Dominant Femwrestle Classic, Czech Stars Diana Vs Lara, Flex Their Muscle, G-Allen-Penton-Shutterstock
November 13, 2022,
There is great anticipation in the air.
Two of the Czech Republic’s most elite female submission wrestlers are about to engage.
Diana vs Lara, in any setting is an instant classic.
At the great Femwrestle Events, it is a historical class.
Some background.
At Lara shares, “I’ve always been a tomboy, often being the only girl in most fighting sports I’ve participated in, and I loved the fact I typically progressed in it faster than most boys. From first looking down on me, through slowly proving myself to ’em, all the way to ’em learning to respect my physical and mental abilities and the fact I could often beat ’em at their own game, I’ve never stopped being passionate about all forms of physical combat.”
We have reviewed many of this super star’s matches and we have yet to see her lose.
Typically she dominates opponents, as she did Germany’s Sandra, Brenda and Riona. Among her Czech contemporaries like Alkaia, Lilith and Siberia, they are no match for her power and athleticism.
We have never seen Diana lose either.
In 2015, Femcompetitor Magazine wrote, “We take seriously Diana’s wrestling because she takes it seriously. Her profile at WB270 educates us that Diana is a black belt with more than ten years of experience in Judo and kickboxing.”
Okay, take a deep breath. We are ready to begin.

Antscha will serve as referee. The seats are filled.
After introductions, Lara and Diana go to the center of the mats.
Diana looks feminine gorgeous in all pink and Lara looks athletic sexy in contrasting black and Sea Blue.
The two champions begin to engage.
At first glance, Diana is larger and apparently stronger because once the upper hand fighting starts, though they started in the center of the squared circle, Diana progressively pushes Lara backwards and downwards until she literally pushes the dark brunette out and off the mats at the other side.
No submission yet but Diana is establishing dominance (1:00).
Antscha, dressed in pink sweats (fashion statement), ushers them back to the center.
One they re-engage, it is more of the same. Hand fighting with Diana pushing Lara backwards until Lara is on her back and she attempts a floor to sitting body scissors. Does capture Diana’s head but that will be short lived and Diana breaks the hold (2:00).
Diana now does what most skilled wrestlers do when once trapped in a weak floor to sitting body scissors, is to fall forward and go for a smother.
Here Diana chooses a cross body pin.
Lara struggles and once again they tumble off the mats.
Antscha asks them to go back to the center (2:30).
The two Czech Warriors start back in the center with Diana on top.
The struggle begins and Lara is fighting from a position of weakness. Again.
She tries to encase Diana in a head scissor but the larger girl swats it away.
Diana would like to move forward on top of Lara but the dark haired brunette captures Diana’s right leg with her leg scissor to prevent that forward movement.
They continue to struggle. The audience is quiet and captivated with many taking pictures.
Lara now attempts the floor to sitting body scissors on Diana, in our book, often a desperate move from someone fighting from a position of weakness.
Diana easily breaks that hold as well. The two separate, go back to the center and are ready to start over. (4:30). Time for a question.
Can Lara break the trend?
Seemingly not. At least not yet.
Diana starts upright on her knees while, before becoming upright, Lara is in the sitting position. The submissive position. We don’t want to get too Freudian here but it does appear to be very symbolic.
Diana is larger and now becoming more aggressive.
She lunges at the retreating Lara and traps her in a headlock.
It is the most basic move in wrestling. We preach that but we are intrigued how so many female submission wrestlers do not utilize it more.
Diana does here and more important, she uses her body as leverage to fall on top of Lara’s head.
Lying underneath, the dark brunette with beautiful legs is in trouble.
A skilled elite wrestler, Diana shows no sympathy and applies the body pressure from the top as she tightens the headlock.
There is no escape.
Lara taps out.
Our first submission. Diana leads 1-0 (5:15).
The two beautiful warriors ready again.
Lara has an expression on her face that we’ve never seen before.
She does not look confident.
We won’t go as far to say that she looks afraid but we would say she appears to be surprised and out to sea. She’s a little in over her head which is rare for her. Thus far, as far as we can tell, she has dominated every girl she has wrestled at the great Femwrestle Events.
Diana is not your typical girl.
Lara makes a futile leap at Diana and attempts the often ill-fated and desperate floor to sitting body scissors hold. Typically, that position of weakness hold (after all, you are lying flat on your back while trying to apply it) doesn’t last long.
