1980’s Stalker Babes You Wish Fixated On You (Oh The Music)

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March 14, 2023,
We know we shouldn’t feel this way.
But we do.
Their behavior can be completely crazy at times, but you know what?
We love their attention. Who are they?
It is those gorgeous 1980’s celluloid stalker psycho babes.
They are completely great looking.
And completely crazy.
Haven’t you wanted that experience at least once in your life? You probably would never admit to it publicly. Especially in front of judgmental female co-workers.
The gorgeous babe in the office keeps staring at you. Walks by your desk and flicks your ear. Doesn’t communicate much but she has a thing for you.
The women in the office don’t like her. At company lunches, when she is not present, they say how crazy she is. You remain silent. And you know what?
This crazy chick is growing on you.
You’re tempted but we suggest that you think twice about it.
We have some movies that may help you keep her boxed in fantasy land.
Here are a few. Watch them and learn.
History tends to repeat itself.
The sensational band Roxette sang about her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFNRh26TPmM
“Hold on tight, you know she’s a little bit dangerous
She’s got what it takes to make ends meet
The eyes of a lover that hit like heat
You know she’s a little bit dangerous”
Yeah, but she is so gorgeous.
She can’t be all that bad, right?
In the mesmerizing Miami Vice episode, Little Miss Dangerous, Tubbs almost found out the hard way.
The team at miamivice.fandom.com educates, “Little Miss Dangerous is the fifteenth episode of Miami Vice‘s second season. It premiered on January 31, 1986, and was rerun on July 18, 1986 and July 24, 1987. Jackie McSeidan and her boyfriend Cat work as S&M performers at Sex World, a club in Miami’s red light district. Jackie also does some prostitution on the side. After their latest performance, Jackie takes a sailor up on a $90 offer. During the action Jackie suddenly stabs the sailor to death, burns his clothes, and leaves behind a crayon-style drawing.”
Naturally, that would get the attention of two of Miami’s finest in Crockett and Tubbs.
Metro-Dade Lieutenant Martin Castillo calls in all available vice cops to do a prostitution sweep in an effort to stop the “crayon killer”, whom he suspects is a prostitute killing her johns.
As they investigate, our psycho babe, played by the completely wild and gorgeous Fiona Flanagan, becomes enamored with Ricardo, to his possible demise, but who can resist her charms.
This song by Public Image Ltd. – The Order Of Death (This is what you want… this is what you get – 1984) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8Ne9sRcSrM
For Tubbs, it’s the classic case of, I’m just doing my job, but you are so sexy, I can’t do my job.
That’s what happens when an absolutely sexy psycho babe falls for you.
Well, you know what we mean. Right?
Fiona Flanagan, known professionally as Fiona, is an American rock singer and actress, best known as the love interest in the 1987 Bob Dylan vehicle Hearts of Fire.
Even Bob Dylan couldn’t resist her.
Okay, ready for one more?
The first one was a brunette, next let’s focus on a gorgeous blonde.

Something Wild is a 1986 American action comedy film directed by Jonathan Demme, written by E. Max Frye, and starring Melanie Griffith, Jeff Daniels and Ray Liotta.
Here is the storyline.
Meet Charlie Driggs.
Our every day guy is a conventional yuppie investment banker who works in New York City.
After he leaves a greasy spoon diner without paying, a wildly dressed woman with a brunette bob who calls herself Lulu confronts him. Lulu offers Charlie a ride downtown but instead heads for New Jersey and throws his beeper from the moving car.
He doesn’t pay his bills, huh? Will he get what non-bill payers deserve?
He gets Lulu.
Lulu openly drinks liquor while driving and stops in a town to buy more. While Charlie phones his office, Lulu, unbeknownst to him, robs a liquor store.
Charlie claims the cash he is carrying is for his Christmas club account, but Lulu persuades him to pay for a room at a roadside motel.
Talk about falling for a psycho blonde. But it is so hard not to.
Once inside she handcuffs him to the bed.
She phones his boss and puts the receiver to his head while they are having sex, forcing him into an awkward conversation. Later Charlie pretends to phone his wife but Lulu is unaware that his marriage ended nine months ago.
A little cat and mouse on both sides.
After sharing a meal with Lulu at an Italian restaurant, Charlie realizes he is unable to pay with what little cash he has left.
What a dilemma.
Lulu leaves him with the check, forcing him to flee the restaurant to escape an angry chef who demands payment.
Did he get away with not paying the bill again?
After spending the night at a motel, Lulu and Charlie awaken to find a police officer and tow truck near the car she drove down an embankment and into a signpost the night before.
Lulu abandons the car and buys one from a sleazy used car dealer, leaving Charlie wondering where she got the money. He starts to enjoy Lulu’s free-wheeling lifestyle and realizes he is falling in love with her.
See what we mean? Could this happen to you? To us, you ask?
When we were much younger, yes.
As far as this tale goes, it gets even wilder.
She takes Charlie to her high school reunion, where a former classmate recognizes him as his office colleague. Audrey’s violent ex-convict husband, Ray Sinclair, also appears and makes clear that he wants her back.
What do you do now? Bolt for the exit?
You probably should but let’s face it. There is something very alluring about a beautiful psycho babe. She has way of calling you out as to what kind of man you are as opposed to the risk-taker you can be.
You only live once in this life. She made you feel more alive than you have in years.
This is why we love watching psycho babes on film.
You want them to go home with you, but when the movie ends, you’re really glad she went home with someone else.

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