Female Grapplers, Listen Up, Stay Off Of And Don’t Give Up Your Back

fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetititor.com grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com photo credit
March 18, 2023,
Very few good things happen when you are engaging in an activity while lying on your back.
Auto Mechanic?
Oil drips on to your face.
Even holding your cute little baby up in the air and saying goo, goo, goo can have dire consequences if they have not digested their food properly.
As a female wrestler, try not to wrestle your opponent while they are on top of you and you are playing defense, on your back.
How did you get on your back?
Surprisingly, in our video reviews, time after time we have seen a female submission wrestler, in a somewhat weakened state because they fell to the floor and attempted a floor to sitting, kneeling or standing body scissor.
That move speaks to a thinking that, in hand to hand upper body combat, you don’t feel that you can win so there is an illusion that if you fall on your back and grasp them in a floor to sitting or standing body scissors that you are in control.
You are not.
The opponent often breaks the hold and she is instantly falling forward on top of you. Let’s face it, based upon gravity where else can she go. And please don’t let her be larger or stronger than you.
Now, she is on the offense and you have to desperately fight from your back.
The worst part?
You will tend to stay there until she submits you.
Where else are you going to go?
In one match, we saw a talented female wrestler spend 90 perfect of the time, with her back on the floor, while her opponent opened up the playbook to submit her. Naturally she lost the match.
The irony of that match.
The girl who lost was actually the stronger of the two. She previously defeated her in arm wrestling.
The other mistake often seen is when a female wrestler engages and there is a mutual headlock, they struggle, and she goes down to the floor grasping at her opponent’s neck from the mat floor.
So, what will help prevent you from being trapped on the mat floor?
You need to develop upper body strength in the shoulders and arms and right from the start, when engagement begins, you need to stand your ground and fight it out from there.
That is where the match is won or lost is right from the beginning, while both of you are on your knees and engaging in hand fighting or hand behind the neck struggle, you need to win the fight up top.
What can help?
Here is what not to do.
Don’t raise your arms and hands in engagement and just leave them there in the blocking position. You need to be the attacker. Don’t wait for them to take the action to you.

Lunge at them.
Charge at them.
Bull rush them.
Take the fight to them right from the beginning.
Get ready to fight from your back and all that goes with that.
Let’s think offense.
Time to build up those arms and shoulders.
First on video.
Here is a good starting place https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beZtbc-ZfDU
Meet the team behind the instruction https://www.youtube.com/@idealfit3283/about
“Getting #FitTogether with the help of products, challenges, and support from the IdealFit Community. Designed specifically for women, our goal is to help women create healthy habits and learn to love themselves from the inside out.
Our videos, expert advice, and recipes are here to help you LOVE the journey, and take pride in all of your hard work. Check out our videos, and be sure to sign up for one of our FREE 15 Day Challenges where you can get the meal plans that go along with every workout you will find on our page. https://www.idealfit.com/idealfit-challenges.list”
Appreciate that.
Ready to walk over to the bookstore?

Stronger Arms & Upper Body
By Joe Wuebben and Jim Stoppani
“Take your upper-body workout to the next level with Stronger Arms & Upper Body. Muscle & Fitness magazine’s Joe Wuebben and Jim Stoppani, PhD, team up to provide the most effective exercises and programs for increasing strength, definition, power, and size.
Targeting the development of shoulders, arms, upper back, chest, and abdominals, Stronger Arms & Upper Body features over 100 exercises for serious lifters, including specific instructions for mastering technique and advanced exercise variations to help lifters push past plateaus. Along with 33 programs and ready-to-use workout plans, detailed anatomical illustrations, explanations and variations for equipment needs, and the latest in advanced training methods, Stronger Arms & Upper Body provides the comprehensive, hard-core instruction you need for the results you want.”
Over 100 exercises for lifters. Amazing.
One more.
Since you will begin most of your matches from your knees and engage in hand fighting, this book seems ideal.
Mastery of Hand Strength, Revised Edition Paperback – January 15, 2009
By John Brookfield (Author)
“Mastery of Hand Strength is the beloved book on grip strength that just about every grip guy in the last 10 years has read, probably at least twice. And now there’s a reason to read it yet again. John has added a whole raft of new training ideas and approaches, 38 new exercises on crushing grip and dynamic training with hand grippers, pinch grip, dumbbells, fingers and wrists–all newly-minted material that is typical of John’s creativity and cutting-edge thinking. If strong hands and mighty wrists appeal to you, it’s your starting point for world-class grip and lower-arm strength.”
Grip, grip, grip.
That is what you will be doing right from the beginning. Especially hand grabbing and behind the neck grasping.
Hand strength is critical.
In summary, right when the match begins, try and get the upper hand right from the start. Lunge for a head lock, bull rush and push her backwards but don’t let her take the fight to you.
If you secure that headlock, take her down so that your body falls on top of hers.
Now, she is on her back.

If you apply these basic wrestling principles, wouldn’t you agree it is always better to see life from the top than on your back?
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OPENING PHOTO fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetititor.com grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com photo credit
NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.