Femwrestle Masterpiece, Diana Vs Karina, Chess Match In Progress (1,900 Words)

fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetititor.com grapplingstars.com, Ollyy-Shutterstock-photo-credit
November 30, 2022,
Time has a way of placing much in perspective.
What, at one time may have appeared to be a good matchup, given their future accomplishments, time has made it clear it was a great matchup between titans. A classic.
We just didn’t know it at the time.
The passing of time has enlightened us that a match between Karina of Russia and the Czech Republic’s Diana is a colossal showdown.
This match occurred earlier in both athlete’s careers at the great Femwrestle Events in Troisdorf, Germany.
Femcompetitor Magazine wrote about Diana on November 12, 2015 and here in part is their praise of the Czech Maiden, from the eyes of a reviewer, when she faces a top fighter, “If you like watching two beautiful ladies, experts in two different martial arts, display their top-notch grappling skills in an absolutely competitive and extremely close match, long exhaustive attempts to gain advantage, escapes from excruciating and seemingly inescapable holds, then you don’t want to miss this video.”
Karina is experienced in Aikido, Jiu Jitsu and street fighting. Very formidable and unpredictable.
With that build up, it is time to review Karina Vs Diana.

As the two warriors are introduced, Diana comes out first, to the center, flexing, looking wonderful in her pink athletic bra and super woman bikini briefs.
Karina looks sensuous as always in her striped black bikini top and solid black briefs.
As usual, there is a star studded crowd in the audience as we see Hungary’s Orsi B. and Antscha in attendance along with Kassidy of England, Diana of Poland and Riona of Germany.
The two warriors start out hand fighting
Diana soon gains the advantage by bull rushing Karina and pushing her backwards.
Now Karina is fighting from the floor position as Diana tries to attack but is having little success at it.
Karina encourages Diana to come forward and she does, trying to grab Karina by the ankle who then traps her in a floor to standing body scissors, not for a submission but more for control.
Diana pushes down on Karina’s neck, causing some discomfort.
Both beauties are grabbing at each other’s wrists.
Karina forcefully removes Diana’s hand as she tries to maintain control from the bottom, a tenuous positon at best.
She now leaps up upon Diana, still holding on to the scissor and Diana could easily body slam her but doesn’t.
Soon, they are back in the same positioning with Karina’s back on the floor and Diana hovering above her in a controlling body scissor. They continue wrist grabbing until they reach the edge of the mats.
They keep the same position and go back to the center of the mats. (4:00).
Karina has Diana in that floor to sitting body scissors but Diana has the power as they continue to hand and wrist fight to try and gain control.
We’re not sure what Karina’s strategy is here.
In reviewing her previous matches, she is exceptional at fighting from the top, with agility but, as the expression goes, you only look as good as your competition allows you to.
Here, with the powerful and skilled Diana, at least up to this point, things are not looking good for Karina.
Diana pushes Karina to the edge of the mats and they have to break again (6:00).
They are back to the center of the mats but now starting over on their knees.
This time Karina is trying hard to stay upright but as they engage, Diana surprises the Russian star with an ankle trip and she is down on her back again. They struggle and Karina encases Diana in a floor to sitting body scissors once more.
Diana has the power and slowly pushes Karina towards the edge of the mats.
They break and go back to the center of the mats.
A cat and mouse game ensues.
As they hand fight and Diana tries to move forward, Karina falls back into the floor to body scissors trap position with her legs open, daring Diana to repeat history.
Diana appears to not want to repeat history.
The strong athletic blonde goddess hesitates.
Karina is very content to play this repetition over and over until Diana makes a mistake.
Karina continues to kick her legs out but this time a patient Diana thrusts them to the side and lands on top of Karina. Now is her opportunity to do some damage but unfortunately for Diana, they have struggled to the edge of the mats and once more must return to the center.
They begin with hand fighting and Karina is very content to repeat the behavior. Diana does not want to but until she can figure out something different, this is the way it will be.
She tries to surge into Karina from the side but the lighting quick dark brunette captures her in that floor to sitting body scissors again.
Diana is fighting from the top, determined to get hand and wrist control and Karina is just as determined not to let her do so.
They continue to struggle with Karina’s legs wrapped around Diana’s waist.
Karina’s tactical clasps and patience pays off.
As Diana tries to break the pattern, she surges again but this time Karina uses those effective legs to flip the strong blonde over and like a cat, quickly leaps upon Diana’s back and now Karina not only has Diana’s back but she is on top and closing in on a rear naked choke.
Brilliant plan.
Can her patience and strategy pay off with a submission?
Diana is desperately and effectively blocking Karina’s hands and arms, preventing that choke.
