Fem Wrestlers, For Stronger Body Scissors, Master The Leg Press And Squats

fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetititor.com grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com photo credit
December 11, 2022,
Body scissors are not a lost art but due to the myriads of MMA submission options, they are not used as much as in times past.
At least not by themselves.
In combination with a secure arm bar or head and neck embrace, yes, they are still used a lot.
That combination speaks to experience.
Still, having said that, if you are a newer female submission wrestler battling another newer girl, the body scissors can still be effective.
In the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, body scissors were typically applied from the side.
Today, we see more of the floor to sitting body scissors while an opponent is on her knees being squeezed and pulled forward.
To secure effective body scissors, you need to build strength in those thighs.
There are a number of ways to do that.
We first turn to video.
Start simple. This will help you build strong legs without weights. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmAOfhkpaxg
Once you graduate to weights, this video, using demonstrations by a perfectly fit female body builder, is exceptional https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MB5ZQmOp_g
How did you like those? Pretty good right?
Time to walk over to the book store.
We have posted this one before. For a beginning female wrestler who wants to develop those strong thighs, this appears to be a good one.
Check it out.
The Squat Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Squat and Finding Your True Strength Paperback – June 6, 2019
By Dr. Aaron Horschig (Author), Dr. Kevin Sonthana (Author), Travis Neff (Author)
“As a physical therapist, coach, and certified strength and conditioning specialist, Dr. Aaron Horschig began to notice the same patterns in athletes over and over. Many of them seemed to pushed themselves as athletes in the same ways they push themselves out in the real world. Living in a performance-based society, Dr. Horschig saw many athletes who seemed to not only want to be bigger and stronger but to get there faster. This mentality ultimately led to injuries and setbacks, preventing athletes from reaching their full potential.
Now, after developing unique and easy-to-use techniques on how to train and move well, Dr. Horschig shares his invaluable insights with readers in The Squat Bible: The Ultimate Guide to Mastering the Squat and Finding Your True Strength.
This detailed plan enables you to unearth the various weak spots within your body—the areas that leave you in pain and hinder your ability to perform—and completely change your approach to athleticism. Discover new strength, new power, and astounding potential you never knew you possessed. As the founder of SquatUniversity.com, Dr. Horschig knows that when you transform the way you work out, you transform your body—and your life.”
Sounds comprehensive.
The most important lesson that we learned from squats is balance.
First, don’t be a heroine and start with heavy weights. Keep it light and simple. That’s why in the first instructional video, the instructor built strong legs without using weights.
Therefore, we also like and even prefer using the gym’s leg press machine.
What we like about the leg press machine is that you are not lifting weights above your head, risking a hernia or knee damage if you use weights that are too heavy.

Still, we suggest not to overdo it on the leg press machine because, as one associate found out the hard way, it can lead to severe groin strains.
Balance is always the key.
We like the comprehensive approach because it tends to lend itself to more balanced thinking. So let’s build those strong thighs the right way.
More body scissor submissions will be in your future.
We have a visiting writer who takes a comprehensive approach.
Leg Exercises, Leg Press, Quadriceps
A well defined and developed body is important for the overall health and look of a body. How many times have you seen a guy with a big upper body and tooth pick legs. This not only looks bad, it can lead to injuries and cause stress on the knees and hamstring injuries. Training legs helps with the overall development of your body. You should devote an equal amount of times training your leg as you do your upper body. To achieve a well defined and balanced legs you must incorporate several exercises. Your leg exercise workout must have different exercises from different angles to develop all the parts for your Legs. Developing strong Legs is crucial to preventing injuries to other muscles during exercises.
To get the best results you need to do 6-10 reps of each exercise. Choose a weight that you can do up to 10 for three sets. Once you can do 10 then move to a higher weight for maximal results. You can build up your Leg muscles by doing a variety of leg exercises with and without weight.
Choose at least 2 exercises from The Entire Thighs and Quadriceps group.. Always do leg curls for hamstrings. Every week or so change exercises within each group.
Entire Thighs
Leg press
Sitting on a leg press machine, position your feet together against the crosspiece about should-width apart and toes pointed slightly outward. Grasp the handle grips or sides of the seat. Bend your knees and lower the weight as far as possible without changing the position of your hips. Do not lower the weight so far that your hips start to curl up off the seat! Then slowly push the weight back up using your heels, not your toes. Do not lock your knees at the top, but rather take the weight to just before lock. Then being to lower the weight again SLOWLY. You can change your foot positions to vary the angle on the muscle.
Hack squat
Step up with dumbbells
Place a barbell on your shoulders like you would if you were doing Barbell Squats. Step up onto a flat bench with your left leg. Then step up with your right leg so you are now standing on the bench. Step down with your left leg, then your right leg. Repeat, starting with your right leg this time. Be careful not to fall! Use lighter weights. Can also be done with two dumbbells in your hands instead of a barbell
Dumbbell lunges
Place a barbell on your shoulders like you would if you were doing Barbell Squats. Step up onto a flat bench with your left leg. Then step up with your right leg so you are now standing on the bench. Step down with your left leg, then your right leg. Repeat, starting with your right leg this time. Be careful not to fall! Use lighter weights. Can also be done with two dumbbells in your hands instead of a barbell
Leg extension
Using a leg extension machine, sit in the seat and hook your feet under the padded bar. Adjust the pad and/or the seat so that your knees hang off the end of the seat and the footpad rest on the lowest part of the shins. Grasp the handles on the machine or the edges of the seat to keep your hips from lifting up as you perform the exercise. Extend your legs until knees are straight, making sure you remain seated flat on the machine. Raise the weight all the way, lock and hold briefly, then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. Get the full range of motion and feel the muscle being worked during the entire movement. Do not SWING the weight up!
Lateral Squat
Double leg power jump
Cross your arms over your chest. With your head up and your back straight, position your feet at shoulder width. Squat down until your upper thighs are parallel, or lower, to the floor. Jump straight up in the air as high as possible, using thighs like springs. Immediately squat down and jump again. Can also be done with a barbell on your upper back or with dumbbells hanging at your sides.
Leg Curl
Lie face down on a leg-curl machine and hook your heels under the roller pad. Your legs should be stretched out straight so that the pads rest on the back of your ankles. Grasp the handles under the bench for support. Remaining flat on the bench, curl your legs up until your hamstrings are fully contracted. Release and lower the weight slowly back to the starting position. Concentrate on using a full range of motion and do not SWING the weight up. You can point your toes to intensify the burn in your hamstrings.
Clinton Walker III is a 32 year-old personal trainer from Birmingham, AL. His experience includes over 7 years of Personal Training. He has studied diet techniques, weightlifting, and nutrition for over 10 years. This includes the study of kinesiology at the University of Alabama. Through extensive research, experience, and testing, he decided to put the knowledge that he has gained in writing. Clinton Walker III believes in not only training, but educating his clients to maintain their results throughout life. If you would like a personalized workout check out http://www.makeoverfitness.com
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Clinton_Walker/30399
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/512965
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OPENING PHOTO fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetititor.com grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com photo credit
NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.