International Match, Italy’s Bianca Vs Hungary’s Iron, Statement Made, MillaF-Shutterstock-photo-credit-Editorial-use-
September 19, 2022,
We don’t know who is going to win this one.
At least not for certain.
That’s a good thing.
Italy’s Bianca vs Hungary’s Iron is a great thing.
Both are solid journey level wrestlers and can defeat those close to the elite level. Iron vs Hungary’s legendary Viktoria is a classic.
Italy’s Bianca has had some classic battles of her own against Viktoria.
Here, Bianca has the speed and agility, Iron has the muscles and strength.
We have not viewed the video but we will give the arm chair quarterback nod to Bianca.
Partly due to the limitations of the match where the submissions come by body scissors or body pins only. This must be a custom match because knowing the talents of these two, we would open up the entire playbook.
We would absolutely give the MMA edge to Bianca.
Still, as we know in life, when you get unsweetened lemon tea, you try and make lemonade.
Normally a match with limited submission rules, we don’t review those because they tend to not be truly reflective of each girls arsenal. Here, with Bianca vs Iron, our curiosity level is very high.
Time for the match.

The legendary Antscha will serve as referee.
After flexing, the two European athletes are ready to rumble.
The women begin with behind the neck clasping and hand fighting. This goes on for about 30 seconds which is 30 seconds too long as far as Antscha is concerned. She admonishes, “Come on girls”.
They listen.
Bianca listens and applies.
She leaps upon Iron with a perfect side body scissors and takes Iron down. Then she squeezes while she grasps Iron’s strong biceps and pulls them in tight.
At the one minute mark, Iron submits.
Wow, that was quick.
Even Antscha expresses surprise.
1-0 for Bianca.
The two begin with one hand clasping behind one another’s neck. Pushing and pulling.
Bianca is quicker and gets the upper hand by pushing Iron backwards towards the wall. Like a cat, Bianca is quickly on top of the muscular Hungarian. Bianca pins Iron’s shoulders down as Iron erotically kicks in leg struggle.
She fights Bianca upwards, pushing her hands on Bianca’s stomach to keep her off.
Like a fierce predator stalking her prey, as Iron tries to kick her off or slide away and around, Bianca, standing up continues to circle her, matching Iron’s moves, waiting for a mistake so she can pounce. Iron keeps trying to get away and Bianca stays close and tight, probing and trying to mount her and make her submit.
Finally Iron makes a mistake and the gorgeous Italian feline pounces on her mouse as Iron gives up her back.
Bianca traps her in a rear naked choke and its game over. Iron grimaces from the forceful capture and taps out.
2-0 for Bianca (3:00).
Antscha asks, “Ready?”
When Antscha asks a question like that, there is only one answer.
Iron and Bianca begin to engage again. This time Iron beats Bianca to the punch and grasps her in a headlock.
Sounds great, right?
The only problem is that she falls right into Bianca’s open legs for a brutal side body scissors. In pain, Iron quickly taps out.
3-0 for Bianca (3:45).
That was quick.
We knew that Bianca was very agile but we didn’t expect her to charge out of the gate so quickly.
This match is starting to get away from Iron.
Iron collects herself. She needs to.
As they engage again, Iron appears to be more passive as Bianca clasps her behind the neck and pulls her forward. She manages to fend her off.
Then Iron does something that is brilliant.
She quickly leaps and wraps her right arm around Bianca’s neck, clamps down and pulls Bianca forward, using Bianca’s aggressiveness against her as the dark haired beauty falls into Iron’s trap of an around the neck Guillotine styled choke and using her legs to keep Bianca held inside.
Bianca submits.
3-1 for Bianca (4:30).
Okay, so the game is now afoot.
Iron was very clever in how she achieved the submission.
As the two re-engage there is an air of more seriousness. So much so, as they begin hand fighting, they are so intense that when they transfer to the mutual headlock and takedown phase, they are standing in intense struggle. There is one problem with that.
There is no standing.
Antscha reminds them of that and Iron pushes Bianca away as they voluntarily go back down to the mats.
The two grab each other’s wrists for control. More of the same for about thirty seconds.
The intensity needle is moving higher.
It just dawned on us that Iron is in front of her home crowd and is losing. This next submission is critical for her, not Bianca. We are almost at the halfway point and if Bianca obtains another submission, this match is essentially over.
Bianca brilliantly performs a violent leaping body scissors, forces Iron to painfully bend forward and reluctantly submit.
Game over.
Bianca will win this match. The only question now is will Iron continue to fight.
4-1 Bianca (6:00).
The next round begins with more hand fighting but Iron looks less confident.
Agile Bianca swiftly takes Iron down to the mats and falls upon her in a cross body position. Iron is squirming around underneath but not making much progress in moving Bianca off.
The two women look gorgeous as Bianca lays on top of the more submissive Iron.
Enough of this, Antscha begins to count Iron out. The count gets to eight and Iron manages to delay her appointment at the submission gallows.
Bianca wants to make sure that appointment is kept.
She quickly flips a cross body pin into a forward smother attempt. Iron initially uses her arms to block it but Bianca responds by crossing Iron’s arms underneath. Now it is just a matter of time.
Time is up.
Antscha counts Iron out at 10 seconds.
5-1 for Bianca (8:40).
At this moment, after eight minutes of battle, both athletic girls are glistening with sweat. They both possess gorgeous feminine muscle and the eroticism level is rising.
So is the intensity. Neither is backing down or engaging in mindless chatter.
Time to engage.
Iron immediately leaps at Bianca’s head and neck area, trapping her in a headlock. Good move but she had to stand to do it. Antscha reminds both of them, no standing.
Iron refuses to let go as Bianca fiercely tries to break away. Iron wrenches the stealth brunette into the corner of the mat and takes her down HARD.
Bianca is down but absolutely not out. Her abs are gorgeous and incredible. This girl is in great shape.
Especially in glistening struggle.
Iron has the headlock, and as important, has placed her body on top of Bianca’s for added pressure. Being underneath or to the side of your opponent with your headlock is tenuous at best.
Antscha asks Bianca if she gives.
The Italian star refuses.
Tick tock, tick.
She finally breaks the hold. Very impressive.
Once they go back to the center of the ring, Bianca leaps upon Iron while the sexy muscle girl is in the sitting position and traps her in a sitting body scissors as she clasps her upper shoulders for more cranking power.
Iron tries to resist but Bianca is determined and Iron finally taps.
What a quick escape and turnaround.
The match is over.
A very intense and satisfying match from beginning to end.
This was a statement victory for Bianca. As we’ve always stated, event matches bring out the best in the Fem Competitors.
Bianca and Iron proved that today.
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OPENING PHOTO, MillaF-Shutterstock-photo-credit-Editorial-use-
NOTE: Bianca is an incredible sexy Session Girl. Her email is: