International Live Audience Match, Germany’s Kiniku Vs Hungary’s Iron, Checks All The Boxes, Corepics-VOF-Shutterstock-photo
October 20, 2023,
Muscles are on the menu.
Muscles galore.
Germany’s Kiniku vs Hungary’s Iron.
Kiniku has a fiery and fun personality. Isn’t iron strengthened by fire?
Today, Kiniku is hoping that Iron is weakened by fire.
Though we expect Iron to win, the Hungarian star has intrigued us by what actually happens in her matches. She can easily defeat the newer girls but struggles with the mid-level girls and is easily defeated by the higher level wrestlers.
Kiniku sails in a notch lower than Iron, as far as we can tell.
The German beauty had her way with Hungary’s elegant Amanda and Italy’s curvy girlie girl, Gaia. Other than that, we have seen Kiniku lose to Czech Andy, Hungary’s Dolly, Kim and Zsuzsa and understandably Marina Red Star.
So here, we expect Iron to muscle her way to a victory, but probably not by much.
Time to find out.

The two are standing, clearly enamored with one another and each other’s muscles. Smiling and touching them. Admittedly, they do paint a pretty muscle girl picture.
Down to their knees.
Antscha will be the referee today.
Iron begins with upper head and neck fighting while Kiniku does her usual tactics by bear hugging around the waist. She tries to push Iron but Iron pushes back and Kiniku is swished backwards. Kiniku smiles, “Oh”.
Oh, indeed.
Kiniku charges back and finally secures Iron in a headlock and takes her down. Very good move. Now let’s see what she does with it. The German princess keeps a tight hold on the headlock as Iron struggles underneath, kicking her beautiful legs to try and escape. Kiniku smothers her down and the pin count begins.
Iron pushes her away at two.
She then uses her right arm to wrap around Kiniku’s neck and is trying to apply a headlock choke from the bottom position. We can see Iron’s powerful biceps flex. Kiniku keeps grunting and circling around from the top, trying to escape, but doesn’t give.
This struggle goes on for some time.
Finally Kiniku breaks out of it and the audience applauds. She falls on top of Iron and surges forward for a smother as Iron scissors her left leg. The pin counts begin and Iron is counted out at ten. Mild surprise but there you have it.
Kiniku leads 1-0 (3:17).
Time to begin.
They start with wrist pulling and grabbing. Iron has a more determined look on her face than before. After all, she is the favorite here. They struggle around with mutual headlocks with Kiniku even landing on top until Iron pulls her backwards with a legs over-head scissor, applies a brutal arm bar to Kiniku’s left arm and the slender German maiden taps out. That is more of what we expected.
1-1 (4:22).
Time to begin again.
Ever the Joker, Kiniku rubs Iron’s stomach.
Once they start, the hand fighting turns into a successful two armed headlock for Iron. Kiniku struggles from the top position and then a bit from her knees, grunting in mild pain until Iron flips her over and is on top. Iron tightens the grip and Kiniku taps out.
2-1 for Iron (5:39).
Back down to the knees. They are ready.
It is interesting as to the motivations of why some women wrestle.
Some want to be the best or at least elite.
Some wrestle for physical exertion.
Some wrestle to entertain.
Like Kiniku. She likes to entertain. A lot. Here she feels up Iron’s shoulder muscles and chest pectorals. Then she smiles, “just checking”. The audience laughs.
Once they start wrestling, Kiniku goes in low, with her head, and bear hugs Iron. Typically she would be torpedoing right into a Guillotine Choke but Iron let’s her off of the hook but does capture her in a floor to sitting body scissor while she grasps Kiniku’s neck.
If you have read enough of our reviews, you know we feel that a floor to sitting body scissor is not an effective move. The one applying assumes she can submit a wrestler with her legs only and in this day of female submission wrestlers working out at the gym, complete with washboard stomachs, like Kiniku here, your chances of submitting them are nil.
Iron experiences that as expected.
She tries for over a minute to submit Kiniku with that move, with no success and then when she finally bends Kiniku over and firmly grasps the German girl’s right arm in a forceful arm bar, Kiniku finally submits.
Iron leads 3-1 (8:00).
Time to begin.
Antscha interjects that Kiniku should try the body pin again. Kiniku smiles and agrees. As a result, she completely bear hugs Iron and takes her down to the mats. Antscha advises her to get on top. She does. Iron crosses her arms and tries to block her. Still, she applies enough pressure and to our surprise, Iron is counted out at ten. Well, if it worked before, why not try it again?
Kiniku closes the gap. Iron leads 3-2 (9:15).
Well, why not try it again?
Is there an echo?
Kiniku comes in again for a bear hug but this time Iron responds the way she is supposed to and brutally captures Kiniku in a fierce Guillotine Choke, flips her over and Kiniku immediately taps out. Now that’s how it’s done.
4-2 for Iron (9:43).
Back down to the knees. Go.
Kiniku manages to capture Iron in a bear hug and takes her down against the wall. She thinks about a full mount, thinks better of it and goes for a cross body pin. Iron, with all of those big shoulder muscles, once again cannot push Kiniku off. Good job Kiniku as Iron is counted out at ten.
4-3 for Iron (10:46).
Time to start.
Kiniku teases Iron that she might do the bear hug thing again.
Our thinking?
Hey, if it worked before, keep doing it until Iron can stop it.
Kiniku grabs Iron behind the head instead and the two of them fight it out up top. This is to Iron’s strength who pushes Kiniku into the corner of the wall, and in a show of sportsmanship, let’s her back up without resistance.
Sounds confident.
Iron wins the battle up top and takes Kiniku down with a headlock. She then “walks the wall” with her legs to flip over. Then Kiniku does the same. The audience laughs. Iron gets the last laugh as she applies a fierce headlock from the top and Kiniku taps out.
The match is over.
Iron wins at 5-3.
This was an enjoyable match that checked many boxes.
~ ~ ~
OPENING PHOTO Corepics-VOF-Shutterstock-photo