Female Grapplers, Develop Resistance Thru stronger Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders

fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetititor.com grapplingstars.com, egyjanek-Shutterstock-photo-credit
November 24, 2022,
Discussions abound in fully competitive female submission wrestling about learning the offense.
Learn BJJ. Train in MMA. Learn Kenpo, Judo, Karate, Freestyle Wrestling and more.
That’s good because without a good offense, in female wrestling, you will always be on defense.
Even with the best training, you will eventually meet someone who is better trained and more experienced than yourself. If that is the case?
During the match you will be on defense.
Especially when it comes to trying to escape rear naked and triangle chokes or the dreaded smother.
What will help you in that defense is if you strengthen your arms and shoulders for resistance.
The most important upper body parts for this endeavor are the biceps, triceps and curls.
One exercise that works them all is the pushup. Perhaps that is a good starting place.
The push-up is a common calisthenics exercise beginning from the prone position.
By raising and lowering the body using the arms, push-ups exercise the pectoral muscles, triceps, and anterior deltoids, with ancillary benefits to the rest of the deltoids, serratus anterior, coracobrachialis and the midsection as a whole.
While the push-up primarily targets the muscles of the chest, arms, and shoulders, support required from other muscles results in a wider range of muscles integrated into the exercise.
These muscles will absolutely come into play when you clasp your arms together, underneath your opponent’s chest, who is on top you and pressing for a smother.
It is the ultimate resistance defense.
There are many ways to do pushups, some of them wrong, so let’s look at a video where the female athlete is doing it right so you can imitate what she does.
We have cited thus group before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABbVpmubIGQ
This should get you off to a good start. She is very good at her instruction.
This book should help you progress to a higher level.
7 Weeks to 100 Push-Ups: Strengthen and Sculpt Your Arms, Abs, Chest, Back and Glutes by Training to do 100 Consecutive Push-Ups Paperback – June 1, 2009
By Steve Speirs (Author)
“Learn how to successfully boost your upper-body and core strength and build muscle with the exercise program the New York Times says, “tests the whole body, engaging muscle groups in the arms, chest, abdomen, hips and legs.”
If you’re ready to massively increase your strength, follow the 7-week program in this book and you’ll soon be able to complete 100 consecutive push-ups! You’ll also transform your fitness, look great and feel even better as you sculpt every muscle from your neck down to your calves.
Offering several custom-designed, day-by-day plans, this book has something for everyone: from beginners embarking on a new workout regimen to athletes looking to enhance their strength training program.
Unleashing the power of the ultimate strength exercise 7 Weeks to 100 Push-Ups includes:
• Instruction on how to do a perfect push-up
• Muscle-by-muscle breakdown of strength-building
• Challenging push-up variations”
Exceptional thoughts.
Your biceps can look sexy and strong at the same time.
Here is a wonderful workout video to show you how to build those biceps. We love her technique. Very precise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHThZtTIym4

Your Bulging Biceps: Simple Training Guides for Real People on How to Build the Best Body of Your Life (muscle, strength, exercise, book, love, weight lifting) Kindle Edition
By Jason T. Hubbard (Author)
Discover How to Build the Best Biceps of Your Life!
“You are about to start building the best body of your life, starting with your biceps! Ah yes, the Biceps. The guns, the mountain peaks, the coconut crackers. Who on this earth doesn’t love to work their guns? No one, that’s who. Look at your favorite movie stars and athletes and you will be drawn toward their biceps. Biceps are a sign of strength and fitness and command respect everywhere.
Do you want big, arms? Big bulging biceps? Of course you do, everyone wants big arms and there is no denying it. Muscular arms make you look fit, dedicated, and powerful. But How? Many people reading this may think they can’t get into physical fitness because they are too old, too busy or just too late to the game. Well, I here to tell you that you are wrong and in this case that is a good thing! Normal, working class people like us can and do achieve their goals daily, you just have to put in the effort and take what is yours.
You already have what it takes, I am sure of it. You have already been tested by life in many ways and continue to be tested every day. You have succeeded, and failed in your life… and have the scars to prove it. But guess what? You are still standing. You are still here and have grit and determination whether you realize it or not. Now it’s time to apply that to your own health, fitness goals and dreams. You Need this book.
Here is a Preview of What You’ll Learn…
- Anatomy of the Biceps
- Bread and Butter Biceps Exercises and Variations
- Factor that Will Affect Your Biceps Potential
- Motivation to Build those Arms
- Workouts, Including some Shock and Awe Specials
- A Lifting Focus list
- Ways to Extend Your Set for Maximum Growth
- And Much More!
Download your copy today!
The goal of these books is to motivate, educate and get you in the gym. Lifting is the greatest, most rewarding habit in the world and everyone needs to do it. We are all very busy people with lives full of stress and responsibilities but that doesn’t mean for a single moment that we cannot be the healthiest, strongest and most happy version of ourselves possible. If you the reader can take away even a single nugget of information from each of these books and apply it to your life and workouts then this was a total success.”
They appear to cover everything.
Time to look at your triceps.
The Triceps is a large muscle on the back of the upper limb.
This is a great Triceps workout for women with dumbbells. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzBZ02EAJvE
At the bookstore, we like this one for building your triceps.
By Mr. Jason Curtis (Author)
Build Big Triceps in 15 Easy Exercises
“Discover simple, yet effective exercises that build your triceps
- Learn how to build strength and muscle mass
- Develop healthy weight training habits that will build your arms and ideal body
- Master workout programs to supercharge your gains
15 Essential Exercises for Bigger Triceps
- Do you struggle to build your triceps muscles?
- Do you want to develop strength and hypertrophy?
- Do you need bespoke programs to develop bigger arms and feel better about your body?
15 Essential Exercises for Triceps is a comprehensive guide that focuses on just one thing: building your triceps. With powerful diagrams, pictures and videos this book will guide you through the very best triceps-building exercises available, helping you to maximize your gains.
Packed with simple, straightforward exercises, 15 Essential Exercises for Triceps will have you feeling stronger, looking better and training smarter than ever before.”
Makes perfect sense.
Now we want to look at those shoulders.
We like this video and how she works out with dumbbells as well. You can really see it in her body. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq7qermvmXM
Again, let’s walk over to the bookstore. We like this offering.
Strength Training for the Shoulders Poster – March 23, 2005
“Using the same masterful anatomical artwork that is featured in the Strength Training Anatomy and Women’s Strength Training Anatomy books, the Strength Training Anatomy poster series consists of seven full-color posters that fully illustrate every major muscle group.
This region-specific poster, the Shoulders Poster, presents nine exercise illustrations.
-Lateral raises
-Alternate front raises
-Alternate lateral raises with a low pulley
-Bent-over lateral raises
-Barbell front raises
-Seated anterior dumbbell raises
-Back press
-Front press
-Seated dumbbell press
Each illustration depicts the anatomy in action, including musculoskeletal attachments and how exercise variations target specific muscles. This poster serves as a blueprint for maximizing the benefits of every shoulder workout.”
Balance is the key to life and working on your triceps, biceps and shoulders should help you immensely when it is time to be on defense.
We can’t say enough how, when it is time to try and escape those triangle chokes and smothers in particular, strengthening these regions of the body should help your cause and strengthen your defense.
Resistance is not futile.
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NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.