In 2024, DWW-HWW Legend Zsuzsa Continues To Grind Out Victories, Vs Aisa, Mary, Beatrix, Shutterstock-FXQuadro-photo-credit-Editorial-use
May 23, 2024,
In sports, a hard working athlete, who is willing to sacrifice self for the team, is often described as competing in a workman like fashion.
If there was ever a female warrior in the fully competitive female submission wrestling industry that fits that description, it is the Hungarian super star and DWW legend in Zsuzsa. In her victories?
She is not flashy.
She doesn’t talk a lot.
She doesn’t use acrobatic moves.
She just gets down on the mats, in workman like fashion, grinds it out and achieves victories with strategy and determination.
Since her early days at DWW, we appreciate that.
Time and history should remember the great ones.
Appreciate them as well.
You can purchase Zsuzsa’s early DWW matches at their website (mature themes), which still operates, or in Antscha’s extensive store.
Here, with an eye to appreciation, we are going to share with you excerpts from some of Zsuzsa’s victories.
Sit back and enjoy a workman at work.

The two Hungarian stars, Aisa and Zsuzsa have a long glorious history that FCI Women’s Wrestling Magazine, and in times past, Femcompetitor Magazine, highlighted them through articles.
The two experienced wrestlers go down to their knees to do battle.
Antscha announces it will be a pin and headlocks only match.
The two begin with hand fighting with Zsuzsa constantly pulling her forearms away. Aisa is persistent and is the first to take Zsuzsa down to the mats.
Aisa goes for a smother and pin as she has Zsuzsa’s body elongated. Antscha begins to count and though Zsuzsa is initially in trouble, she kicks out and breaks the hold and now she is mounting Aisa.
Aisa is struggling underneath. As Zsuzsa wraps her arms around Aisa’s neck for the smother, Antscha is only able to get to a one count before Aisa kicks Zsuzsa off.
Aisa then mounts Zsuzsa who takes the turtle position.
The raven haired beauty contemplates her options.
Too late. Zsuzsa fights her off and now they are back to a beginning position with hand fighting.
Zsuzsa wins that contest and takes Aisa down in a headlock, an accepted submission hold.
Aisa continues to struggle, kicking her feminine legs to escape.
Zsuzsa has the text book headlock applied and she keeps cranking up the pressure. After a ten count, Aisa is finally submitted (3:22).
1-0 for the DWW Alum.

The two gorgeous Hungarian women begin with some flexing and smiling for the camera.
Like a fashion show, Zsuzsa looks stunning in an all-black one piece bathing suit, which contrasts perfectly against her porcelain skin, with shiny metallic clips decorating and holding the center together. Mary looks wonderful in an all-white bathing suit that contrasts wonderfully against her tanned skin and sexy female muscle.
Eye candy time is over.
Time to begin.
The two begin on their knees and Zsuzsa immediately takes Mary down with a headlock. Mary uses her strong legs to try and buck Zsuzsa off. The action energetically moves against the wall. Zsuzsa elongates her body and now has firm positioning from the top.
She attempts a grapevine and smother as Mary fences her arms together to block a full smother.
Zsuzsa fluidly rolls Mary into a side body scissor and Mary responds by driving her elbows into Zsuzsa’s thighs. The positioning has morphed into a floor to kneeling body scissor as the DWW Alum comfortably controls Mary, as the feminine girl struggles.
Zsuzsa slowly maneuvers Mary underneath so that she can now control the newer girl from the top position. Zsuzsa methodically moves up to Mary’s chest and sits on her initiating the school girl pin.
Antscha begins to count Mary out.
Mary is kicking her beautiful muscular legs, using the wall as a springboard but Zsuzsa is not budging.
She has been down this DWW road, plenty of times before.
The pin count slowly goes to ten as sweet Mary lies helplessly underneath a determined Zsuzsa and is counted out. The first point goes to Zsuzsa.
1-0 (3:30).
They begin again.
There is some initial hand fighting and Zsuzsa quickly surprises Mary with a leaping body scissor.
The veteran traps the smaller girl.
Mary struggles to escape but Zsuzsa is relaxed and completely in control. Zsuzsa transfers Mary into a side body scissor then eventually lands back on top, headed for another school girl pin as she grabs at Mary’s wrists. She opens up the playbook and slides Mary into a floor to kneeling body scissors, squeezes and has closure.
Mary taps out.
2-0 for Zsuzsa (5:00).

As the match begins, Antscha introduces the gorgeous Hungarian girls and Beatrix looks electric in her bright pink one piece bathing suit and Zsuzsa looks elegant in a traditional blue swimsuit.
We look into Beatrix’s eyes and she doesn’t appear to be one bit overwhelmed by the situation, nervous, in awe, nor in fear of Zsuzsa and her historic accomplishments.
Down to their knees, the two begin with slow upper body hand fighting.
Beatrix gains the advantage and then creates an incredible advantage where she has Zsuzsa bent over in an ideal position for a Guillotine Choke submission. It doesn’t get any better than this.
Can she close the deal?
No. Her inexperience shows.
Now that she let Zsuzsa off the hook, they are ready to engage again.
They trade advantages back and forth. Zsuzsa had an incredible opportunity for a headlock and now Beatrix has Zsuzsa lying flat on her back with a semi-arm bar which she slides into a cross body pin.
With her heavier weight, we ask the question once again. Can Beatrix use that advantage to secure a submission?
Antscha begins the pin count as Zsuzsa struggles underneath.
This goes on several times and just as she is about to be counted out at five, Zsuzsa raises her left shoulder and lets Antscha know it.
Beatrix gives up on the full body pin and now transfers into a smother position with Beatrix on top.
Twice now she has let an ideal pinning opportunity slip away.
She has Zsuzsa in a smother pinning position. Will the third time be a charm?
Antscha counts, one, two and Zsuzsa kicks out of the hold.
The audience applauds.
The good news is that the DWW alum is out. The bad news is that she has rolled right into a floor to sitting body scissors which Beatrix is fiercely trying to apply.
The gorgeous blonde switches and now has Zsuzsa ensnared in a brutal Triangle Choke hold.
Zsuzsa continues to struggle. For the moment she can’t break free.
For the moment, are the operative words. Beatrix allows her to escape again.
The audience loudly applauds in approval.
The two press the reset button.
Like a flying cat in the wild, Zsuzsa leaps on Beatrix’s neck and tightens a fierce headlock.
Beatrix is now flat on the floor, desperately trying to get out of that headlock but with all of her years of experience, the former DWW Warrior not only has her locked in that headlock, she has it secured with her body on top of Beatrix.
Beatrix squirms around and around on the blue mats but thus far can’t escape.
The gorgeous statuesque blonde furiously kicks her beautiful legs, to no avail.
Zsuzsa experience pays off. After minutes of struggle, Beatrix taps Zsuzsa’s butt and taps out.
Now, that is how you seize an opportunity and make the most of it.
So, Beatrix had three ideal submission opportunities and can’t close the deal.
Zsuzsa gets the job done in one try.
1-0 for Zsuzsa (6:13).
Well, there you have it.
It is wonderful to watch a legend with a strong work ethic excel at her craft.
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