Hungary’s Star Wrestler Dolly, Muscles Her Way To Victories, Highlights Vs Zsuzsa, Viper, Kiniku, LTim-Shutterstock-photo-Editorial-use
April 7, 2024,
If there was ever a female submission wrestler that looked like a CrossFit Girl, trained in cardio, complimented with the weights, it is Hungary’s Dolly.
Her fit is the perfect fit.
In appreciation of Dolly’s hard work, like a league replay, she is loved so much that today we are going to highlight some of her matches, all victories.
In our industry, being muscular and fit can really pay off.
Being completely beautiful is an added plus.

As the match is about to begin, Antscha, serving as referee, explains the rules and as we expected, virtually everything is in except MMA submission holds. Not a joint lock, arm bar of rear naked choke in sight.
Okay, still, we’re picking Dolly to win.
The two beauties stand side by side.
Zsuzsa looks incredibly sexy in her white bikini. We have seen her weight fluctuate in recent matches and at times she looks a little too thin for battle.
Not today.
She is fuller and looking incredibly erotic.
Dolly is always super sexy with her girlie next door muscle looks. Her light blue bikini is mouth-watering.
This promises to be a good one, fought from the ground with close up camera angles.
They begin with upper shoulder struggle and this appears to be completely to the more muscular Dolly’s advantage. Give the former DWW alum credit, she doesn’t make it easy for Dolly but soon Zsuzsa is taken down and is underneath Dolly.
The eroticism needle moves upward as she struggles to escape.
Dolly is completely in control.
Antscha begins to count, 1, 2, 3 shoulder up. Zsuzsa is in trouble and is finding it hard to match strength for strength as Dolly uses her muscles to keep her pinned. The stunning Dolly now clasps both of Zsuzsa’s wrists as Antscha begins the pin count again.
If this is the ways things are going to go, it will be a very long day for Zsuzsa.
Dolly surprisingly moves forward towards a school girl pin. Why not stay with the muscular smother and drain Zsuzsa’s energy as she must try and keep raising her shoulders up?
Puzzling move.
The experienced Zsuzsa easily kicks out of that one.
The audience applauds.
Time for the upper shoulder and neck struggle and this time Zsuzsa secures the headlock and is trying to take Dolly down to the mats.
Dolly easily breaks the hold and now captures Zsuzsa from behind.
Fortunately for Zsuzsa, there are no MMA holds otherwise she would be toast from a rear naked choke. The shapely Zsuzsa, looking sensuous in white, struggles to escape from a very weak position.
A brutal scissors from behind is allowed. Dolly applies it, as she is in complete control. The sensuous Zsuzsa is in trouble.
Dolly easily rolls the Hungarian legend into a side body scissors. The muscles in Dolly’s legs look incredibly strong.
She squeezes hard and Zsuzsa, with a face full of pain, taps out.
1-0 for Dolly (3:24).
Looking incredibly spell binding as her tanned body contrasts with her white bikini, Zsuzsa slowly gets up and begins to gather herself.
Someone from the audience yells, “Come on girls”. That’s easy for them to say. Zsuzsa is looking winded already. Dolly, fresh as a daisy.
Another audience member yells, “Who is going to get the next submission”?
No mystery there.
If this match keeps going the way it started, it will be all the gorgeous Zsuzsa can do to hang in there. Dolly is just too strong.
Zsuzsa continues to try and hang on to the headlock but we can see her grip slipping.
Dolly breaks the hold and once again captures Zsuzsa from behind.
We’re trying to read the darker haired brunette’s mind as we expect her to trap Zsuzsa in a rear brutal scissors. Zsuzsa appears to be thinking the same thing as manages to escape.
The savvy veteran applies what we always preach, especially from a wrestler in a weaker competitive situation, as Zsuzsa is here.
Go for the headlock. It is the most basic wrestling move and most important, use your body to fall upon the superior wrestler’s head.
Zsuzsa does that to perfection here.
To our surprise, Dolly is submissively underneath.
The resilient Dolly is not remotely going to submit.
She uses her left forearm to push underneath Zsuzsa’s neck, pushes the feminine maiden backwards, raises her legs and traps Zsuzsa in a tight head scissors. Zsuzsa is bent forward with her gorgeous curvy butt up in the air.
No choice.
She taps out.
2-0 for Dolly (5:32).

The two female warriors begin with posing and flexing. Their workouts at the gym are clearly paying off.
They begin with upper fighting around the neck and head for control.
Dolly easily wins that contest, encases Viper in a headlock and takes her down to the mats.
Viper is in trouble.
As they hand fight with Dolly on top, the gorgeous brunette grabs Viper’s right arm, slides it between her legs and cranks. In pain, Viper quick taps out.
