Germanic Joust, Puzzling, Rage Vs Iron Phoenix Match Review (2,400 words) Part 2, photographyfirm-Shutterstock-photo-Editorial-use-
October 9, 2022,
Have you ever gone to a National Football league game, had a great time, but the score was lopsided? Who won? Who cares? Given the pageantry of what you just witnessed, it was well worth attending.
That is how we feel about this match between two Deutschland Darlings who inspired us to go on an electronic road trip to Bavaria and Berlin.
Initially, Rage Shield Maiden is the star of the story here, along with Iron Phoenix.
Magnificent Berlin is the star of the story any day, anytime, anyplace.
Every year.
If you make a decision to have a memorable session with Rage, you should absolutely make time to enjoy once of Germany’s most powerful cities.
Berlin is the capital and largest city of Germany by both area and population.

Its 3.7 million inhabitants make it the European Union‘s most populous city, according to population within city limits.
Berlin’s urban area, which has a population of around 4.5 million, is the second most populous urban area in Germany after the Ruhr.
Due to its location in the European Plain, Berlin is influenced by a temperate seasonal climate. About one-third of the city’s area is composed of forests, parks, gardens, rivers, canals and lakes.
Some many cities of the world are harsh concrete jungles, rising to the sky.
Not Berlin.
The creative arts and entertainment business is an important part of Berlin’s economy. The sector comprises music, film, advertising, architecture, art, design, fashion, performing arts, publishing and more.
Can we talk about food? All day long, but we do want to review Rage and Iron’s wrestling match so we will be succinct.
The cuisine and culinary offerings of Berlin vary greatly. 23 restaurants in Berlin have been awarded one or more Michelin stars in the Michelin Guide of 2021, which ranks the city at the top for the number of restaurants having this distinction in Germany.
Berlin is well known for its offerings of vegetarian and vegan cuisine and is home to an innovative entrepreneurial food scene promoting cosmopolitan flavors, local and sustainable ingredients, pop-up street food markets, supper clubs, as well as food festivals, such as Berlin Food Week.
Berlin is also home to a diverse gastronomy scene reflecting the immigrant history of the city.
Turkish and Arab immigrants brought their culinary traditions to the city, such as the lahmajoun and falafel, which have become common fast food staples.
The modern fast-food version of the doner kebab sandwich which evolved in Berlin in the 1970s, has since become a favorite dish in Germany and elsewhere in the world.
Asian cuisine like Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indian, Korean, and Japanese restaurants, as well as Spanish tapas bars, Italian, and Greek cuisine, can be found in many parts of the city.
In Part One, we focused on Bavaria, Iron Phoenix’s homeland.
Now it is Rage’s turn.
If you travel to Berlin to have a session with Rage, look at all that is waiting for you.
On to the battle.

As the match is about to begin, the all-knowing and all-wise Antscha, clip board in hand, is ready to introduce the German Maidens.
The two are smiling and eager.
As the fight starts, both girls begin on their knees and engage in hand fighting as Rage initiates the clinch and slowly brings her arm around Iron’s neck and efficiently pushes her to the mats and sits on top of her.
She clasp’s the fresh faced brunette’s arm and the way she is face sitting her, this could easily slide into a head scissors.
What will the Shield Maiden do?
Easy decision. Easy application.
She slides Iron into a tight head scissors and at the 1:24 mark, Iron taps out.
That appeared to be easy. Too easy.
Hopefully Iron was just getting warmed up or this promises to be a long day.
In front of a live crowd, the audience applauds.
The girls soon re- engage and Iron goes on the offensive. She almost traps Rage in a floor head scissors but Rage easily escapes.
Rage is back on top and locks onto one of Iron’s arms while she encases her with her legs for another possible scissors. By the expression on Iron’s face, she is in anguish.
For good reason.
Rage tightens her beautifully curvy legs around Iron’s neck in a combination choke and scissors and Iron quickly taps out. (2:42).
2-0 for Rage.
It’s getting late early.
It is intriguing to watch Rage and Iron get ready for round three.