She appears to be the stronger of the two and powerfully moves Karina upward so she can get back to her knees, a position she previously appeared to disdain but this time it is for survival.
It works.
Karina tried for a side body scissors but just wasn’t strong enough to pull it off.
Ground Hog Day.
They are back to the floor to sitting body scissors position.
In a war of attrition, Diana is keeping her heavier body on top of Karina who is hand fighting back, fighting off Diana’s firearm to the throat attacks but absolutely needs to preserve her energy.
This is now turning into a war of endurance.
More patience.
After endless leg and hand struggle, Diana breaks the stalemate and now has Karina trapped in the position of a Guillotine Choke.
Can she pull it off and submit the crafty Karina?
Karina lunges for Diana’s right thigh, pushing backwards to prevent the consummation of the choke.
Diana now pulls a monkey flip and tosses Karina over.
The gorgeous athletic blonde is coming in for the kill but Karina is undaunted. She fights back to that floor to sitting body scissors for control and they roll off the edge of the mats.
Back to the center (14:00).
If you are sitting in the audience, looking for chills, spills and loaded action, this is not the match.
If you love chess, this is the perfect challenge.
Whose will is going to break?
They take a break.
We scan the audience and notice Iron of Germany and Mara of Hungary in the audience. This is why we love the Femwrestle Events. The stars not only come out at night but the daytime as well.
Time to engage. Both sexy girls go down to their knees (15:00).
Time to fight.
Diana continues to grab at Karina’s wrists for control, Karina responds in similar fashion but as more of an enticement. As Diana gets closer, Karina falls back to the sitting position, almost like a threat, opening her legs for another floor to sitting body scissors.
Diana wants no more of that and even appears to be a little irritated as she starts pushing Karina backward.
The blonde warrior breaks the spell and surprises Karina with a leg grab and ankle pull, slipping the slender girl backwards and leaping on top of her. Karina desperately tries to trap her in a head scissor but Diana keeps her head clear of that, encases Karina in a one arm reverse headlock and more important, lands her body on top of Karina for leverage.
There is a struggle, just like out in the wild. Not life and death but it almost symbolically feels that way.
Karina taps out.
The audience quietly applauds with appreciation of the grand struggle.
1-0 for Diana (16:00).
Has Diana now figured Karina out or will Karina have an answer for that move the next time?
They begin again.
The usual hand fighting and wrist grabbing only this time, Diana has figured the dark haired maiden out and will execute a similar plan. Keep doing what works over and over until your opponent learns to stop you.
She pushes Karina backwards who quickly hides her ankles to avoid an ankle grab.
Unfortunately, while she appeared to be concerned about her ankle, Diana quickly leaps for her head again only this time she traps her in a two arm headlock with her full body on top. Karina tries to push Diana’s head backward into a head scissor but Diana has too strong a grasp on Karina’s head.
Diana, in control, slowly twirls Karina around the mats for tightening control but to our shock, Karina manages to break the hold and almost traps Diana in a side body scissors.
Diana is too strong for that and easily escapes.
Now they separate and are back and ground zero.
Score that one as a victory for Karina. We thought she was done and would be submitted.
Time to slowly engage again (17:30).
Karina begins fighting from the floor, ready to use her legs.
We’re not crazy about the fighting from the floor strategy but if your opponent is stronger than you, as Diana appears to be here, then you have to approach the fight with what works best for you.
Karina changes up a little and comes towards Diana on her knees but Diana simply pushes her back down again.
Diana is the aggressor.
She keeps swiping at Karina’s ankles or lunging at Karina’s head and neck area. Either way, Karina is fighting from a strictly defensive position, hoping Diana makes a mistake so she can snare her in a trap.
As Karina keeps backing up, one of Diana’s swats appears to hit her in the mouth.
She appears to be bleeding from the lip but decides to continue.
Diana takes over from here and takes Karina down to the mats, the two slowly spinning around in struggle with Diana in control from the top and closing in on a smother.
It looks certain.
But it is not.
The ref taps her on the back to let her know the match has ended.
The audience appreciatively applauds.
This was an incredible tactical match.
Karina was at her best but Diana was too strong. The skill levels appeared to be the same and the cat and mouse chess match favored Karina as she waited for Diana to make a mistake.
Diana made very few, and when she did, no side body scissors was going to contain her.
Exceptional bout.
Both warriors were stellar on our industry’s once largest stage.
~ ~ ~
OPENING PHOTO fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetititor.com grapplingstars.com, Ollyy-Shutterstock-photo-credit
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NOTE: Along with being great wrestlers, both Diana and Karina are session girls. Here are their emails:
Diana – diana.sessiongirl@gmail.com
Karina – karina-gotika@hotmail.com