1-0 Dolly, 58 seconds.
That was quick.
No rest. Antscha quickly admonishes them to wrestle.
The arms around the neck struggle begins.
This time it is Viper who makes the most of it.
She attempts a floor to sitting body scissors on the muscular beauty which soon turns into a triangle choke attempt. Her technique is sound but not lockdown. We sense strong Dolly will break this triangle choke attempt and she does.
As she does, she is right on top of Viper, falls forward and traps Viper in a headlock smother combination then presses her advantage.
Viper painfully taps out.
2-0 Dolly (2:00).
The next round starts with an upper body tug of war which Viper soon wins.
Dolly falls forward and Viper traps her in a Guillotine Choke. Bent over, Dolly struggles. This may be one of Viper’s best opportunities to close out a submission. They struggle. Can she seal the deal?
The two fall against the gray padded walls.
Viper appears to be losing her grip. Dolly breaks the hold. More important, she has landed on top of Viper. Dolly is growing in power, experience and stature.
She knows exactly what to do.
Dolly falls forward on Viper and smothers her out.
3-0 Dolly (3:30).
Viper let a great opportunity slip away.
Antscha admonishes “Go”.
The upper struggle around the neck and shoulders begins again.
Viper gains the initiative.
She encases Dolly in a floor to sitting body scissors and proceeds toward a Triangle Choke.
We’ve watched Viper for some time so the fact that she knows the holds is a great improvement.
She just hasn’t mastered them yet and fighting from the bottom, you know it is just a matter of time before Dolly escapes.
Viper tightens her grip.
Give her credit. She has trapped Dolly much longer than we thought.
To the applause of the audience, Dolly does break the hold.
Viper immediately brings Dolly forward back into another Triangle Choke only she adds an arm bar for good measure.
Nice move.
But it doesn’t last.
Dolly is very aggressive in breaking the hold, and once broken, the two struggle. In the tussle, Viper accidently gives up her back and its game over.
Dolly traps her in a Rear Naked Choke and Viper taps out.
4-0 for Dolly (5:50).
As they are introduced, Dolly looks porcelain perfect, flexing her biceps in a black bikini. Kiniku looks stealth dynamic in a blue one piece.
They can start standing or on their knees and both have chosen to kneel.
The match begins with upper hand fighting and behind the neck clasps for power and control.
As expected, Dolly is the strongest aggressor and Kiniku is fighting back fiercely so it takes a while for Dolly to take her down but eventually she does as Kiniku tries to bull rush her. In the process Kiniku charges into Dolly’s wrap around choke, breaks the hold but finds herself in the bottom in the corner with muscular Dolly on top of her.
Dolly mounts her and erotically rides on top of the slender beauty and begins to dominate Kiniku who is already breathing very heavily.
Soon Dolly slides the athletic brunette into a rear naked choke and that is all she wrote.
Kiniku groans and taps out.
1-0 for Dolly (1:50).
Kiniku begins to talk, no, make that chatter, which we always find to be a distraction from the person who is losing, and fortunately Dolly ignores that and stays focused.
Kiniku leaps at the muscle beauty’s neck and takes her down with a little further talking.
She lands on top of Dolly with a headlock. Good position but she makes the mistake of exposing her neck and head and Dolly swiftly lunges her strong legs up from the mats, brutally traps Kiniku in a head scissor and forcefully takes her down.
Kiniku taps out.
2-0 for Dolly (2:25).
Kiniku is a very sweet girl so her conversing is sincere and not strategic and she exclaims to Dolly, “You have strong arms. I hope somebody told you this”.
Well, we suspect Dolly already knows that. Perhaps she looks in the mirror at the gym.
Dolly remains silent. Good girl. Stay focused.
They engage again and Kiniku is surprisingly strong and takes Dolly down but Dolly has become far more skilled since we began reviewing her, almost 2 years ago, and though Kiniku is on top, she falls into a brutal headlock.
Yes, Dolly does indeed have strong arms as that tight headlock gives her some gorgeous muscle flexing.
She soon rolls Kiniku over, who has beautiful strong athletic legs and submissively falls beneath Dolly’s weight as the gorgeous Hungarian princess begins to dominate her.
Sometimes a great real domination match is what the doctor ordered.
Dolly has Kiniku trapped in a head lock and leg locks Kiniku’s right arm for good measure.
Kiniku quickly taps out.
3-0 for Dolly (3:20).
Her domination of Kiniku and Viper, two mid-level wrestlers, are prime examples of what Dolly can do when she brings her “A” game.
Those matches are a marvel to watch.
She is as fit as they come.
Extremely strong too.
And given how young Dolly is?
We sense the best is yet to come.
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OPENING PHOTO LTim-Shutterstock-photo-Editorial-use