Beautiful Young Women, Older Men, The Dynamics Have Changed (2,300 words), El-Nariz-Shutterstock-photo-credit.
April 23, 2024,
The times, they are always changing.
For the better?
For the worse?
It depends upon who you ask.
The relationships and power dynamics between young to forty something women and older men have greatly changed.
We are going to share some real life experiences with you.
The following discussion will have mature themes so if that offends you, then you should not read further.
Franklin is one of our associate writers.
As we were relaxing at a coffee shop in San Francisco, people watching and soaking in the dynamics of city life, Franklin related how he felt that older men, in terms of value to beautiful women, have become virtually obsolete.
How so?
He shared with us how he enjoyed watching reruns of The Wild Wild West television series. All of their schedule.
The Wild Wild West is an American Western, espionage, and science fiction television series that ran on the CBS television network for four seasons from September 17, 1965, to April 11, 1969.
For those of you who don’t know, the show was developed at a time when the television Western was losing ground to the spy genre, this show was conceived by its creator, Michael Garrison, as “James Bond on horseback.”
Set during the administration of President Ulysses Grant (1869–1877), the series followed Secret Service agents James West (Robert Conrad) and Artemus Gordon (Ross Martin) as they solved crimes, protected the President, and foiled the plans of often, over the top, villains who demanded to take over part or all of the United States.
What Franklin noted in this series, and another famous westerns, like The Big Valley, was when the agents were often introduced to older powerful and financially successful men, their wives were incredibly young and beautiful, often flirting with handsome James West, and as often, about 20 years younger than their husbands.
Why do you think that was? Simple.
Women had less employment opportunities.
If the older westerns, across the television board were accurate, women were either shop keepers, wives on farms or saloon girls.
That’s about it.
So, if she could marry a successful wealthy man who could take care of her and her future children, he better be rich.
As we move up the timeline, many men of Franklin’s generation, who were in high school in the 50s through 70’s, had stay at home mothers, often younger than their college educated husbands.
That is not how we would describe today’s world.
What changed?
Many things but of all of the articles that FCI has written, this one stands out the most and ironically it was written over a decade ago. Here it is.
This is one of the key sections of the article. “The New York Times reported women have represented about 57 percent of enrollments at American colleges since at least 2000, according to a recent report by the American Council on Education. The gender imbalance is also pronounced at some private colleges, such as New York University, and Lewis & Clark in Portland, Oregon, and large public universities in states like California, Florida and Georgia. The College of Charleston, a public liberal arts college in South Carolina, is 66 percent female.
A 2005 USA Today article updated in 2010 cites as women march forward, more boys seem to be falling by the wayside. Not only do national statistics forecast a continued decline in the percentage of males on college campuses, but the drops are seen in all races, income groups and fields of study, says policy analyst Thomas Mortenson, publisher of the influential Postsecondary Education Opportunity newsletter in Oskaloosa, Iowa. Since 1995, he has been tracking and sounding the alarm about the dwindling presence of men in colleges reports The Burlington Free Press.
There are more men than women ages 18-24 in the USA, 15 million vs. 14.2 million, according to a Census Bureau estimate last year. But nationally, the male/female ratio on campus today is 43/57, a reversal from the late 1960s and well beyond the nearly even splits of the mid-1970s.”
In terms of finance, we think you can sense where this is going.
If you are not sure, here is what reported in November of 2021, “There’s a serious gender gap in higher education. And according to new findings from Pew Research Center, this gap only continues to widen. Women increasingly outpace men in college graduation and enrollment rates. According to the Wall Street Journal, men are dropping out of school at extremely high rates and have accounted for 71% of the enrollment decline at colleges and universities over the last five years.”
Simply put, young women are making their own money so they don’t need a man to take care of them.

Certainly not an older one.
Is that direct enough?
That was the financial part.
Now, for some physiology. Physical function.
Some would say that younger athletic men who work out at the gym are sexually stronger than say, a man in his sixties. Fair enough?
Franklin, of all people, is a writer and has a manuscript copyrighted in Washington D.C.
During his research he spoke with women and interviewed them about their sexual behavior and even he was surprised at what he found out.
It was extensive but we’ll be succinct.
Back in the Wild Wild West days, perhaps women performed sex to please their husbands.
Today, since many college educated women are making a good living and, even in their forties, look incredibly erotic, especially if they work out at the gym and they make it clear they participate in sex because they love it.
If they choose to have sex, Franklin found out that they overwhelmingly preferred to have sex with younger handsome virile males with staying power. They also liked having sex with more than one young man at a time.
It is not about marriage. The women have sex because they want to.
In their minds, what does an older man have to offer them that a young virile man can’t?
They don’t need his money.
They certainly don’t want his authoritative personality.
They are not as impressed with his performance compared to the younger male.
We recently read about a famous NCAA football coach who is recently divorced from his gorgeous blonde tanned fifty something wife.
She was cheating on him.
More than once.
Who with?
Handsome young athletic men. Yes, plural.
In the news, a famous religious husband and wife found themselves in a public scandal.
With her husband’s permission, the wife was sleeping with a younger athletic male. For years.
Franklin knew of one woman in her early fifties who was thick in all of the right places and worked out. She absolutely hated the bar scene and dating apps so she would travel from one gym to another to flirt with, date and have sex with various young men.
