International Event Match, Hungary’s DWW Legend Kimbra Vs Czech Republic’s Ginger, Upgrade Consequences, Anton-Vierietin-Shutterstock-photo-
November 18, 2024,
Decision, decisions, decisions.
You can wrestle the brand new girls.
You can wrestle the newer girls.
If you want to vastly improve? You’ve got to wrestle the tougher girls. By tougher, we mean mid-level. Even throw in an elite, every now and then, though in the back of your mind, you know you’re going to get your butt kicked.
Our beauty today, Ginger Katerina began her illustrious submission wrestling career by wrestling a new girl in Belgium’s Xena and, as the expression goes, had her head handed to her. To say it was lopsided is like saying a mixture of cane sugar, orange sherbet and maple syrup is kind of sweet.
But she survived.
In some ways, Ginger has thrived.
Especially against newer girls where she has had some stellar victories. Even against an experienced war horse in DWW legend Eva N.
She will meet another legend in DWW alum Kimbra.
Eva N. is not Kimbra. Don’t worry, in so many ways you will not mix the two up.
Kimbra is a mid-level super star who has been wrestling for well over 15 years. Easily. With a solid resume along the way. At some point, Ginger needs to meet a rock solid wrestler like Kimbra.
Today is that day.
Let’s see how she does.

The two gorgeous girls go down to their knees.
There is excitement in the room before a live audience. There is an absolute experience difference so the match will consist of body pins and headlocks. That certainly works in Ginger’s favor.
As the match begins, you can see the anxiety on Ginger’s face. Kimbra beckons her on. Ginger raises her arms in a fake out move and the audience laughs hysterically. Then she gets serious and tries a right armed headlock on Kimbra and takes her down against the wall. Good move, but can she sustain it?
Not likely.
Kimbra breaks the hold and almost captures Ginger in a Guillotine Choke but Ginger squirms out of it and in the scramble around process, Kimbra captures Ginger in a scissor. Good thing for Ginger she can’t squeeze her out with it. Rules are rules. Instead Kimbra tries to control her. Ginger continues to kick and flail away. Kimbra maneuvers her around to try and gain the top position.
Antscha screams out “body pin”.
That’s right. Ginger is squirming underneath. The pin count begins. Someone in the audience yells “come on” to get Ginger going. The room bursts in laughter as Ginger replies in effect “you come on”. Kimbra is oblivious as she continues to apply the pin pressure. Ginger gets her shoulder up twice, but the third time is a charm as Antscha counts her out.
1-0 for the DWW legend (2:00).
Ginger gets up and looks like she needs a break.
Not happening.
Antscha yells for them to go. Kimbra is ready, smiling, complete with rosy red cheeks. Ginger begins to back up, hands out in a defensive posture. Kimbra smiles and tells the statuesque beauty to relax. Antscha admonishes her to come forward.
Ginger complies.
She is trying to fight Kimbra aggressively but Kimbra gets the better of it and with a right armed headlock forcefully takes Ginger down to the mats. Ginger is trapped on the bottom, painfully moaning out loud. Interestingly, Kimbra is working a painful wrist lock, bending it backwards. A little puzzling because we thought it was just body pins and headlocks. Kimbra increases the bending pressure, Ginger screams and taps out.
2-0 for Kimbra (3:18).
Ginger is flushed. She now begins to do what many newer female submission wrestlers do when they are getting demolished.
She starts making jokes.
Ginger is laughing, looking at the audience and pointing out how Kimbra’s arms are strong. Okay, if you say so. They are impressive but not bulging. Antscha admonishes her to knock off the antics and get back to wrestling. Fight, she says!
Ginger does reign taller than Kimbra but as they engage, she just isn’t strong enough. She initially lands on top but Kimbra out muscles her and is now back on top herself. Now Ginger is joking and struggling again. Kimbra is coming in for the kill. Ginger survives the first body count, but not the second.
3-0 for Kimbra (5:12).
While we didn’t expect Ginger to win, we were hoping that she would do less giggling. This is a great opportunity to show, in our industry, that she has made great progress, on our most prominent stage but she is faltering.
Kimbra now lies flat on the mat. This is what we were dreading. The playfulness will turn this into a spring session. Ginger laughs and tries to mount Kimbra but Kimbra immediately sits up and turns the tables on Ginger who finds herself on the bottom again. She is screaming in pain as one of her arms is trapped. She taps out early.
Kimbra leads 4-0 (6:15).
The audience is now getting boisterous. Don’t give up. And they add counsel. None of this is working for Ginger. Kimbra is toying with the tall beautiful girl, using her legs to move her around. Finally she finds herself on top of Ginger again, applying a reverse face sit and Ginger screams and taps out. She then holds her nose in pain. Oh, well.
Kimbra is up 5-0 (7:45).
Ginger is walking around in circles, wondering what to do. No plan at all. So Kimbra agrees to lie down on her back, on the floor. Our fear now is that this is going to turn into a training or sparring session and this will end the review. We can’t review matches that are not competitive.
Ginger is allowed to face sit Kimbra. She pulls the DWW girl’s head between her thighs, trying for a smother. Kimbra squeals and breaks the hold.
Exasperated, Ginger begins to walk around in circles with no clue as to what to do. Kimbra sits patiently while Anstcha encourages Ginger to get back in to the fight, “Go, go, go”!
Ginger comes back down to her knees. Obviously ready for another beat down. Ginger hesitates as she approaches Kimbra who smiles and offers the fist pump. That is where the friendliness ends. Kimbra swings her right arm to take Ginger down and muscles her way on top of her.
We have seen this movie and the sequels before. Rated A for anguish.
Ginger starts squealing and screaming. Kimbra applies the pressure from the top as Antscha counts the slender princess out at ten.
Kimbra leads 6-0 (10:53).
They begin again on their knees.
Ginger looks stressed but determined. Kimbra looks casual with a knowing smile, waiting for Ginger to take the fight to her. Ginger begins with hand fighting and actually ends up on top of Kimbra. She even uses her right leg to place across Kimbra’s throat. Is that even allowed? Kimbra doesn’t appear to protest. Still, in anguish, Kimbra fights from the bottom and the two struggle until Ginger, surprisingly lands on top. No sparring here. Ginger is struggling to get her first submission and Kimbra is using her legs to seriously stop her.
The struggle continues.
Antscha actually counts to five but Ginger, thus far, can’t close the deal. Kimbra manages to get to her knees. She has given up her back though, but that is better than being on the floor. Ginger rides her. Then she slides Kimbra into a strong head scissor. Kimbra grimaces in pain. Ginger has Kimbra pinned against the wall and applies the pressure. Kimbra is in trouble but still is not submitting. She grabs Ginger’s left ankle, amplifies and Ginger screams in pain and lets go of the hold.
Veteran move by Kimbra.
They come back to their knees. The hand fighting starts and Ginger captures Kimbra in a form of a Guillotine Choke but it lacks cranking power. Kimbra pushes and muscles her back to the floor, lands on top of her and Antscha begins to count Ginger out as she screams loudly. It is a matter of time but Kimbra’s domination masterpiece is complete. Ginger is counted out.
Kimbra dominates 7-0. Trust us, it could have been worse.
Praise to Kimbra for not letting up on the gas.
We appreciate Ginger gave this match a try. It is an upgrade to try and take on a tougher opponent as opposed to the newer girls she has recently taken on. Once thing this match demonstrated. In terms of mid-level improvement?
Ginger has a ways to go.
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OPENING PHOTO Anton-Vierietin-Shutterstock-photo-