Amateur Women’s Wrestling Flavored In Spanish, Fatima Vs Ionela, Living Room Showdown, Shutterstock-Kamil-Macniak-photo-credit-Editorial-use
June 22, 2024,
For the love of the sport.
That is the rallying cry of the amateur. Especially in women’s competitive wrestling.
What is an amateur exactly?
An amateur is generally considered a person who pursues an avocation independent from their source of income. Amateurs and their pursuits are also described as popular, informal, self-taught, user-generated, DIY, and hobbyist.
Fairly wide ranging.
Historically, the amateur was considered to be the ideal balance between pure intent, open mind, and the interest or passion for a subject. That ideology spanned many different fields of interest. It may have its roots in the ancient Greek philosophy of amateur athletes competing in the Olympics. The ancient Greek citizens spent most of their time in other pursuits, but competed according to their natural talents and abilities.
We have seen so many beautiful women with natural talents and abilities who love to wrestle.
Surfing the videos for amateur indoor wrestling on YouTube is not based upon a new premise.
For those of who like to watch women wrestle, and we are legion, we have loved indoor female wrestling our whole lives.
The genre that we are fishing for here is indoor wrestling, amateur style that is typically not shot by a producer. If it is, we like to focus on some of the studios that made us feel like we were sitting mat side in a closed environment with a girl next door feel.
Thus with that description we are not speaking about cat fighting but true competitive amateur women going at it.
Your adult girlfriend, sister, cousin or friend.
You get the point.
We found a match off of the beaten path in Spain, we thought you would love.
FATIMA (In Black 22), IONELA (In Red 24)

What could be better? Two gorgeous young woman, Fatima 22 and Ionela at 24, wrestling in their one piece bathing suits in a producer’s living room.
As they begin, they are clear amateurs in their approach, which makes it even more exciting. They begin with upper hand grabbing and fighting with Ionela being the aggressor. Fatima is mostly backing up but she begins the first strike by taking Ionela down to the mats.
Fatima is perhaps a little more skilled as she immediately goes for a cross body pin. Beautiful Ionela struggles underneath, kicking her legs. This goes on for some time before we can hear an audible count which reaches five before Ionela gets her shoulders up.
The struggle continues.
Fatima is determined to stay up top and aggressively pushes Ionela’s shoulders back down to the mats. Several pin counts begin and Ionela continues to raise her shoulders, until she can’t. Ionela is finally counted out at ten. Fatima fires the first volley.
1-0 for Fatima (3:04).
Time to begin.
Previously, Ionela was grinning a lot. She’s not now. The two beauties begin with upper hand fighting again, trying to push backward. Ionela is the aggressive but in her quest to gain hand control, when she loses her grip, she keeps spinning around and giving up her back. Against more experienced wrestlers, that already would have been curtains. Fortunately for Ionela, Fatima is not at that level.
Or is she?
As they continue to engage, finally Ionela gives up her back one time too many and Fatima immediately grabs her by the left thigh and takes her down. The audience is surprised, but Ionela quickly gets back up.
They tussle again and Ionela gives up her back. Fatima grabs inside of Ionela’s thighs, lifts and takes her down. Most important, she now lands on top of her. Ionela wisely scissors Fatima’s left thigh to prevent a full mount. Fatima continues to lie on top of the gorgeous brunette and gently drives her right elbow into Ionela’s ribs.
Where will Fatima take it from here?
She rises up and begins to apply a school girl pin. Shades of Luzia the Great. Ionela pushes back and as she is being counted out, she keeps lifting her shoulder up. She has lost the scissor and is in trouble. She scrambles and squirms as Fatima elongates and flattens her out on her stomach. Fatima is completely in control.
Which direction will she take it from here?
The right direction.
Fatima slowly rolls Ionela closer to her body, inside of a strong scissors. She tightens her hold on the short haired beauty wrapping her within her arms. Then she squeezes hard and Ionela taps out.
2-0 for Fatima (5:42).
The bathing suit beauties circle one another with hand grab attempts. This time Ionela is more aggressive and even though she gives up her back, she reaches down, captures and lifts up on Fatima’s right leg, loses the grip but in the process, the two gorgeous girls fall to the mats. They roll around and in the elongated position, Fatima lies flat on her stomach with Ionela sitting on her back.
This is the best position Ionela has been in the entire match. The first time with a strong offensive advantage. What will she do with it?
The sweet girl in the red bathing suit has no idea what to do with her great advantage. What most would do is perform a chin lock on Fatima and, while lying on top of her, pull her chin backwards for a clear submission. The other option would be to twist one of her arms and flatten out on top of her to add body weight.
Ionela does neither, rolls Fatima as if to turn her over (why?) and Fatima escapes.
Fatima wastes no time in taking advantage of the situation. Once again she quickly clasps Ionela and captures her in a scissor. She pulls Ionela head and neck downwards for more leverage and squeezes mightily. Ionela manages to stave that off thus Fatima rolls her into a side body scissor, squeezes again and Ionela succumbs and taps out.
3-0 for the girl in the black bathing suit (6:48).
They circle once more.
Something has changed.
Fatima is one slippery character and Ionela can’t seem to get a grip on her. The beauty in red begins to complain about Fatima’s tactics. Fatima changes nothing. They keep circling and grabbing until Ionela quits in frustration. Her retirement is counted as a submission.
The match is over.
Fatima win 4-0.
Amateur women’s wrestling is so exotic and beautiful to watch, especially in a house setting like this.
With two girl next door types, here, clear amateurs, it is the best house warming party ever.
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OPENING PHOTO Shutterstock-Kamil-Macniak-photo-credit-Editorial-use