If she no longer wanted a relationship with the younger man, she would simply stop going to that particular gym and he would never see her again.
If she keeps her private life discreet and doesn’t talk about it to relatives, friends or co-workers, she can sleep with 15-20 young guys a year and no one would even know about it.
No judgements there, say like back in the 1950’s through seventies.
Then it gets personal.
Franklin has had two situations where he developed feelings for two young women who came on to him.
One situation was almost 20 years ago. He was 15 years older than her, then in his forties, and married. It didn’t work out but he still has feelings for her.
Has he tried to contact her again?
Absolutely not.
By now she is in her forties, obtained a Master’s degree and has a great job, making far more money than Franklin, she is blonde and still gorgeous, so why in the world would she want a relationship with a man in his sixties when she could have fun with younger stronger males in their 20s to 30s and not be judged for it?
What is your answer?
As far as intellectual enlightenment, please don’t go there. She can get that from the library.
She wants to have sex with young males, often more than one at a time, and live her life of power, control and money without a man telling her what to do.
The blonde beauty is not a Cougar. That is a Hollywood comedy term.
Cougars are predators.
She is not preying upon the young men.
She is a trader. Not traitor. Trader.
They are making a trade.
She is often curvy and gorgeous from having children and she knows what she wants. No need to play relationship games or use sex as a bargaining chip. No need to be shy about what she wants and that young alpha can deliver the goods.
Most important?
He doesn’t have to remotely marry her.
As the legendary singer Tina Turner once said, what’s love got to do with it?
In terms of contacting the younger blonde Franklin once knew, forget it. Life and time has passed him by on that one. That youthful ship has long sailed.
Then there is another one.
Another gorgeous blonde. Seriously folks.
Franklin was contracting out work with a company and this gorgeous thick blonde began flirting with him. She eventually asked him what he did for a living and he let her know he is primarily retired and writes for FCI.
Once she looked up the FCI website she smiled and related to Franklin that she was a body builder.
Franklin was stunned.
In today’s corporate environment, you absolutely do not stare or look at women you find attractive. This is the Me Too and accusation era.
It was as though for the first time Franklin really got a good look at her.
She was super sexy, as she flexed her biceps. Still, she was in her business attire.
Again (laughing hysterically), true story.
To speed this up, Franklin made her a strong offer to recruit women to wrestle for FCI, even splitting a membership website with her 50-50.
She was clearly interested at first, then abruptly backed off and started calling Franklin “sir” when they communicated.
Now, Franklin completely backed off and never brought the subject up again and barely spoke to her. He was jovial with all of the other employees but was extremely polite and formal with her, never letting his guard down again.
He could tell she was a little miffed by it and stopped calling him “Sir” and used his first name again.
Too late. Stay away from her. She’s trouble.
She was consistent with the other gorgeous blonde he knew in the past. They like to come on to nice guy types because they are in love with the idea of weaker males fawning all over them. As soon as the male starts to fall in love with them, they quickly back off.
They are not really attracted to him in that way.
They just like the idea of him being attracted to them.
In the first example, she was in love with a bad boy type who was openly sleeping with another man’s wife. She was crazy about him. Franklin once innocently walked by her desk and saw a picture of her and the bad boy type together. He looked nonchalant and she had her arms around him and was smiling from ear to ear like they just had some great sex.
Franklin got the point. That’s why he backed off of her too.
He is not going to settle for second or third best to blow up her ego.
And again, these type of women come on to Franklin first.
So, when his business with blonde number two’s company ended, Franklin thought he would never see her again. Never said good bye, just stopped talking to her, though he was absolutely crazy about her.
Oh well, such is life, he thought.
Franklin works out at the gym. Quite a bit.
One day he was working out at the gym and this gorgeous blonde, late thirties came walking by.
His eyes almost popped out. She looked so good. Better than 90 percent of the girls he sees at the gym. Who in the world is this babe?
Franklin began working out on a machine near her and to his absolute shock, who do you think it was?
That’s right, the body builder babe from the company he temporarily visited.
You can’t make this stuff up.
This time, no business attire. She was wearing tight booty shorts so her feminine tanned thick legs busted out of them. Yummy. Feminine is the operative word. She was thick from lifting weights but not muscular. She looked perfect. Gorgeous thick slightly muscular arms.
Did he say hello?
Of course not. That potential ship had already sailed.
She pretended not to know him and he pretended not to know her.
Why didn’t he remotely say hi?
Why in the world would a gorgeous babe date a guy in his 60’s? There were so many young muscular handsome men at that gym and she could sleep with any of them if she chose to. It was completely up to her.
Gorgeous corporate women like her have a lot of power these days.
It’s still The Wild Wild West, but the young beautiful financially successful women are now riding younger stallions.
So, what is Franklin to do?
Enjoy beautiful Session Providers. Young ones.
Fantasy only. Don’t ever ask for sex.
If Franklin stays in his lane, which he does, he can wrestle, spank and roll around with a gorgeous young Session Babe who looks just like those blondes. Worship that tanned feminine muscle. Gently touch those thick feminine thighs.
Once they get in the privacy of that hotel room, Franklin’s name is James West.
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