Female Grapplers, How To Build Hand, Wrist, Arm Strength To Escape Potential Submissions

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November 5, 2023,
Why are you so defensive?
Don’t be so defensive.
You’re always on the defensive.
Have you been told those expressions before?
Sometimes they are right to say so, but not on the fully competitive female submission wrestling mats.
Sometimes you do need to be defensive. Very defensive. When?
You are trapped in a floor to sitting, kneeling or standing body scissor with your opponent’s legs encasing you in a vice like grip. You will need to get out of that and get out fast because if they marry that to an effective arm bar, you now have two places to defend and try and escape.
If you are trapped in a side body scissor, you will need to escape that as soon as possible because, soon, they could supplement that crunching hold with an arm lock, joint lock, head lock or choke. If they do that? You will most likely tap out.
Get out of that side body scissor as quickly as you can.
Then there is the dreaded headlock.
If she captures you in that headlock and falls on top of you, you need to escape quickly because a smother is most likely coming or a fierce scissor.
Speaking of smothers, if she slides her hand behind your neck, is pulling your head forward towards her chest, you will need to bring your forearms together, like a fence, and try and block them off.
Be defensive? You better be and be extremely good at it. One thing that will help tremendously is building your hand, wrist and arm strength.
Trapped in a scissor? Quickly pry them apart at the ankle.
Trapped in a headlock? Use your arm strength to pull their arms apart. Quickly, before she decides on the supplement hold which could be the closer.
Below in a smother? You must have strong arms to prevent the full compression.
We keep repeating a thought.
Arm strength. Wrist strength. You will need to develop both to use them to help you escape the above mentioned potentially lethal submitting holds.
It often starts with grip strength.
Get a grip.
This is an exceptional female oriented video on building grip strength. Check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtHmQsomDRc
Their team is called “Kirra O’Brien x Strong Sisters United”
Here is their message to you, “FREE strength training workouts for #Beginners For the past 9 years, I have been helping women celebrate and honor their bodies through #StrengthTraining Hey gal! My name is Kirra O’Brien and my workouts are going to help you get strong, build lean muscle, go from skinny to strong, and most importantly feel proud of your body and its capabilities.
On my channel you will get to see: -FREE beginner strength training workouts (that will leave you feeling unstoppable) -advice on how to get stronger -advice on how to build muscle -tips on #bodyrecomposition -how to conquer your nutrition (no more yo-yo-ing just long-term results) -weekly motivation and encouragement through the community”.
Greatly appreciate that.
Let’s stay with grip strength concept for one more idea that we really like.
Think, “Hand Grippers”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6l1FyKL_dmg
Grippers, sometimes called hand grippers, are primarily used for testing and increasing the strength of the hands.
In the wrestling community, there is a thought that you are only as strong as your hands.
This specific form of grip strength has been called crushing grip, which has been defined as, meaning the prime movers are the four fingers, rather than the thumb.
Make sense?
If you are serious about strengthening your grip, to break apart those holds, purchasing a Hand Gripper, might be a good idea. It is something that you can use while you are walking, at your work desk or at home.
There is another video that demonstrates the various ways to use a Hand Gripper, besides the standard crush. It is very creative and effective.
Take a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_kWKT9IanU
About those women’s wrestling video match reviews.
What we have found in our video reviews, the newer or lower intermediate female wrestlers often find themselves trying to pull apart their opponents arms and legs.
In Beatrix vs Kim Biceps, a match that took place at a private gym, the lesser experienced Beatrix was constantly trying to break out of Kim’s painful scissors. Better arm strength would have helped her immensely.
During another event, the Fem Competitor Jaki found herself trapped in floor to kneeling body scissors, being bent over with pain, and unable to use her arms to break free.
Newer female grapplers?

It is time to strengthen those arms so that you can “pry” and “pull” apart your opponent’s wrenching holds.
Let’s walk over to the bookstore. We like this one.
Mastery of Hand Strength, Revised Edition Paperback – January 15, 2009
By John Brookfield (Author)
“Mastery of Hand Strength is the beloved book on grip strength that just about every grip guy in the last 10 years has read, probably at least twice. And now there’s a reason to read it yet again. John has added a whole raft of new training ideas and approaches, 38 new exercises on crushing grip and dynamic training with hand grippers, pinch grip, dumbbells, fingers and wrists–all newly-minted material that is typical of John’s creativity and cutting-edge thinking. If strong hands and mighty wrists appeal to you, it’s your starting point for world-class grip and lower-arm strength.”
Rock solid information.
For those of you who are new to wrestling and plan on taking it seriously, it is not a matter of if, but only a matter of when.
You will be stuck in a floor to kneeling, sitting or standing body scissor, the dreaded side body scissor, a head lock or smother. How long you stay in that hold depends upon how much you build your hand, wrist and arm strength.
By building your hand, wrist and arm strength, you will put yourself in a position to break those holds, as quickly as possible, before the combination hold kicks in, and then take the next step, where you go on the offensive, and test their ability to break your pressure hold.
Too defensive?
That’s okay, just be good at it.
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OPENING PHOTO Shutterstock-photo-Editorial-use-UfaBizPhoto – grapplingstars.com fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetititor.com
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grippers https://femcompetitor.com/
NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.