Iron clearly has the more tightly muscled body and appears to be stronger but she seems to have no real plan at all. It is as though she has never seen Rage wrestle and doesn’t quite know what to do except be defensive.
There is an old expression that sometimes the best offense is a good defense, but not here.
As they engage, Iron has become passive, waiting for Rage to assert the issue and the beautiful shapely Berlin girl is happy to do it.
First, Iron literally falls into Rage’s chest cavity and body scissors.
The forward movement has placed her on top off Rage and in an erotic moment Rage, from below, grabs Iron’s left ankle and trips the Bavarian beauty who complies and falls backwards as her gorgeous athletic thighs helplessly kick into the air.
Rage is back on top of Iron in a dominant position.
Rage is now sitting on top off her, just like in a school yard with Iron’s nicely shaped legs, helplessly underneath her. Rage grabs Iron’s hands, trying to decide what to do, exploring many options. Iron lies flat on her back, very feminine and waiting for Rage to have her way with her.
Rage decides on a smother.
Antscha begins to count, one, two, three and it appears Iron is ready to submissively tap out but Rage, like a reflex, grabs that particular arm into a smother position.
Antscha begins to count again.
Iron’s dark hair is fanned out on the mats as Rage sits on top of her. She tries to feebly kick out, but to no avail. She tries once more and moves Rage out of the pin count, but the sensuous feminine Bavarian doll is still trapped underneath.
Antscha begins the pin count again.
Iron softly kicks her feminine athletic legs trying to get out but the dominant Rage, who looks completely delicious as her bikini briefs have now, on its own, shaped into a thong on her curvy behind, will not budge and continues to sit on Iron’s chest, is soon rewarded with another Iron tap out.
The Shield Maiden is cruising at 3-0. (3:55)
Normally in a one sided match like this, we might flip ahead and see how much Rage defeats Iron by, but this is a very unique match. It is almost like a slowly orchestrated erotic music piece that is building in crescendo and needs to play its course.
Rage is now going to thoroughly dominate Iron. That seems crystal clear. We have not seen this match before but we are going to stay along for the ride as athletic Iron submissively continues to let the curvy girl have her way with her.
With little protest.
The destination? Who cares? Here, it is absolutely the slow moving journey that matters.
As the two prepare for the next round, Iron unloosens her raven colored hair and begins to tighten it back up again. We couldn’t help but imagine how she would look in an elegant black dress and dining with us at a Bavarian Michelin restaurant.
Well, so much for that fantasy.
To our surprise, in round four, Iron finally seems ready to fight.
She immediately grabs Rage from behind the neck, grabs her free arm, forcefully pulls her back and squashes her in a choke and scissors combination.
Where was this before?
How strange was that? Are you kidding?
It was so easy for Iron to do that, now we can’t tell who is going to win. That only took less than a minute. This is confusing but exciting.
Now we appear to have a match on our hand.
Please cancel those dinner reservations and get us some Wienerschnitzel, sauerkraut and an ice cold Pilsner dark instead.
We might actually have a sporting event here.
3-1 for Rage.
As the two begin to compete again, Iron appears passive and Rage seizes the opportunity to grab her neck from behind and Iron, now flexing those muscles, swats it away like a fly, grabs Rage around the head and neck area and forcefully takes her down to the mats, falls on top of her and Antscha begins the count.
Rage is now the one quickly kicking away with her delicious thighs giggling, but now passively, full of energy. The two are literally circling around, on the mats, as Rage keeps kicking furiously but can’t escape.
She is counted out.
Who would have thought only 3 minutes ago that his would have occurred, but at the 5:14 mark, Rage submits.
3-2 for Rage but we clearly now have a fight on our hands.
We were previously questioning Iron’s internal makeup before but now the microscope has shifted to Rage.
We have seen her collapse against superior wrestlers. Completely.
We are curious to see what happens here. Rage is not going to turn into a feminine submissive kitten but she does have the tendency, when in trouble, not to have a Plan B.
This is why you play the games.
As they begin to hand fight for the next round, Iron is not looking into Rage’s eyes or face but instead completely focusing on her hands.
