International Event Grueling Match, Hungary’s Iron Vs Italy’s Gaia, Get Ready To Sweat,
August 4, 2024,
We don’t want to lower our expectations.
Both Italy’s Gaia and Hungary’s Iron at times have smiling and playful personalities. But, today?
Please save it for brunch or the dinner party. Whatever Antscha offers to have everyone unwind at the end of the day.
Save it for then.
Just don’t do it during the match.
We will see the glass as half full. Fair enough?
As far as skill levels, both sexy girls are mid-level wrestlers. In our extensive match reviews, we have seen Iron win more matches than Gaia and we expect that to happen again today.
Recently we have noticed, to our horror, more and more of Antscha’s competitive matches are starting to have a playfulness to them. We hope that is a temporary faze.
Okay, we will keep our expectations high and hope for a fully competitive match, although, as we see the girls get ready, they are smiling.
Time to go ringside.

The two girls go down to their knees.
We’re getting off to a good start in that all holds are in. Some of the matches here have so many restrictions that they lose their power. Victories are diminished because of the rule limitations.
Not today.
Time to begin.
They engage in Greco upper body head and neck struggle. This goes on for some time as Antscha encourages more action. Finally more action happens. Iron takes Gaia down to the mats with a right armed headlock. Gaia pursues as well and rolls on top of Iron. For some time there is a struggle and surprisingly, despite her stronger muscles, Iron, the favorite, now finds herself on the bottom.
They struggle more but Gaia is getting the best of it and finally wins out by sitting on Iron’s stomach while the Hungarian star lies flat on her back.
What will she do with this advantage?
She grabs Iron’s wrists as the Hungarian muscle girl fences her off from going forward. A war of attrition ensues. The good news for Gaia is that she is fighting from the top. Iron keeps pushing upwards and almost breaks the hold but Gaia manages to hold on to it. She finally gets an opening and does what she has performed earlier and falls forward, putting her upper body weight on Iron’s torso.
Where will the shapely Italian star go from here?
Antscha begins the pin count.
To our surprise, the frontrunner is counted out at ten.
Oh well, this is why you play the games.
1-0 for Gaia (3:04).
As the girls are recovering, Antscha loudly admonishes, “Go back to the middle”.
This is why we love Antscha’s video. None of that talkie, talkie stuff. Then she urges them to fight hard. Appreciate that, Antscha.
The two female warriors start again.
This time Iron is taking her craft seriously and gets the better of the upper body fight. She snatches Gaia downward and quickly traps her in a scissor, married to a rear naked choke. Gaia is clearly in anguish and quickly taps out.
Now that was more like what we expected.
1-1 (3:46).
Iron is starting to turn the heat up. As they engage, she pulls Gaia’s head downward and traps her into a brutal Guillotine Choke and squeezes so hard you can see her muscles bulge. For added measure, she locks Gaia into a forceful body scissor and squeezes. Gaia’s pain is very real and she quickly taps out.
2-1 for Iron (4:30).
Hang on for dear life.
Iron’s biceps appear to be getting bigger by the second as though someone has a pump and is pushing full blast.
Time to engage.
Iron is taking control now. She captures Gaia in a floor to sitting body scissor and as Gaia stands, Iron keeps the scissors attached and clings. She soon brings Gaia back down to the mats and squeezes. Gaia, in trouble, taps out.
3-1 for Iron (5:26).
At this point, both girls are clearly gassed but Antscha has no sympathy. Tired or not, get back to the center. Antscha screams, Go, go, go!
Hey, do what the boss says.
They engage.
Iron is now taking control of the match. As they fight for upper body position, Iron pushes Gaia backwards. Gaia is desperately trying to kick the muscle girl off with her beautiful shapely legs, to no avail. Iron is all over her, lands on top and uses the combination of a headlock and her body weight to urge an exasperated Gaia to tap out.
4-1, Iron ahead (6:34).
Gaia rolls her neck around. That was a tough submission. Antscha admonishes them to engage. This time Iron is a little more passive, and tired, so Gaia presses the advantage and pushes Iron down to the mats. The Hungarian star quickly fences her off as Gaia, sitting on Iron’s stomach, tries to part her wrists and break the fence.
It is a struggle.
Gaia now wisely uses her right knee to push Iron’s shoulder down. Iron appears to have coasted through this round and gets counted out at ten. This in one of the reasons why Iron virtually never defeats an elite wrestler.
4-2, Iron ahead (7:54).
Both girls are still a little winded. In terms of resting, Antscha is having none of it. Go, fight, she supervises.
This time Iron pops up and is ready to go. Maybe she needed a little rest. That is forgivable. Gaia makes the mistake of lowering her head and Iron immediately captures her in a Guillotine Choke, pulls her downward and applies a scissor for good measure.
Gaia is in trouble.
Still, she breaks free of the Guillotine Choke but not the scissor.
That is relevant for Iron. As Gaia struggles and almost breaks free, Iron keeps the Italian beauty’s back pinned to the mats and grasps her right arm and wrist to close the deal.
She does.
Gaia is counted out at ten.
5-2, Iron is surging ahead (9:10).
Time to begin again, though both Iron and Gaia wish that it weren’t.
This time Iron looks completely spent. They capture up top but it is no contest. Gaia pushes a very tired Iron back and downward. She finds her way atop Iron’s stomach. She sits on the muscle girl who makes a feeble attempt to fence her off with her arms, which she can barely hold up. Gaia doesn’t have to do much here except keep Iron’s shoulders pinned down, which she does to the count of ten.
5-3, Iron is tired but still ahead (10:28).
Go! Antscha screams.
Both girls give her a wary eye.
They begin by pushing and pulling up top, with Gaia being more of the aggressor. Iron tries to sneak in a scissor but she is now moving like molasses and Gaia easily swats it aside. Now the shapely Italian model is looking to ride on top of Iron, who tiredly fights from her back.
A slow war of attrition begins as Gaia tries to break through Iron’s folded legs, fencing her off. This goes on for some time until Gaia is almost Monkey Flipped off.
Drained, the two approach one another once more.
This time Iron gets the best of Gaia by quickly moving behind her back, pulling downward with a scissor and touching it up with a powerful rear naked choke. Gaia screams “Okay” and taps out.
This sweaty energy sapping match is finally over.
Iron outlasts Gaia 6-3.
A great sweat drenched applause to both.
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