Female Wrestlers, Strengthen Neck Muscles For Upper Hand Fighting Resistance

fciwomenswrestling.com, grapplingstars.com femcompertitor.com article, grapplingstars.com photo credit Event
November 12, 2022,
The scenario lays out in virtually every fully competitive match that involves higher skilled female submission wrestlers.
They begin the match with upper head, neck and shoulder hand fighting.
Pulling forward.
Pulling downward.
Encasing in a head lock.
Often, when this subject is focused on, it is viewed from the eyes of the aggressor. The attacker. Therefore much attention is placed upon building strong biceps, triceps and shoulder strength.
Understandably so.
Still, a strong neck will go a long way in helping the female wrestler being attacked withstand the onslaught.
What can you do to strengthen your neck muscles?
The team at athletico.com has some suggestions, “While all of us may occasionally benefit from a few stretches to combat the poor postural habits associated with our sedentary lifestyle, managing neck and shoulder pain solely with stretching doesn’t treat the source, rather than the cause of symptoms and provides only temporary relief.”
We desire a closer look.
First, time for some video viewing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcbvlbtR17U
Here is their message, “What you need are neck-strengthening exercises that actually work! A strong mobile neck can go a long way in preventing future injuries and in completely resolving an injury that already exists. Neck strengthening is also incredibly important for postural improvement.”
Perhaps another.
This one is very informative: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbyZT4y9gpM
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We like their updates.
The bookstore may have additional information important to our cause so we’ll slowly turn our neck and take a walk over there in perfect posture.

Structures of the Head and Neck First Edition
By Frank J. Weaker Ph.D.(Author)
“Prepare for class, clinical, and professional success! Build a solid foundation of orafacial anatomy with just the right depth and breadth of coverage for Dental Hygiene and Dental Assisting students. An innovative organization brings together system and regional approaches to ensure you understand the structures of the head and neck and how they work together during normal function. Brilliant full-color photographs, illustrations, and diagrams in every chapter let you easily examine every detail. Begin with an overview of the head and neck from the bony apertures of the skull to the fascial spaces of the mouth and the neck.
Then, explore how these structures perform in conjunction the systems of the body, including the cardiovascular, lymphatic, and nervous systems. Plus, gain additional practice with Student Questions for each chapter―online at DavisPlus.”
Understanding the basics of your head and neck function is a great foundation to helping you understand what neck muscle exercises can be helpful and effective without hurting your neck.
This brings us to the neck harness.
We would suggest considering this neck muscle builder only after you understand the above suggestions on the basics of strengthening and most important, protecting your neck.
Do these work?
The group at dmoose.com educate, “Apart from aesthetic value, working on your neck muscles is still important. It is a passage for various veins and nerves, so you should focus on making it stronger. A neck harness is an essential gym tool that exclusively works on your neck muscles. It includes all muscles of your head and neck and makes them stronger.”
Nice innovation.
Let’s go back to video for some pre-cautionary advice on how to use one and benefit from it without injuring yourself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KHF3sQbyOQ
Exceptional video on the do’s and don’ts of neck strengthening.
This one is brief and can take you to the next level at the gym. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRUcLWIri6E
Okay, those are the basics.
This area of neck training is often overlooked by female submission wrestlers but once you reach even a mildly higher level above the beginning grappler, you will engage in a lot of upper neck and head fighting.

Better to be prepared for it.
More suggestions from different reputable sources are always worth checking into.
We have a visiting writer with some experience in this area.
The Best Neck Strengthening Exercises and Routines
You can build a fairly strong neck with a great neck strengthening exercise or routine. If you are trying to build a great physique, you need to devote time to building a strong neck as well. There are many benefits to building a strong one.
Benefits of Having a Strapping Neck
You are into wrestling or mixed martial arts, you will benefit from having tough neck. It will help you resist being easily overwhelmed by your opponent. You will be able to control your opponent. It will protect you against injuries. You will be able to defend yourself against a choke. You will also be able to deal with punches more effectively if you have a well-built neck. A strong neck represents power and this will prove as a deterrent against attacks. Your opponent will think twice about attempting a choke against you.
Neck Strengthening Exercise Tips
You can actually get someone to help you with your neck exercises. In fact, having a partner and getting him to help you with your exercises can be fairly beneficial. This is also quite effective and it is a good option if you do not have the funds for good equipment or gym membership. You only need to get a few tools like a neck harness. Of course, you have to make sure that you get the best for durability, effectiveness and comfort. Here are some tips on how to strengthen your neck:
- A harness is really great for developing the muscles in front of the neck, but you do not need the same thing to strengthen the back of your neck. You just need to have your partner sit on the back of your head – yes, the back – and he will perform abdominal work while he seats on top of your head.
- To work the front of your neck, your partner should first stand up and straddle your body. He will have to put his hands on your forehead and then he has to pull your head back. You need to resist the pull and attempt to pull your forward while he continues to pull your head backwards. Try to do 3 sets of 10-20 repetitions.
- To work the sides of your neck, you can also work with a partner to strengthen the sides. Many wrestlers ignore the sides of their neck, choosing to focus on strengthening just the front and the back. They do not realize that they can be hit anywhere. Their opponents can hit from all angles especially during a grappling match. In order to work on the sides, you need assume an all-fours position. Then, you need to place your head against a fixed object or equipment that is bolted on the floor. Once you have assumed the position, you can then push the side of your neck against the immovable equipment as hard as you can and maintain this for 10 seconds. Continue to breathe as you push your neck against the object. Do 6 sets of 10 seconds.
This is a great neck strengthening exercise routine if you are on a tight budget. You can start this exercise by doing 3 days every week for 4 weeks. Gradually, you can do neck training for 5 days every week. If you are into wrestling or MMA, you should definitely do this 5 times a week.
Mark Johnson is a weight training enthusiast. He is a blogger and online marketer. He is also a fan of Mike the Machine, an expert on personal training and weight training. Check out the link if you are wondering about neck strengthening exercises [http://www.mikethemachine.com/neck-workout/] and how to build strong necks and traps.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Mark_O_Johnson/1219530
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6792196
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OPENING PHOTO fciwomenswrestling.com, grapplingstars.com femcompertitor.com article, grapplingstars.com photo credit Event
NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.