a good number of body builders prefer working on the “pretty muscles” namely chest and shoulder, they give lesser importance on triceps. But this should be kept in mind that Triceps are considered as the most important upper body muscle group for power lifting training. In order to train your Triceps regularly, it is important you practice a good deal of exercises. Well this should not at all be limited to customary bodybuilding exercises including cable extensions, kickbacks or skull crushers but intense movements like board press, bench press, pin press and cross fit programs focus on the functional movements and improve fitness and work capacity.
Maria Stuart Jacobs is a certified personal trainer and he believes Power training is a discipline that focuses primarily on building strength rather than developing muscle mass.
For more information please visit our website –
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