Covina CA Classic Event Match, Sexy Starlitt Vs Kristiana, Grueling War Of Attrition
![[] TS124 Kristiana Vs Starlitt 2 2023](, Screen shot, Femwin Top Stars photo, Editorial use
February 27, 2024,
Was it simpler times in the past?
Or, did things just appear to be simpler?
Possibly both.
When we travel back to the 2004-2005 era, it was the Golden Age of women’s wrestling conventions where the fully competitive wrestling was important. Three major events that come to mind was the Berlin Expo in Germany, the incredible Fighting Style event on the beaches of Greece and the event here in Covina, California.
Later, in our opinion, the most masterful of them all was Jackpin’s magical 2008 Women’s Wrestling Convention in San Diego.
That is where FCI was formed.
Thus far, three major events in one year?
Never to be repeated again.
So, on some levels, the matches within, became classics.
Today, we have one of our all-time favorite new girls in Sexy Starlitt of Las Vegas. She is a completely gorgeous shapely girl with strawberry blonde hair and wonderful girl next door looks. Covina was her coming out party where she easily defeated another new girl in Bany but today faces a veteran in Kristiana.
As far as our research can tell, Kristiana primarily plies her trade in the fantasy and fetish realm and while she may have more experience than Starlitt, in term of solid fully competitive wrestling, probably not by much.
Simply stated, new though she may be, Sexy Starlitt does have a chance here today.
In front of a live audience, it’s time to go ringside.

The music starts.
Purple Haze, by the legendary Jimmy Hendrix is blaring. Out pops Kristiana from behind the curtain, dancing, prancing, hopping, hand slapping, hugging, legs kicking up in the air cheerleader style and full of energy.
Rod Steward would be proud. Mick Jagger too. The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders should get a tape.
If only she would come out of her shell.
Next Sexy Starlitt, by comparison, has a more subdued but determined entry.
The two combatants rest up against the ring ropes with the camera showing the perfect angle of Starlitt’s gorgeous legs. After the announcements, it is time to wrestle.
The two begin circling one another with hand fighting as Starlitt wraps both of her arms behind Kristiana’s neck while the beautiful dark haired brunette attaches her right arm around Starlitt’s neck. As they continue to circle, gift wrapped, Starlitt makes numerous attempts to try and trip Kristiana, to no avail. Finally as they get closer to the ropes, they fall to the mats and Kristiana lands on top.
Sitting on top of Starlitt, who has blocked off a full smother by fencing her arms, Kristiana begins to take control, trying to decide what submission pathway to take. They struggle. Starlitt must get off of the mat as continuing to fight on her back, from the ring mat floor, is a very bad idea.
Starlitt breaks the hold and gets to a standing position, though still trapped inside of a potential choke by Kristiana.
The audience applauds.
Kristiana tries to maintain the choke, having Starlitt bent over as the blonde beauty attempts to fight out of it. This goes on for some time until Kristiana slings Starlitt down to the mat and down on her knees. The beautiful brunette continues to apply the choke but Starlitt manages to break free.
They circle one another, making hand slap attempts to control the top and when Kristiana becomes more aggressive and charges, she misses, and Starlitt immediately captures her in a Half-Nelson. They struggle around the ring, and though Kristiana has a slight height advantage, Starlitt keeps a lock on the Nelson, from behind.
Kristiana finally breaks free.
They circle and engage and this time, Starlitt captures a headlock. As Kristiana tries to squirm out of it, once again, Starlitt is opting for leg trips, with no success. Kristiana slides her left arm inside of the lock to loosen the pressure and possibly break it. She breaks it indeed by tossing Starlitt away.
Time to circle again.
They are more guarded in their approach with a hand slap here and a failed headlock approach there.
More circling.
Finally Kristiana clasps Starlitt around the neck, closes the headlock and takes the newer girl down. As they bounce on the mats, though Kristiana has the headlock, after a roll, Starlitt lands on top. They struggle and tumble into the ropes.
The referee makes a decision it is better if they begin the next round from the knees. Too much standing.
Time to start.
They engage and Sexy Starlitt achieves a headlock, takes Kristiana down but the sexy brunette quickly traps Starlitt in a behind the back mid-waist body scissor for mutual aggression. The war of aggression begins but, as Starlitt is now, it’s always better to be on top, even if you are in a scissor.
They stay in this position.
For minutes.
Both squeezing with no real submission coming. The refs ask if they would like to start again from their knees and both girls laugh and agree.
Kristiana asks for a 10 second break.
Time to start on their knees.
Once again, Starlitt gets the headlock and falls on top of Kristiana. The difference here is that Kristiana failed to scissor Starlitt in any way to stop a full attack. The young strawberry blonde has Kristiana trapped in the corner of the ring and continues to squeeze a very tight headlock. Starlitt now pulls backward on the headlock, wrenching Kristiana’s neck backward and the beautiful brunette finally taps out.
We have our first submission.
1-0 for Starlitt (14:33).
Incredible tight match. It took 14 minutes before someone blinked.
Pride may start to kick in for Kristiana. She is supposed to be the favorite here and now she is behind. What will her tactics be this time? What she was doing before, getting head locked up with Starlitt and staying attached is not working.
Sexy Starlitt goes down to her knees and Kristiana follows.
This time Kristiana does change things up by sweeping Starlitt into a strong floor to sitting body scissor. Starlitt manages to get to a bent over standing position but she is fully trapped. Kristiana, with the legs of a dancer, is squeezing hard. You can clearly see the muscle strength. Starlitt is moving her forearm forward and pushing down on Kristiana’s face for pressure, but she still cannot escape the fierce scissor.
Right now it is gridlock.
Kristiana opens the scissor to try and move her legs up to Starlitt’s neck to apply a head scissor. This is the time for Starlitt to pull backwards and force Kristiana to start over but a rookie mistake is made when she continues to engage bent over.
Kristiana recaptures the scissor.
She now wraps her hands behind Starlitt’s neck and pulls downward. More pressure is now being applied to that scissor. Starlitt tries to get to her feet and surge a folding pin but can’t. She then applies pressure pushing down on Kristiana’s face.
This could go either way.
Too close to the corner, the action is moved back to the center of the ring.
Kristiana continues to tighten those scissors and Starlitt continues to push that left forearm down on Kristiana’s face. Starlitt now slides here hands behind Kristiana’s neck and pulls the veteran closer to her own chest, applying pressure to the neck area and folding Kristiana.
Kristiana continues to squeeze and crank on those scissors.
The stalemate and pressure from both sides continues.
Can anyone break this stalemate?
The bell rings.
The match is over.
In a mild upset, Starlitt wins 1-0.
This was an incredible slow burn grind it out match from start to finish. What made this even more intense was the coaching and cheering from the audience. Both had their contingent. In the end Starlitt, encouraged by a live audience, refused to give in.
That is the power of the event era.
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OPENING PHOTO Femwin Top Stars photo, Editorial use, Screen shot