The superior wrestler will break it.
As Diana does here.
Now Lara, with her back on the floor, places the larger maiden in a perfect position to fall on top of her with her full body weight.
Lara is in trouble again.
Diana maneuvers around while she is on top of the helpless and erotic Lara. Diana’s thick legs, loaded with feminine muscle is sensuous as well. Eroticism and fully competitive female wrestling go together like peanut butter and jelly. (6:00).
The often formidable Lara makes sounds like a desperate feminine school girl underneath her overwhelming and heavier opponent who keeps applying the body weight pressure.
She has enough and taps out.
2-0 for Diana. (6:20).
Diana has a slight intense smile on her face. Lara’s smile is pensive. Putting up a brave face.
A confident Diana is starting to bull rush Lara and twice pushes her backwards onto her back.
Lara quickly gets up.
She then applies the soon to be ill-fated floor to body scissors move again, accidentally kicking Diana in the face as she is flailing away.
Diane swats that off too with a smile.
Lara keeps her trapped in the body scissors but we don’t believe for one moment she is going to get a determined larger athletic girl like Diana to submit.
She doesn’t and the blonde warrior breaks the hold.
Flailing away, Lara accidentally kicks the blonde in the head again and energetically tries to scramble away but like a fox stalking her prey, Diana is having none of it and pursues Lara until she lands on top.
Again. (8:05).
Lara is flailing away and kicking wildly but can’t escape.
Diana traps her in a headlock with her strong body on top and its curtains.
Diana leads 3-0 (8:20).
They take a minute to fix their hair and no doubt for Lara, gather herself.
Time to engage.
Lara unwisely tries the floor to sitting body scissors again and it is just not going to work. Diana soon escapes her clutches.
Lara finally does something a little different and possibly better. Diana, with a tight smile on her face is slowly stalking her but makes the mistake of bending over when they engage and now Lara is in a position to apply a Guillotine Choke from the top. (10:00).
Watching Lara try to desperately hold on to that position is like watching a cowboy, from the ground, try and secure a bucking bull.
Diana breaks the hold, again, and from her knees towers over Lara as the dark haired brunette lays flat on her back.
The stronger blonde is about to come in for the kill again.
She circles Lara as the smaller athletic girl tries to keep her at bay with her feet. Circling here and there.
It is just a matter of time.
Diana finds her opening and once again is on top of Lara.
Fortunately, this time Lara breaks free.
They begin hand fighting from the knees. Lara is breathing hard, Diana is calm.
As Lara tries to leap forward for another ill-fated floor to sitting body scissors, Diana is prepared for that. Why shouldn’t she be? Lara keeps doing the same thing over and over without success.
We know what that is called but we won’t go there.
Instead, Diana takes the easy course, served up with olives and shrimp to her by Lara, simply goes forward and lands her stronger body on top of the Czech maiden. Fortunately Lara traps Diana’s right leg so that she can’t do a full throttle smother on her.
Diana is fiercely trying to break that leg free.
She does.
There is no cavalry coming for Lara.
Diana now goes into full smother mode, attempting a grapevine as well. Lara’s cries of exasperation can be heard throughout the room in front of the largest audience we have seen at a Femwrestle Event.
No doubt word got out about this match. Eat your meal early, take your shower, get your break in fast but absolutely show up on time for this masterpiece.
Maybe early to get a good seat.
Lara continues to struggle but the erotic domination by the larger blonde pressing her body on her, like a school girl fight is too much and Lara once again submits.
Diana dominates at 4-0 (12:05).
The match is no longer in doubt in terms of who will win but there is still one round to go.
Once again the upper hand fighting begins and Diana forcefully pushes Lara backwards with the brunette’s legs flailing in the air. Once Lara hits the mats, Diana zooms in on top of her and traps her in a headlock smother.
From the bottom, Lara circles around trying to escape and Diana simply circles around with her, hold intact.
The athletic blonde applies the pressure.
Lara gives.
A bold victory statement by Diana, sealing the deal 5-0.
Before the match, we really didn’t know who would win. Lara has been such a dominant force in her circle that we thought she would do better but, but at least at this stage of their careers, Diana is much better and no comebacks were coming.
A true domination masterpiece.
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OPENING PHOTO, G-Allen-Penton-Shutterstock