Iron gains control and encases Rage in a side body scissors and choke where if she cranks with her left arm, this could become very painful.
Another quick submission?
No, to our surprise, Rage breaks the hold.
Having said that, she is still fighting from underneath, just not in immediate danger. She is trying to secure Iron in a floor to body scissors but in an odd way, it is as though Iron has eaten her spinach and her strength has tripled.
She pushes aside Rage’s legs and is once again is the aggressor.
Rage pushes back and the rough housing begins. Rage flies towards her and Iron kicks her off.
Now there are loud thuds as they hit the ground. Rage lunges again and Iron kicks her off.
Finally it is Rage who secures the top and has a reverse face sit that she can submit Iron with continued control or easily transition this into a brutal head scissors.
Antscha counts to one as Iron tries to kick out.
Next something very strange occurs. Really strange.
Rage mounts Iron, is nesting on top of her and begins to push her head downward. We do not see any submission hold at all and Iron easily taps out with no fight.
Are we about to see the old Iron again who easily gives in without a fight?
Rage leads 4-2. (8:17)
Now we have no idea what to expect. So we will wait and see.
Iron fixes her hair as Rage waits patiently.
Time to engage.
Iron has returned to playing possum and being passive. Rage is the first to have the behind the neck clinch but Iron easily swats it away, moves forward on her knees and tries to secure her top position.
She eventually does but we don’t see fire in her eyes. She comes across as lackadaisical.
Still, she is the stronger of the two, mounts Rage once more, almost doggie style, secures the choke and Rage quickly taps out.
Though Iron is keeping it close, Rage leads 4-3. (9:47).
Our expectations of Iron are falling. She has no plan. She is casual. This appears not to be important to her.
That’s fine.
We will watch other matches for confirmation but we are certain that, though stronger than Rage, because of her approach and internal makeup as a wrestler, she will not win here.
As they begin again, in this back and forth match fought at the posted highway sign’s moderate speed limit, as expected, Rage gains control, traps Iron in an arm bar and triangle choke and also as expected, Iron taps out without a fight.
It is 5-3, Rage and the girls are starting to giggle.
Oh, no.
We’ve invested time in this match and we are going to finish it, but we also be glad when it is over.
Especially if they are going to start talking and giggling.
They begin again.
Rage pulls Iron into a side body scissors and without resistance, Iron returns to her passive form, doesn’t put up a fight and immediately taps out.
6-3 for Rage (yawn).
They engage once more. We look at the clock wondering when this bore fest will be over. Iron is clearly not putting up a fight.
Rage continues to dominate Iron now in her very passive state. Rage rolls on top of her and Iron passively lays underneath her. This time it does not come across as erotic.
Just listless.
Antscha begins to count Iron out and she doesn’t remotely wait for Antscha to get to the 10 count. Since she is not going to put up any escape effort, she just gives in at the 5 count.
7-3 for Rage.
Can anyone look at the clock and tell us how much time is left?
As they approach one another, Iron appears sleepy. Is she injured? Is she tired?
Once they engage Iron is on top of Rage but we have no doubt Rage will break the submission attempt. As Antscha counts, Rage kicks furiously and screams to get out.
She does.
They engage once more and Iron secures a strong upper body lock on Rage then rolls it into a secure smother.
This time Rage taps out.
The clock says the match is over (thank heavens) and Rage is declared the winner at 7-4.
This match had the potential to be a classic when Iron fought back from being down 3-0 to get it to 3-2.
Maybe Antscha should have called the match then.
This match had a very strange effect upon us.
From our view, Rage is an intermediate fighter so she was in character here.
It is Iron Phoenix who is a massive question mark. She was clearly stronger than Rage but in this uneven and confusing battle, you would never know it.
We are going to purchase and do match reviews down the road to see if Iron consistently wrestles this way.
Maybe she was just having a bad day.
Having said that, we are still intrigued by her beauty.
That, she excels at.
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OPENING PHOTO, photographyfirm-Shutterstock-photo-Editorial-use-